“WARE, Frederick A.: Lawyer; s. Richard F. and Amelia F. (Klauberg) Ware; grad. G.P.S. No. 26, 1881 (pres. Graduate Ass’n); Coll. City of N.Y.; Columbia Law Sch., LL.B., 1887; m. N.Y. City, 1897, Evelyn Cervantes; children: Frederick K.C. b. 1900, Florence A., b. 1901, Richard Carroll, b. 1906.
Deputy Att’y general, 1900; counsel for the Hep Sing Tong. Mem. N.Y. B’d of Alderman, 11th Dist. 1895-97; chm’n Law Com. on Revison City Ordinances, 1899 Mem. Assembly 25th Dist., 1884-90. Mem. 7th Reg’t N. G. N.Y., 1898; 1st recruiting office established at his office in N.Y. City; enlisted in the 112th Reg’t., 1898. Director Ware Realty Co. Republican, Episcopalian. Mem. Lafayette Camp. Clubs: Republican, Madison Square Republican, Freeport, Edenia.
Country residence: Freeport, L.I., N.Y. Address: 271 Broadway, N. Y. City.”
Source: Who’s Who in New York (City and State), Vol. 4, by Lewis Randolph Hamersly, John William Leonard, Frank R. Holmes, L.R. Hamersly and Co., New York City, 1909, page 1345