“WARE, Alice Holdship (Mrs. Edward T. Ware),
Atlanta University, Atlanta, Ga.
Born Pittsburgh, Pa., 1872; dau. Henry and Maria (Irwin) Holdship; ed, private tutors, Capen School, Nothhampton, Mass; Smith Coll., non-graduate because of travel in Europe for several years; m. Pittsburgh, Pa., 1905, Edward Twichell Ware, pres. of Atlanta Univ.; children: Alexander, Henry Holdship. While in Pittsburgh was charter mem. and director of Twentieth Century Club and of the Civic Club of Allegheny Co.; was sec. for many years of Kingsley House Ass’n; organizer and officer of Tenement Improvement Co., Mem. Civic League, Gate City Free Kindergarten Ass’n, Drama League of America; chairman of the Negro Race Com. of the Anti-Tuberculosis Ass’n, Woman’s Alliance of Unitarian Church. Clubs: Atlanta Woman’s, hon. mem. Southern Ass’n of College Women, the Little Club (literary and dramatic). Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage; marched in N.Y. parade; belongs to only local suffrage organization, the Civic League.”
Source: Woman’s Who’s Who in America, Vol. 1, by John William Leonard, The American Commonwealth Co., New York, 1914-1915, page 854
Alice Holdship Ware directed a nativity pageant at the First Congregational Church of Montclair (NJ), December 1944. The newspaper clipping about this pageant has been posted to the website. http://firstcongmontclairhistory.blogspot.com/2013/09/1944-congregational-nativity-pageant.html
There are those who give much to their time to various organizations for the betterment and advancement of their peers and Alice is no exception. An exceptional lady I would say. Excellent article.
C. Wayne Ware
Cedar Falls, IA