“UPDEGRAFF, Alice Maxwell Lamb (Mrs. Milton Updegraff), 1719 Thirty-fifth St., Washington D.C.
Born Madison, Wis., 1863; dau, Frances Jones and Ellen (Ware) Lamb; ed. Univ of Wis., ILL.”84; M.L. ’85; special honors in German (me. Delta Gamma); m. Madison Wis., 1887 Milton Upedgraff; children: Helen, Mabel, Ruth. Ass’t astronomer in Washburn Observatory, 1885-87; ass’t astronomer in Observatorio Nacional, Cordoba, Argentine Republic, 1887-90. Presbyterian. Men. Ass’n of College Alumnae, D.A.R., Woman’s Army and Navy League.”
Source: Woman’s Who’s Who in America Vol. 1, by John William Leonard, The American Commonwealth Co., New York, 1914-1915, page 831