“WARE, Charlotte Barrell (Mrs. Robert Allison Ware).
The Warelands, Highland Lake Station, Norfolk, Mass.
Dairy farmer: b. New Bedford, Mass, May 11, 1862; dau. James Swan and Caroline (Burns) Barrell; ed. Cambridge public schools, classical dep’t high school, Boston Univ., B.A. ’85 (Phi Betta Kappa); mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma (Nat. pres. four years); m. Tamworth, N.H., Sept 14, 1895, Robert A. Ware of Boston, at farm of Prof Charles E. Fay of Tufts Coll. Teacher Cambridge Latin School, 1886-95; sec. (executive officer) Education Com. of Twentieth Century Club, 1886-1904; entered on dairy farming as profession. 1896-1905, and in 1909 began development of educational side of same. Director of Warelands Dairy School at farm, Highland Lake Station, Norfolk, Mass. Mem. Milk and Baby Hygiene Ass’n (Boston), Ass’n of Collegiate Alumnae, Boston branch; chairman Com. on Rural Education, Woman’s Educational and Industrial Union (formerly director and on various committees, now on Advisory Com. on Agriculture for their Appointment Bureau for Vocational Advising and Placing. Mem. Norfolk Middlesex Dairy Improvement Ass’n; sec. local organization connected with extension service of Mass. Agricultural Coll. Occasional contributor on agricultural and educational matters. Congregationalist (Trinitatian). Mem. Am. Ass’n for Study and Prevention of Infant Mortality. Mass. Dairyman’s Ass’n, Nat.Soc. for Promotion of Industrial Education, Am. Home Economics Ass’n, Soc. for Preservation of New England Antiquities. Recreations: Camping, horseback riding. Mem. College Club of Boston (one of organizers and vice-pres. several years). Social Education Club, Twentieth Century Club (Boston). ”
Source: Woman’s Who’s Who in America, Vol. 1, by John William Leonard, The American Commonwealth Co., New York, 1914-1915, page 854
I believe this family took dairying very seriously, were well educated and extremely active in public affairs. A well written article and informative.
C. Wayne Ware
Cedar Falls, IA