El Paso, Tex., Aug 14. — W.E. ROBINSON, mayor of El Paso lost his life at 9’oclock this morning while endeavoring to warn a number of firemen if imminent danger from a tottering wall.
At the same time TODD WARE, a fireman, was instantly killed and WILLIAM ROBINSON and DAVE SULLIVAN, also firemen, were injured, the latter perhaps fatally. The casualties follows a fire that broke out at 2 a.m. in the store of the Galisher Dry Goods company, and ruined it.
The fire had burned for nearly seven hours, and the unsafe condition of the wall so impressed Mayor ROBINSON, that he left the sidewalk and approached the building to instruct the firemen tot stop their work. As he approached the building a large portion of brick wall buckled and fell, crushing ROBINSON and WARE, knocking the other men down. MR. ROBINSON witnessed the accident from the sidewalk.
Conservative estimates place the loss by the fire at $225,000. All losses are covered by insurance. The origin of the fire is attributed to crossed wires in the basement, where the fire smoldered for over two hours before bursting into flames. A roomer, sleeping on the second floor, first smelt smoke and gave the alarm.
Nebraska State Journal Lincoln 1910-08-15”
Sometimes the lives of many brave men and women are taken from them by the carelessness of others; i.e. poor wiring, as in this case, careless smoking or by some other means. Unfortunately firefighters and law enforcement officers are usually on the front line of this. Not saying all fires are due to carlessness, but, sadly, some are.