”S. L. Ware, lumber and shingle manufacturer; postoffice, Sand Lake; was born in Columbiana Co., Ohio, April 19,1824. His parents, John and Sarah Ware, were natives of New Jersey and Pennyslvania, respectively, and settled in Ohio in 1812, and removed to Stark county in 1826. His father was a drover, and followed that business for 25 years. Our subject followed the same business from 1844 to ’56, also dealing in lumber, in which pursuits he was engaged up to April, 1870, when he came to Sand Lake and built the second steam saw-mill in the place. Mr. Ware married, September, 1844, Sarah J. Coats, who has had seven . children; of these five are living, viz.—Emmalissa, wife of Oilman Quier; Rosella, wife of Joseph Myers; Valerie, wife of ;Laurence K., married Adella Cullom; and Lloyd G. Mrs. W. was born in Stark Co., Ohio, January, 1825. Mr. Ware is a member of the Masonic Order, and is a Republican. He owns a farm of 300 acres in Nelson tp., and 70 acres in Pierson, Montcalm Co.”
Source: History of Kent County, Michigan, Chas. C. Chapman & Co., Chicago, 1881, page 1274