”New York, September 29, 1891.
General Wm, Sooy Smith,
Chairman Society of the Army of the Tennessee:
Dear General:—My official engagements are such that it makes it impossible for me to be present at the annual reunion of the Society on October 7th and 8th at Chicago. That it will be one worthy of the Society I have no doubt.
The unveiling of the statue of our first commander, General U. S. Grant, will surely fill the ranks of all that can be with you.
One that has hardly missed presiding over our meetings since the death of General John A. Rawlins, will be absent. But the name of General Wm. T. Sherman will always be identified with the Society of the Army of the Tennessee.
My heart is with you all, and I remain, dear General,
Your old comrade,
Addison Ware.”
Ware, Addison, Brevet-Lieutenant-Colonel, U. S. Barge Office, Battery, New York, N. Y.
Reference Data:
Report of the Proceedings of the Army of Tennessee, at the 21st Meeting, Held at Toledo, Ohio, Sept. 5th and 6th, 1888, by the Society, 1893, pages 399 and 577