”In the winter of 1841, Ebenezer Jones and wife, members of the Congregational Church, became interested in Methodism as they saw its workings in Marlow, under the pastoral labors of the Revs. H. Nutter and C. H. Eastman, consequently they were invited to come and hold meetings in the South Acworth schoolhouse, which was accordingly complied with. …
At the close of the meeting an appointment was left for Rev. A. Quimby, who found the house full to overflowing. The revival interest continued to deepen and increase until it was thought advisable to establish Methodist preaching, which was done in 1842, by annexing Acworth to Marlow circuit, and appointing Revs. H. Nutter and C. H. Eastman to the pastoral care of the two churches. During this year a class was formed by Rev. H. Nutter, consisting of the following persons, viz.: Susanna Ware, … Mrs. Hannah Ware, …Susanna Ware, …”
Reference Data:
History of Acworth: With Proceedings of the Centennial Anniversary, by john Leverett Merill, 1869, page 160