"Miss W. Ware Killed In Car Accident Sunday Miss Ware Was For Some Time Connected With Law Firm In Winnfield Funeral services for Miss Winsome Ware, 30 years old, who was killed when her car collided with another at a street intersection, Alexandria, Sunday, were held from the residence of her father, the Rev. E. O. Ware, Baptist minister, Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The cortege was one of the largest ever seen in Alexandria, according to newspaper reports. Miss Ware was one of the first women to receive a law degree from the Louisiana State University. She was a prominent member of the Alexandria bar. Several years ago Miss Ware was connected with Moss and Peters, under the firm name of Moss, Peters, and Ware, attorneys. The firm was later dissolved and Miss Ware returned to Alexandria. Formal charges of manslaughter were filed against M. Koblen, Alexandria jeweler, following the death of Miss Ware. It was alleged that Koblen's negligence was responsible for the automobile accident in which Miss Ware incurred injuries that led to her death an hour later. Miss Ware's mother and sister, Mrs. W. L. Wharton, and two children, of Baton Rouge, were in the car at the time of the accident. Mrs. Ware is in an Alexandria hospital suffering from painful injuries. Mrs. Wharton and children incurred only minor bruises." Source: August 22, 1929 Winn Parish Enterprise, Submitted by Greggory E. Davies, 120 Ted Price Lane, Winnfield, LA 71483, Winn Parish, LA., GenWeb Archives