Rachel Bell Ware, Obituary, 1867

Ware, Rachel Bell – Funeral services were held Monday
at the home of Ben Ware of East Main Street for Mrs.
W. H. Ware.  The services were conducted by Rev. I. B.
Ballmer of the Ruby Avenue Congregational Church of 
Kansas City, Kansas, he having been a former pastor of
the family in Michigan.  The Ware family came to Arkansas
from Michigan nine years ago and for several years were 
engaged in apple raising at Condit and near Fairmount,
where the deceased had a large circle of friends.  Rachel
Bell, daughter of Thomas and Sarah Bell, was born at 
Penrith, England, October 13, 1867 and died at Gentry, 
Arkansas July 16, 1926, aged 58 years, 9 months and 3 days.
The deceased was married to W. H. Ware at Morenci, Michigan
December 31, 1889.  To this union five children were born,
three of whom died in infancy.  She is survived by her 
husband, W. H. Ware, and two sons, Ivan Ware, a member of
the Wichita, Kansas Fire Department and Lisle Ware, a 
building contractor of Covington, KY."

Source: Hillsdale-Lenawee County MI Archives Obituaries, 
File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Pat McArthur
February 15, 2008

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