"A.H. Thompson died at Orlando, Fla., at noon Friday after a short illness. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Mable Ware Thompson; four daughters, Misses Florence, Inez, Mildred and Katherine; two sons, Marvin of Houston, Tex., and Hubert of West Palm Beach; one brother, J.M. Thompson, of Williamson, Ga.; two sisters, Mrs. W.J. Reeves of Atlanta and Mrs. Jessie Millner of Williamson, and his father, James S. Thompson of Williamson. The remains will arrive over the Atlantic Coast Line at 1:40 o'clock this afternoon and funeral services conducted by Rev. John S. Wilder, pastor of Calvary Baptist Temple, will take place at 3 o'clock at the Fox and Weeks chapel. The body will be sent over the Central of Georgia tonight at 9 o'clock to Williamson, where interment will take place." Source: Savannah Morning News, January 30, 1927 MORTUARY A.H. Thompson, Orlando Fla., USGenWeb Archives by: Judy Kilgore JodieK444@aol.com January 23, 2008