Jane Nutt 23 Oct 1847 I have heretofore given my grandson John Nutt a negro man named Green and $600 in money, making $1100 for which I hold his note & obligation; I hereby direct that note and obligation given to him. To each of my other grandchildren; Mary Jane Ware, sarah Jane Kimbrough, Margaret Ann Kimbrough, Martha M. Kimbrough, Jesse William Kimbrough, John W. Colbert, James F. Colbert, Nathaniel N. Colbert and Sarah Ann Colbert, and my daughter Margaret M. Colbert, I have likewise heretofore given in property and money $1100. My land in this county containing 550 acres, my two negroes Nancy and Green, and my other property to be sold and divided between the following persons that may be alive at the time of division: My grandchildren John Nutt, Mary Jane Ware, Sarah J. Kimbrough, Margaret Ann Kimbrough, Martha M. Kimbrough, Jessee William Kimbrough, John W. Colbert, James F. Colbert, Nathaniel N. Colbert, Sarah Ann Colbert and daughter Margaret M. Colbert. Executor: my son-in- law Sanders W. Colbert. Witnes: Jane (x) Nutt. Witness: Jno. Sanders, Kintchen Strickland, L--- Colbert. Rec’d 8 Oct 1857. Source: Page 118, Madison County, GA, Will Book B 1841- 1865 (Part 1) Submitted by Jeanne Arguelles - ejarguelles@msn.com 1 October 2001 - updated 18 September 2002