Mary Wilma Ware Obituary, 1934

“In the flower of young girlhood Miss Wilma Ware, 17 year old high school senior at Kings Mountain, was claimed suddenly by death at the home of her grandparents last night at eight o’clock.
The cause of Miss Ware’s death is unknown, although she had been complaining for some time of a severe headache.
Funeral services will be held at Bethlehem church.
Miss Ware was the daughter of H. Frank Ware who survives her with one brother, Leonard Ware, and one sister, Katherine Ware. Her mother died four years ago.
Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Barber and paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Ware of Kings Mountain.
A popular member of the senior class and a regular attendant at the First Baptist church and Sunday school, Miss Ware leaves a host of friends and acquaintances.”

Source:  FndAGrave

Elizabeth  Record added: Aug 19, 2009


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