George Perry Washington Ware (1843 – 1918)

George Perry Washington Ware
Added by: Samuel Paul De Luca

A keen sense of responsibility and thoroughness in the discharge of the many sided duties which have lined his long avenue of life, have given G. W. Ware, of McAlister, Oklahoma, who for many years was a resident of Schuyler County, a permanent place among men of endurance, courage and long usefulness. G. W. Ware is a native of Ohio, and was born at Port Homer in Jefferson County, Ohio on July 26, 1843. In speaking of his life, while here on a visit recently. “Perry” as his is better known, said, “I came with my parents to Illinois in April 1853. The trip was by boat. We left Port Homer on a boat down the Ohio River and landed at St. Louis and reshipped there on a boat called Cataract, which plied on the Illinois River. The boat was a stern-wheeler and carried passengers and freight. We landed at Sharp’s Landing. My father got a man by the name of George Stambaugh to haul us to Vermont. The family consisted of father and mother and six children, I being the oldest of the children.’Father farmed the old Joseph Hamer farm, remaining there four years, after which we removed to McDonough County, where we stayed but a short time, removing to Frederick, at which place on May 3, 1864, I enlisted in the army, in Company K, 77th Illinois Infantry. I went to Quincy to Camp Wood, was mustered in there and took a boat at that place for Memphis, Tennessee, arriving there about the 12th day of May, 1864. I principally did guard duty at that place. We engaged in a battle with the Forrest Cavalry. I remained at Memphis until September 23, 1864, when I took a boat for Camp Butler, Illinois, where I was discharged. I then returned to Frederick, Illinois, my home.’  ‘In October 1868 I entered the employ of Farwell and Company, who, at that time conducted a large general store at Frederick. They also carried on an immense pork packing business in the winter months. This firm did an extensive business, spending from four or five thousand dollars for hogs. They bought hogs from a distance of twenty miles around. Hogs at that time were all driven to market. They slaughtered all of the hogs bought, killing from three hundred to three hundred and fifty head every afternoon, after hanging them all night, they were cut up in the forenoon of the following day into mess pork, sugar cured hams, etc. The entire amount of pork butchered, which amount in my opinion amounted to almost a million dollars, was held by the firm until Spring, at which time it was shipped by boat to St. Louis. the firm continued business for a period of almost fifteen years, up until 1874 when they broke up. their failure was due to the firm going the security of I. V. Dutcher and Company of St. Louise, who went broke’   ‘Frederick at that time was a thriving little town, but after the Farwell’s broke up, it gradually went down. After I was thrown out of a position, I moved to Sheldon’s Grove, where I engaged in the merchantile business. I conducted a store at that place for several years, selling out to Joseph Meredith of Perry, Illinois. From there I went to Bader and went into business with A. F. Snyder, who is now engaged in the shoe business in Astoria. I remained in Bader for five years. After selling out there, I located at McAlister, Oklahoma where I engaged in the hardware and grocery business, continuing for some time. In 1898 I returned to Bader where I remained for four years, but did not engage in any business. I returned to McAlister, where I have resided since, having followed truck gardening.’  ‘My first wife was Alice Dunlap. She was born at Frederick. We were married February 3rd, 1870. To us were born five children, namely: W. B. Ware of near Pleasantview, Mrs. Myrtle Teater of McAlister, Oklahoma, Lee Ware of Davenport, Iowa, Mrs. Lillian Trimmer of Bader, Joseph Ware of Quincy. My wife died June 30, 1883, while we resided at Sheldon’s Grove.’  ‘My second marriage occurred on the 24th day of November 1885, to Miss Sarah Spradlin of Parson, Kansas, who still survives to help share life’s burdens.’  ‘Religiously, I am a Methodist. I was converted to that faith at Sheldon’s Grove on January 8th, 1878, under the preaching of Rev. Herndon – deceased.’ May Mr. Ware and his estimable wife live long and happily together, is the sincere wish of the Argus-Searchlight.


Source: Find A Grave

Created by: MillieBelle
Record added: Jul 27, 2006
Find A Grave Memorial# 15060056




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