“Mr. Ware died Nov. 4, 1940 at him home about five miles south of Haynesville, La. Mr. Ware had been in ill health for several years, and for the past few weeks he had been gradually growing weaker, and his passing had been expected. He was the son of Thomas Crate and Mary Smith Ware and was born and reared in this community. For a number of years he was connected with Ware Bros. a mercantile establishment here but since the closing of that business, he had been in ill health. He is survived by his widow Ruth Owen Ware and the following brothers and sisters, Mrs. Denzil Kendrick, Mrs. Leland Kendrick, Mrs. Virgil Kendrick. Miss Margie and Gladys Ware, Seldon Ware, Chester, P. C. and J. O. Ware.”
Source: FindAGrave
Margaret Record added: Apr 17, 2004