“Howard Shelton Ware, for some time superintendent of distribution for the Brownwood district of the Texas Power & Light Company, has been promoted to the position of manager for his company in the Palestine district, and will leave Wednesday to begin the duties of his new post, it was announced today by W. P. Murphey, manager of the Brownwood district.
Mr. Ware is one of the veterans of the electric utility service here, having begun his service in 1906 with the Brownwood Gas & Electric Company, which was purchased by the Texas Power & Light Company in 1912, and in 1916 was made superintendent at Comanche which position he filled until the year 1921, when he was transferred back to Brownwood, at which time he was made superintendent of distribution having charge of distribution systems in Brownwood, Blanket, Comanche, Dublin and Stephenville.
Mr. Ware is one of Brownwoood’s leading citizens, having been active in all community projects and the church work, and being a deacon in the First Baptist Church.”
Source: The Brownwood Bulletin, June 22, 1925, Brownwood Texas, pg 4, col. 5
Barbara Ware Record added: Jan 06, 2011