MRS. MARY PADEN WARE, 71, of Memphis, retired court reporter, died Thursday night after a long illness. Services will be at 10 a.m. Monday at Memphis Funeral Home Union Chapel with burial in Memorial Park. She worked for a time during World War II at MacDill Air Force Base, Fla., and later was a legal secretary and court-martial reporter at Memphis Naval Air Station at Millington. About 1949, she went into private practice and continued until a few years ago when health problems limited her work. Mrs. Ware, the widow of William Clayton Ware, an Air Force veteran assigned to B17s, leaves a son, William Paden Ware of Memphis; a brother, Porter Franklin Paden Jr., of Elsa, Texas, and a granddaughter.
Source: Commercial Appeal, The (Memphis, TN) — Sunday, May 12, 1991