- "Alias" Ware Forger
- A. A. Ware, Raymond Excursion Party
- A. C. Ware to Sell Farm
- A. C. Ware Arrested Desperado
- A. C. Ware Confirmed
- A. C. Ware Injured inn Cyclone Storm
- A. C. Ware of Bryan, Texas Writes Dr. Hartman
- A. E. Ware Back from 10 Day Motorcycle Trip
- A. H. Ware's Dogs Score in Field Trials
- A. H. Ware's Dogs Take Trials
- A. H. Ware's Dogs Win at Rappahannock Field Trials
- A. H. Ware's Pointer, Bea
- A. H. Ware's Setter Places Third
- A. J. Ware Esquire to Judge Prison Guard
- A. J. Ware's Shop Destroyed by Fire
- A. K. Ware Advocates Publicity of Newspaper Ownership
- A. K. Ware Attacks Republicans
- A. K. Ware Elected Evening Chairman of Republican County Committee
- A. K. Ware Introduces Bill About Saloons
- A. K. Ware Introduces Bill Prohibiting Breweries
- A. K. Ware Proposes Admendment to Schools Bill
- A. K. Ware Withdraws His Bills
- A. K. Ware's Brewers Bill is Killed
- A. M. Ware Fighting for Life
- A. M. Ware Was Shot in Self-Defence
- A. S. Ware Transfer of Real Estate
- A. Ware, Police Chief, Follows Every Clue
- Aaron Convicted; Fined
- Abner H. Ware Appointed Justice of the Peace
- Ada Ware Assualted
- Addison Ware Abscondes with $70,000
- Addison Ware Arrested
- Addison Ware Arrives in Springfield to Explain Conduct
- Addison Ware Gone to Californai
- Al Ware Advertisement
- Al Ware Has Fine Nugget
- Al Ware Went to Camp Whitcomb
- Alan Ware Obituary, 2001
- Albert Ware and Geneva Belle Ware Vicims, Fort Wayne, IN Area Tornado, Mar 1920 - Eighteen Dead
- Alzada Ware Drowns
- Andres C. Ware Arrrested for Holdup
- Andrew F. Ware Pastry Cook, Birdsal Hotel, Oskaloosa, Iowa
- Andrew Ware Murdered for Revenge
- Andrew Ware Not Leaving Oskaloosa, Iowa
- Ann B. Ware Marries Accused Bigamist
- Ann Ware Chosen May Queen
- Anna Ware Badly Bruised in Auto Accident
- Anna Ware Make Desperate Leap to Freedom
- Anna Ware Rescued from Indians
- Anna Ware, Mother of "Gift of God" Baby
- Anthony Ware Top Candidate for WSU Athletic Director
- Archdeacon Ware
- Artemus Ware Writes to Betsey
- Arthur L. Ware Incorporator of Acup Creek Coal Co.
- Arthur Ware Designs Monument
- Arthur Ware Wins Columbia Fellowship Award
- Ashur Ware Accident
- Ashur Ware Accused
- Ashur Ware and Judge Preeble
- Ashur Ware and Judge Preeble Running for Election
- Ashur Ware and Ware Block
- Ashur Ware Appointed to Examine Condition of Banks
- Ashur Ware Attacked by Lincoln Telegraph
- Ashur Ware Attacked for Comments on Bank of the Metropolis, Washington
- Ashur Ware Becomes A Federalist
- Ashur Ware Chosen Judge of the District Court
- Ashur Ware Chosen President of Exchange Bank
- Ashur Ware Chosen Secretary of State
- Ashur Ware Comments on Case
- Ashur Ware Comments on President Jackson's Re-Election
- Ashur Ware Decision on Duty of Steamboat Navagators
- Ashur Ware Demands Reply
- Ashur Ware Denies Statements
- Ashur Ware Fomer Editor of the Argus
- Ashur Ware Has Little to Do
- Ashur Ware Made No Such Application
- Ashur Ware Memoralized
- Ashur Ware Officious in Bringing About Bargain
- Ashur Ware On Becoming a Federalist
- Ashur Ware Orders Discharge of Sailors
- Ashur Ware Petition Presented
- Ashur Ware Portrait Hangs in Admiralty Court Room
- Ashur Ware Praised by Phi Beta Kappa
- Ashur Ware Reports on Protland Antheneum
- Ashur Ware Resigns as Bank Commissioner
- Ashur Ware Rules on The Brig Watchman Case
- Ashur Ware Salary
- Ashur Ware Sentences Mail Robber
- Ashur Ware Shown Appreciation on Retirement
- Ashur Ware Struck by Icicle
- Ashur Ware to Deliver Oration Before Phi Bets Kappa Society
- Ashur Ware Voted the Tory Ticket
- Ashur Ware's Letter Regarding Mr. Noyes
- Ashur Ware, $5 Bills of Exchange Bank are in Circulation
- Ashur Ware, Director of Casco Bank
- Ashur Ware, Letter to the Publishers of the Portland Advertiser
- Ashur Ware, One of the Leaders of the Jackson Party
- Ashur Ware, President Androscoggin and Kennebec Railroad
- Ashur Ware, President Bank of Cumberland
- Ashur Ware, President of Portland Atheneum
- Ashur Ware, Secretary of the Navy
- Ashur Ware, Settlement to Heirs for Damages
- Ashur Ware, US District Court Judge for Maine Resigns
- B. F. Ware Arrested for Larceny
- B. F. Ware to Build Garage
- B. S. Ware, Bank Robber
- B. W. Ware Lodge Committee Resolution
- Belford Ware Drowns
- Ben or Suart Ware Shoot Brother-in-Law
- Benjamin Thomas Ware Dies in Car Accident
- Benjamin Ware Leaves for Kansas
- Bennie Ware, Dallas, TX Orphans Home Fire, Jan. 1897
- Bernard H. Ware Killed in Auto Accident
- Bert Ware Injured in Fight
- Billy Dan Ware Discharged
- Billy Ware Among Those Charged with Larceny
- Billy Ware Involved in Kidnapping Plot
- Billy Ware Severely Lashed
- Billy Ware Whipped to Extract Confession
- Billy Ware, Top Pitcher
- Bob Ware Bites Off Nose
- Boliver Ware Captured
- Boyce Ware Shot Four TimesState
- Boyd Ware, Morgantown, WV (near) Mine Explosion, Jan. 1933
- Brewer Ware, Newcomer Pitcher
- Brian Lee Ware: Plaistow soldier dies in Rt. 125 car crash
- Bruce Ware, Left Fielder From Franklin
- C. A. Ware Case Before the Southern Claims Commission
- C. A. Ware Elected Mayor
- C. A. Ware To be Nominated Mayor, Alexandria, Virginia
- C. B. Ware, Forger
- C. E. Ware Member of Harrisburg Club
- C. E. Ware Visiting
- C. M. Ware Poll Tax Indictments Quashed
- C. P. Ware Attending Railway Clerks Convention
- C. T. Ware Jr. of Fort Worth, TX
- C. W. Ware Charged with Unlawful Payment of Poll Taxes and Jailed Awaiting Payment of $5,000 Bond
- C. W. Ware Jailed in Texas
- C. W. Ware of Iowa Celebrated in Colorado
- Caleb Ware Tells a Whopper
- Calhoun Ware on Trial
- Callie Ware Returns to Hutchinson Kansas
- Cameron Brandice Ware Shot at His Mother's House
- Candy Vendor, Charles Wesley Ware
- Capt. A. E. Ware Retired
- Capt. H. A. Ware Damage Suit; For the Defendant
- Capt. Harrison Ware Again Meets Foe
- Capt. Isaac P. Ware Ordered Before A Retiring Board
- Capt. J. G. Ware Bestowed Company's Pennat
- Capt. John A. Ware's Pet Deer Attacks Child
- Capt. Joseph H. Ware and the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Fire February 8, 1865
- Capt. Leo J. Ware Accused in "White Cap" Murders
- Capt. Leo J. Ware Arrested
- Capt. Roy Ware Resigns
- Capt. Roy Ware Will Reorganize Militia
- Capt. William F. Ware to Command
- Carl V. Ware Elected Team Captain
- Carl Ware Arrested for Stealing Bicycle
- Carl Ware Shot and Killed
- Carolyn Ware, 76, had flair for decorating, gardening
- Carrick Ware, Sanitary Inspector
- Carrie Ware Visting
- Chaplin C. H. Ware Asked to Resign
- Charles A. Ware , "Campaign Association" for Mr. Lincoln
- Charles A. Ware Fatally Shot
- Charles C. Ware Convicted at Mock Court
- Charles E Ware Sentence Commuted
- Charles E. Ware & Co., Publisher
- Charles E. Ware & Frank Ware Incorporators Wisconsin Assoc. of Chi Psi Fraternity
- Charles E. Ware Disappears
- Charles E. Ware Printing Office Fire
- Charles Edward Ware, Concernig Letter No.3
- Charles Edward Ware, Concerning Letter No. 1
- Charles Edward Ware, Concerning Letter No.2
- Charles Edward Ware, Concerning Letter No.4
- Charles F. Ware, Collingswood, NJ Horse Accident, Jul 1898
- Charles J. Ware Found in Buffalo
- Charles J. Ware Sought
- Charles J. Ware to Leave for Vancounver Barracks
- Charles M. Ware Buys Ranch
- Charles M. Ware Shot in Oklahoma
- Charles P. Ware Florida, 1958
- Charles T. Ware Exonerated
- Charles T. Ware Fatally Shot Friend
- Charles V. Ware White-Water Race Chairman
- Charles Ware Appointed Consul of the United States
- Charles Ware Elected Treasurer, Cecropia Literary Society
- Charles Ware En Route to Dayton, Ohio
- Charles Ware Escaped From Jail
- Charles Ware Killed by Civil War Shell
- Charles Ware Murderer Imprisoned
- Charles Ware Sells The Markesan Herald
- Charles Ware to Retire
- Charles Ware Tries to Save University Student
- Charles Ware, Policeman, Murdered
- Charles Wesley Ware Credits His Success to Funny Looking Hats
- Charley Ware Is Discharged
- Charlotte Ware Staring in Two-Reeler
- Chester Ware Charge Dismissed
- Children of LT. Bruce Ware
- Clarence Ware Looses Left Eye
- Claude N. Ware Awarded Damages
- Claude Ware Attempts to Ascend in Balloon
- Claude Ware Graduates Middletown High School
- Cliff Ware, Narrowly Escaping Death
- Clifton Isaac Ware Enlists in Navy Reserve
- Clifton Ware Encourages Uncle to Become Hog Breeder
- Col. D. W. Ware Appointed Superintendent Yellowstone National Park
- Col. D. W. Ware Understands His Business
- Col. Edwin T. Ware vs. The State
- Col. J. W. Ware to Receive Visit from President Tyler
- Col. James T. Ware and Daughter Visiting in Versailles, Kentucky
- Col. James T. Ware Speaks to Tulsa Auto Club
- Col. Josiah W. Ware Elected President of the Valley Agricultural Society
- Col. Josiah W. Ware Entertains the President of the United States
- Col. Josiah W. Ware Recommended for Sheriff
- Col. Josiah W. Ware to Entertain President Tyler
- Col. T. E. Ware Resigns
- Corp. Harry H. Ware, Top Bowler, Dies in War
- Coy Ware Helps Kill Wolf in Office Building
- Dad Ware, Escaped Convict Burned to Death
- Dan Ware Charged with Murder
- Dan Ware Sells Idaho Bar
- Dan Ware Struck by Unknown Assailant
- Daughter of Jacob Ware Dies of Snake Bite
- Daughter of Levi P. Ware, Committed Suicide, 1886
- David C. Ware Arrested
- David C. Ware Found Guilty of Reckless Driving
- David Curtis Ware Awarded Belgian Cross
- David Ware Arrested
- David Ware at Picnic Held Up by Desperados
- David Ware Confession
- David Ware Found Guilty
- David Ware Not Entitled to Clemency
- David Ware Trial Suddenly Halted
- David Ware's Trial
- David Ware, Old New York Offender
- Della Ware Opposes Woman's Suffrage
- Delores M. Ware Found Not Guilty
- Delores M. Ware Pleads Guilty to Bank Robbery
- Deloyd Ware Working in Los Angeles
- Don Ware Hospitalized After Train Collision
- Donaldsonville, LA Steamer YALABUSHA Disaster, Feb. 1848
- Dr. A. H. Ware Leaves for Service
- Dr. Caroline F. Ware, Defense of Chain Stores
- Dr. Catesby Ware Studies Sleep Disorders at Norfolk General Hospital Center
- Dr. E. M. Ware to Suceed Dr. Strader
- Dr. H. H. Ware President of Medical College of Virginia
- Dr. H. Hudnall Ware Jr. Advertisment
- Dr. H. Hudnall Ware Jr. Honored
- Dr. H. Hudnall Ware Jr. to Be Honored
- Dr. H. Hudnall Ware Jr. to Lecture on Birth Control
- Dr. H. Hudnall Ware Jr., Re-Elected President of Virginis League of Planned Parenthood
- Dr. H. Hudnall ware To Be President of MCV Alumni Association
- Dr. Harry A. Ware Killed at Miami Air Show
- Dr. Harry Hudnall Ware, Jr. Saves Lives of Newborns
- Dr. J. E. H. Ware's Barn Burns
- Dr. J. M. Ware and Others Inspect Tire Plant
- Dr. J. T. Ware's Family Guests of Mrs. Alice Ware
- Dr. James H. Ware Dies in Greenville
- Dr. James T. Ware Buys Drug Store
- Dr. Joe T. Ware on Trial for Murder
- Dr. John Ware Recites Poem in Boston
- Dr. John Ware Studies Effects of Animal-Magnetism
- Dr. John Ware's Death
- Dr. Joseph T. Ware Talks About Mexican Refugees
- Dr. M. Ware Accused of Insulting Hon. R. P. Natwick
- Dr. R. B. Ware Explains Peril of Kissing
- Dr. Stephen Ware Testifies Regarding Dog Bite
- Dr. T. E. Ware Oration
- Dugua Ware Applies for Hoestead
- E. A. Ware Advertising Bids for New Road
- E. Carl Ware to Speak at Convention
- E. E. Ware Co-Writes Bulletin About Paint
- E. F. Ware "Mighty Busy"
- E. F. Ware May Have Found Nephew Charley McComas
- E. F. Ware Story
- E. J. Wares Celebrate Anniversary
- E. L. Ware Nominated fro Congress
- E. M. Ware Nominated in Florida
- E. N. Ware Resigns As Railroad Agent
- E. R. Ware Burglarized
- E. T. or C.T. Ware Dies of Consumption
- Earl Ware Slain In Cell
- Ed P. Ware Returns to Jonesboro
- Ed Ware Case Discharged
- Ed Ware Hurt
- Ed Ware Plays Part in Sherlock Holmes
- Ed Ware Taken to Insane Asylum
- Ed Ware, Paducah KY
- Ed. Ware Escapes After Killing Beatrice Wiliams
- Ed. Ware Found Guilty
- Ed. Ware Leaves for Memphis
- Ed. Ware Sued on Charges of Bastardy
- Edmund Ware Elected Junior Grand Warden
- Edmund Ware Esq. Elected Major-General
- Edward D. Ware Looking for Land
- Edward G. Ware and Others Arrested for Selling Wood Alcohol
- Edward J Ware Sued Over Tttle Rights
- Edward Lee Ware Takes Plunge in Ice Covered Sycamore
- Edward P. Ware, Writer in Kansas City
- Edward Twichell Ware Pamphlet
- Edward Ware Burns to Death in N. P. Wreck
- Edwin Alonzo Ware
- Edwin M. Ware Sues City
- Edwin M. Wares Brings Suit Against Seminary
- Elect Charles P. Ware
- Elias Ware Elected
- Elias Ware Elected Maryland Legislature Speaker of the House
- Elias Ware, Speaker of the House
- Eliza Ware and J G Ware, Mexico, Missouri Tornado May 27, 1896
- Eliza Ware Killed in Tornado
- Elizabeth L. Ware Returns to Duties as Dean
- Elizabeth Ware Perfoms "Sweet Pickles" at Ladies Auxiliary Show
- Elizabeth Ware To Take a Leave of Absence
- Elmer G. Ware Enrolls at Emporia Business College
- Elmer Hess Ware Killed in Mine Cave-In
- Elsie B. Ware, Mack Sennett Beauty
- Elward Ware Burned to Death in Railroad Accident
- Emma F. Ware, Proposition Regarding Women's Education
- Emma Ware on Honor Roll
- Emmett Lee Ware of Mineral Wells, TX
- Erasmus Ware Excused from Jury
- Essie M. Ware Joins Victory Club
- Ethel Alice Ware, Mary Isabel Ware and Willaim Albert Ware Among Six Killed Here Monday When Train Strikes Car, 1938
- Eufene F. Ware Resigns
- Eugen F. Ware to Deliver Address at Gettysburg
- Eugene F Ware's Pension Report to be Circulated
- Eugene F. Ware Allows Limited Access to Pension Information
- Eugene F. Ware and the Speech That Was Never Delivered
- Eugene F. Ware Asks Congress for $1,500,000
- Eugene F. Ware at the World's Fair
- Eugene F. Ware at Western Writers' Association Reception
- Eugene F. Ware Barres Pensions for Convicts
- Eugene F. Ware Barrs Criminals from Pensions
- Eugene F. Ware Blocks Public Knowledge of Pensions
- Eugene F. Ware Buys Home In Topeka
- Eugene F. Ware Calculates Pension Payments
- Eugene F. Ware Caught in Topeka Floods
- Eugene F. Ware Challenges Constitiutionality of Act of Congress
- Eugene F. Ware Comment
- Eugene F. Ware Comment to Mark Twain
- Eugene F. Ware Comments on Roads in Kansas
- Eugene F. Ware Comments on Women
- Eugene F. Ware Confronts the "Washington Post"
- Eugene F. Ware Criticised by G. A. R.
- Eugene F. Ware Declares He Did Not Rob Uncle Sam
- Eugene F. Ware Declines Position of the Bench
- Eugene F. Ware Denies Charges of Violation
- Eugene F. Ware Dies Suddenly in Colorado
- Eugene F. Ware Discloses States Which Are Chief Beneficiaries
- Eugene F. Ware Donates to Library
- Eugene F. Ware Explains Position
- Eugene F. Ware Goes to Charleston
- Eugene F. Ware Has Many Troubles
- Eugene F. Ware Has Visit from Old Comrade
- Eugene F. Ware Honors General Hudson
- Eugene F. Ware Increases Pensions for Old Soldiers
- Eugene F. Ware Investigated Woman's Marriages
- Eugene F. Ware Investigates Pensioner
- Eugene F. Ware is Against the Isthmus Canal
- Eugene F. Ware Leaves Bust of D. W. Wilder with Kansas Historical Society
- Eugene F. Ware Likes Cocktails
- Eugene F. Ware Might Beat Funston in Re-Election Bid
- Eugene F. Ware Moves to Topeka
- Eugene F. Ware No longer Attorney for Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York
- Eugene F. Ware No Longer Representing Mutual LIfe Insurance Company
- Eugene F. Ware Not Inclined to Accept President Roosevelt's Position
- Eugene F. Ware Observes Flag Day
- Eugene F. Ware Offends the Woman's Progressive Political League of Topeka, Kansas
- Eugene F. Ware Opposed by Preachers
- Eugene F. Ware Orders Pension Amount Changes
- Eugene F. Ware Overruled by Secretaty Hitchcock
- Eugene F. Ware Pension Report
- Eugene F. Ware Promotes Clerks in Pension Office
- Eugene F. Ware Protects Pension Holders Against Patent Medecine Sellers
- Eugene F. Ware Provokes Governor of Kansas
- Eugene F. Ware Rebukes His Clerks
- Eugene F. Ware Recommends Dismissal of James Roberts
- Eugene F. Ware Reinstated as Member of William H. Lytle Post
- Eugene F. Ware Returns From Centennial Celebration in New York
- Eugene F. Ware Says Courts Investigation Is an Attack on Roosevelt Administration
- Eugene F. Ware Says Curtis Works in Accordance Therewith
- Eugene F. Ware Says Government Should Fix Retirement Age
- Eugene F. Ware Says Great Benefit to Pensioners
- Eugene F. Ware Says Pension List Not Growing
- Eugene F. Ware Says Pension Roll Less Than One Million
- Eugene F. Ware Says Pension Rolls Steadily Growing
- Eugene F. Ware Says Some Pensioners Will Receive A Raise
- Eugene F. Ware Seeks to Collect Pension for Widow from Government
- Eugene F. Ware Sets Precedent in Washington
- Eugene F. Ware Statue
- Eugene F. Ware Sticks to the Law
- Eugene F. Ware Still Writes Verse
- Eugene F. Ware Supports Memorial for Lieut. A. C. Alford
- Eugene F. Ware Takes a Partner
- Eugene F. Ware Talks About "The Great Pension Roll"
- Eugene F. Ware Talks About Colorado Lawsuit
- Eugene F. Ware to be Pension Commissioner
- Eugene F. Ware To Change Pension Ratings
- Eugene F. Ware Translating A Story Written By A Soldier of Coronado, About A Kansas Tornado
- Eugene F. Ware Under Fire
- Eugene F. Ware Vistis Columbia South Carolina
- Eugene F. Ware Warns Pensioners
- Eugene F. Ware Weary of Pension Job
- Eugene F. Ware Will Bid for Senate Race
- Eugene F. Ware Will Resign
- Eugene F. Ware Will Succeed Henry Clay Evans
- Eugene F. Ware Would Drive Spain Off Our Doormat
- Eugene F. Ware's "Kitchen Cabinet"
- Eugene F. Ware's Confirmation Will Be Opposed
- Eugene F. Ware's Estate Placed at $200,000
- Eugene F. Ware's Famous Motto Obilerated from Wall
- Eugene F. Ware's First Year as Pension Commissioner
- Eugene F. Ware's Historic Rifle
- Eugene F. Ware's New Policy Opposed
- Eugene F. Ware's Nomination Sent to Senate
- Eugene F. Ware's Pension Record
- Eugene F. Ware's Plan
- Eugene F. Ware's Poem Swiped by Georgia Gentleman
- Eugene F. Ware's Poems Published in England
- Eugene F. Ware's Poetry
- Eugene F. Ware's Position
- Eugene F. Ware's Quick Wit
- Eugene F. Ware's Reception for G. A. R. Vets
- Eugene F. Ware, A Question of Grammar
- Eugene F. Ware, Castle Builder in the Air
- Eugene F. Ware, Commissioner of Pensions, Resigns
- Eugene F. Ware: Pension Roll Under the Million Mark
- Eugene F. Ware; Commissioner Job Wrecked Further Political Hopes
- Eugene F. Ware; Nearly Fifty Thousand Pensioners Added to Roll
- Eugene F. Ware; Pension Roll Nearing 1,000,000
- Eugene F. Ware; Pension Roll Shows Decrease
- Eugene F. Ware; President Roosevelt's Choice
- Eugene F. Ware; Vets Passing Away at 100 Per Day
- Eugene F. Ware;'s Comment on Mark Hannah
- Eugene F. Wares Suggeste Memorials
- Eugene Testifies at Motel Robbery Attempt Trial
- Eugene Ware Here on Business
- Eugene Ware Robbery Trial Takes Odd Turn
- Eugene Ware Stabbed to Death by Woman
- Eugene Ware Stabbed to Death, 1895
- Eugene Ware Talks About Monument to Boll Weevil
- Eugene Ware to Cast Vote for Underwood
- Eva Ware's Body Lies Unburied
- F. D. Ware in Anti-Trust Fight
- F. D. Ware In Bankruptcy
- F. D. Ware in Damage Suit
- F. D. Ware Questioned
- F. D. Ware to Fight on Trust
- F. D. Ware Tobacco Plant Bought by Patterson Brothers
- F. H. Ware Sues the Ohio River Railroad
- F. M. Ware Farm Sold at Auction
- F. M. Ware's Horse Takes First
- F. M. Ware's Horse Takes Second
- F. R. Ware Submitts Plans for New Asylum
- F. S. Ware Engaged as Architect for Asylum Commission
- F. W. Wares Returned to Florida
- Fanny Ware To Teach School in Perkinston
- Fanny Ware Teaching Elsewhere
- Field named for all-time best Bearcat School board approves football field to be named in honor of late Bob Ware
- Field named for all-time best Bearcat School board approves football field to be named in honor of late Bob Ware
- Florence E. Wae Part of Graduation Exercises
- Florence Ware Awarded Class Pin
- Floyce Ware Has Perfect Attendance
- Frances Ware Charged with Swindling
- Frances Ware Receives Painful Cut
- Frances Ware to Star in "Christmas Story"
- Francis A. Ware and His Singers Will Preform at Temporaty Tabernacle
- Francis Gaines Ware Recovering From Pneumonia
- Francis M. Ware Criticizes Horse Shows
- Francis M. Ware Opinions on Army Horses
- Francis W. Ware at K C Horse Show
- Francis Ware Says Harness Racing is Becoming More Popular
- Frank D. Ware Bankruptcy Wipes the Slate Clean
- Frank D. Ware Makes Charges Against American Tobacco Co.
- Frank M. Ware "Vice in Horses and Its Correction"
- Frank O. Ware Obituary, 1936
- Frank T. Ware Cured of Paralysis, Advertisement
- Frank Ware Drowns
- Frank Ware Held for Murder, Ft. Worth, Texas
- Frank Ware Hurt in Auto Accident
- Frank Ware Not Present for Robbery Trial
- Frank Ware Pitches for Devil's Lake
- Frank Ware Returns from the Klondike
- Frank Ware Sentenced to Life in Prison
- Fred M. Ware Organizes Shiloh Church Choir
- Fred Ware Declares War on Fish in Murky Mission Creek
- Fred Ware Drives Beef to Baker
- Frederick A. Ware, New York Alderman, Marries Chinaman and English Girl
- G. D. Ware Gets Degree
- G. E. Ware Killed in Mine Explosion
- G. L. Ware and Douglas Ware, Salesmen
- G. L. Ware Visiting Biloxi
- G. T. Ware Reports Discovery of Rich Silver Find
- G. W. Ware Biding for Sheriff
- Garland P. Ware Sued for Assualt
- Gene Ware Antique Auction Advertisement
- Gene Ware Petition
- Geneva Ware Leader of Loosing Side
- George E. Ware Dies of Overdose
- George H. Ware Remodeling for Restaurant
- George W. Ware & Co. Advertisement
- George W. Ware Acquitted of Lee Brumbaugh Murder
- George W. Ware Advertisement
- George Ware Adverisement
- George Ware Breaks Horses for U.S. War Service
- George Ware Buys Residence of B. F. Stafford
- George Ware Catches Eel
- George Ware Contractor on Fellowship Church
- George Ware Delivers Cattle to Market
- George Ware Dies of Diptheria
- George Ware Fined in Police Court
- George Ware Injured
- George Ware Investigates Oil Discoveries of West Coast
- George Ware is Visiting Dr. Faver Family
- George Ware Killed Leo Brunsburgh
- George Ware Sees Photo of His Brother
- George Ware Suspected Wife
- George Ware Too Sick to Deliver "Register"
- George Ware, Policeman, Shot
- Gill Ware Fatally Injured in Train Wreck
- Glen Ware Visits With Parents in Walltown
- Gordon Ware Looses Arm
- H. A. Ware Attends Round Table Meeting
- H. A. Ware Cashier of New Bank in Duluth
- H. B. Ware Doubles for President Wilson
- H. B. Ware Wins Tournament
- H. C. Ware and Others Bag Bucks
- H. C. Ware Made Knight in Phantom Lodge
- H. C. Ware, Forger, Arrested
- H. D. Ware Monument to be Unveiled
- H. E. Ware Advertisement
- H. E. Ware Appointed to Committee for Monster Barbeque
- H. E. Ware to Give Invocation at Rebekah Buffet
- H. G. Ware Farm Demonstration Agent
- H. G. Ware, Deputy Sheriff, Arrests Bob McMann
- H. M. Ware and Vepco Near Accord
- H. M. Ware Chaiman of VEPCO Workers System
- H. M. Ware Sells Jessamine Co. Farm
- H. M. Ware Sends Letter to Vepco
- H. M. Ware Statement
- H. M. Ware, Council Chairman IBE
- H. P. Ware Attempts Escape
- H. P. Ware Freed on Charges of Violating Mann Act
- H. P. Ware Held on Burglary Charges
- H. P. Ware, Sheriff, Killed
- H. R. Ware's New Office
- H. R. Ware, Chairman Ben. King Coalition
- H. R. Ware, Chairman Republican Executive Committee at New Orleans
- H. W. Ware Advertisement
- Halem Ware Gets Into Dispute
- Harlan Ware Sick
- Harold E Ware Slightly Wounded
- Harold M. Ware "Agricultural Engineer"
- Harold Ware Fired as Communist
- Harold Ware Operates Tractor Unit in Russia
- Harriet Ware Asked to Judge Song for Girl Scouts
- Harry L. Ware Injured in Train Accident
- Harry S. Ware Manager of Anodes Baseball Team
- Harry Ware with Anodes Baseball Team
- Harvey Ware Goes to Denver
- Harvey Ware to Lead Traditional Dancing
- Harvy R. Ware Issues An Address
- Hazel Ware Ill With Influenza
- Helen W. Ware Obituary, 1891
- Helen Ware Ill
- Helen Ware in "The Garden of Allah"
- Helen Ware Motoring in Her Maxwell
- Helen Ware Returns to Boston
- Helen Ware Stars in "The Price"
- Helen Ware's New Hat
- Helen Ware, Actress, Trained First As a Nurse
- Helen Ware, Part 1
- Helen Ware, Part 2
- Helen Ware, Part 3
- Helen Ware, Part 4
- Helen Ware; Actress
- Henry A. Ware Given Farewell Dinner
- Henry A. Ware Speaks About the War
- Henry A. Ware to Take New Position
- Henry B. Ware Candidate for Clerk of the House
- Henry B. Ware Elected Secretary
- Henry B. Ware Testifies Regarding Goebel Murder in Kentucky
- Henry C. Ware Jr. Strangled in Improvised Neck Developer
- Henry E. Ware Freed
- Henry P. Ware Suit Settles Land Office Question
- Henry Patrick Ware Killed by Train
- Henry Ware Appointed Delegate from Frankfort
- Henry Ware Appointed Temporary State Revenue Agent
- Henry Ware Appointed to Take Inventory
- Henry Ware Buys Tobacco for Eight Cents Per Pound
- Henry Ware Jr., Distiguished
- Henry Ware Jumps 30 Feet, Escapes
- Henry Ware to Advertise for New Bids
- Henry Ware Visited by Sister
- Henry Ware, Private, Found Dead
- Herman O. Ware Takes Strychnine
- Herschel Ware Drowns
- Hiram Ware Barn Burnt in Fire
- Hiram Ware, Fire in Windsor
- Hon. E. F. Ware; All Efforts being Made to Recover Nephew
- Horace Ware Furnace Burnt
- Horace Ware Seriously Ill
- Howard Sheldon Ware Is Promoted to Manager at Palestine for Electric Utility Veteran Employee In Brownwood District to Take Charge of New Work
- Howard Ware Arrested
- Howard Ware Bought Land for a Bargin Price
- Hoyt N. Ware Named Public Affairs Adviser
- Hugh Ware to Attend Michigan University
- Huldah Ware Entertained by Good Samaritans
- I. D. Ware Advetisement
- Irene Ware In California
- Irene Ware Stars in "O'Mally of the Mounted"
- Isabel Ware Bill of Sale Cancelled
- Isabel Ware Suit Is Opened
- Iva Ware to Assist with Vacation School
- Ivan Ware: Man killed when pulled into crane gears
- J. & G. H. Ware Brothers Store
- J. A. Ware and Crew Cuts Trees on Cherokee Land
- J. A. Ware Company Road Work
- J. A. Ware Runaway Slave Notice, Jackson, Mississippi, 1848
- J. A. Ware Treasurer, Nebraska Democratic State Convention
- J. A. Ware Wanted for Embezzlement
- J. B. Ware Chairman of Committee to Raise Money for Y. M. C. A.
- J. B. Ware Confers on Telephone Line Extension
- J. B. Ware Reports Growth of Telephone Industry
- J. C. Ware Finds Man's Body in Maricopa Canal
- J. C. Ware Found Dead in Bed
- J. D. Ware Assassinated at His Home
- J. E. Ware and Commercial Club Back Elwell for Governor
- J. F. Ware Arrested Again
- J. F. Ware Consults with County Agent
- J. F. Ware Found Guilty of Bootlegging
- J. F. Ware in Trouble Again
- J. F. Ware Paroled
- J. F. Ware Receives Sentence and Fine
- J. F. Ware Takes Over Boone Hotel
- J. F. Ware to Give Address
- J. F. Ware, Senator, Elected President of Republican Club
- J. F., Jim and Charley Ware in Jail
- J. H. Ware Issued Charter
- J. H. Ware Resigns As Cashier
- J. H. Ware Sentenced
- J. Holbrook Ware Builds Church Organs with His Cousin
- J. J. Ware Killed When Boiler Exploded
- J. L. Ware Injured at Saw-Mill
- J. L. Ware Manager Lexington Retail Credit Association
- J. L. Ware Opens New Drug Store
- J. N. Ware to Coach Sewanee Team
- J. R. Ware Elected Poundmaster
- J. R. Ware Talks About Bigggest Oil Pool in the World
- J. Robert Ware Injured
- J. S. Ware Enters Horses in Oklahoma City Races
- J. T. Ware Paving Just Completed in Hutchinson
- J. W. Ware Appointed Magager Louisville Credit Association
- J. W. Ware Confers With Poultry Growers in Tularosa
- J. W. Ware Missing
- J. W. Ware, Veteran
- J. Ware to Meet A. Ehrman in Billard Tournament
- J. Ware Vice-President of New Republican Club
- J. Ware, Motorman Killed in Trolley Accident
- Jack Ware Fell Off Steamer
- Jack Ware Seriously Injured in Runaway Accident
- James A. Ware Elected
- James A. Ware, Louisana Senator Talks Politics and Horses
- James C. Ware Dies After Auto Accident
- James Dudley Fined for Attack on Preacher
- James Dudley Ware - Dr. Piner Attoneys Hold Consultation; Dr. Piner Ill
- James Dudley Ware - Dr. Piner, Ware Laying for Preacher
- James Dudley Ware Appeal
- James Dudley Ware Assualt Case
- James Dudley Ware Saga - Dr. W. K. Piner Won't Talk
- James Dudley Ware Shot Rev. Dr. Piner
- James Dudley Ware's Case Goes to Grand Jury
- James Dudley Ware; Preacher Piner May Die
- James Dudly Ware - Dr. Piner Trouble
- James E. Ware Advoactes High Protection on Fire Clay
- James H. Ware Shoots Himself Four Times
- James H. Ware, Master Commissioner, Sells Hacket House Hotel
- James L. Ware to Appear Before Circuit Court Judge Washington
- James Lee Ware Assualted and Later Died
- James T. Ware Gifts Purebred Hatching Eggs
- James V. Ware Elected Vice-President, Nampa District Sunday School
- James V. Ware Principal of New Midway School
- James Ware And Mrs. Rickets Found Dead
- James Ware Appointed Bracken Co. Commissioner
- James Ware in Court
- James Ware Jr., Davis County Sheriff, to Serve Warrrant on Cecil C. Plant
- James Ware Jr., Sheriff Returns with Allegeded Polygamist
- James Ware Sells Tobacco
- James Ware to Open Grocery Store
- Jamieson Pickens Ware Commits Suicide in Dallas Jail
- Jane Ware to Play in "Trail of Lonesome Pine"
- Jeffery H. Ware Dies From Radiation Treatment
- Jennie Ware Wins Case
- Jennie Ware's Case Against Northern Pacific
- Jennie Ware's Case; Disagreement Not Improbable
- Jennie Ware's Judgement Overturned on Appeal
- Jess Ware Finds Body of Leslie Scott
- Jessie Ware Charges Dismissed
- Jim Ware Assaulted in Texas
- Jim Ware Killed by Lightning
- Jim Ware Plumbing Advertisement
- Jim Ware Says The News' Paris Special Was Assinated
- Jim Ware's Third Offense
- Jim Ware, Softball Coach Dies Suddenly
- Jimmie Ware Rescues Milliard Andler
- Jimmy Ware Says He Was Detective and News Hound
- Joe Ware Arrested For Disturbing the Peace
- Joe Ware Detained in City Jail
- Joe Ware Fined for Drinking "Lemon Extract"
- Joe Ware Shoots Another Rancher In Dispute Over A Piece of Rope
- John A. Ware to Retire
- John A. Ware, Fireman, Breaks Arm
- John C. Ware Swears Out Arrent Warrant
- John C. Ware, Civil War Hero, 92, Dies in Utopia Obituary, 1931
- John Chirstie Ware, Subject of Experiment
- John D. Ware Killed in Hot Springs, Arkansas
- John D. Ware, Democratic Candidate
- John D. Ware, Killed in His Bed
- John F. W. Ware, New Publication
- John F. Ware Released on Bond
- John F. Ware to Grade Wheat
- John F. Ware Trial Delared Mistrial
- John H. Ware Captured for Attempted Murder
- John Leo Ware Likes Military Camp
- John M. Ware at Masconic Hall
- John Pickney Ware Refused Marriage Licesnse to Wed
- John Robert Ware Killed in Hunting Accident
- John S. Ware Has Productive Property
- John Stoy Ware Dragged to Death
- John T. Ware Obituary, 2005
- John W. Ware Says Water Rates Unchanged
- John Ware Advertisemnt
- John Ware and Mr. Noyes Statements Discounted
- John Ware Apprehended Yesterday
- John Ware Arrested in Billings MT.
- John Ware Attends Insurance Company Meeting
- John Ware Buys Corner Property
- John Ware Esq. Will, Questioned
- John Ware Goes to Nebraska
- John Ware Guest of S. W. Backus
- John Ware Has Charter to Establish a National Bank at Waterville
- John Ware Heirs Own Jail
- John Ware Interviewed
- John Ware Jr. Nominated as Candidate for Senator
- John Ware Lawsuit
- John Ware Murdered by Neighbor
- John Ware Paid in Gold
- John Ware Presidental Appointment
- John Ware Saves the Life of His Housekeeper
- John Ware Sr.'s Estate Charged Inheritance Tax
- John Ware Tannery Burned
- John Ware to Take Part in Dance for Dads
- John Ware vs. John Rand Trial
- John Ware Walks 188 Miles
- John Ware's Attempted Murder
- John Ware's Stock Auctioned
- John Ware, Advertisement
- John Ware, Ogalalla Nebraska Hunter
- John Ware, President of Merchants' National Bank
- John Ware; Downey Hotel Company
- Jon Ware Nominated Trustee
- Jonas Ware In Automobile Accident
- Jonathan C. Ware Appointed Receiver
- Joseph A. Ware (1878 - 1914) Fallen Firefighter
- Joseph A. Ware Dismissed Because of Letter
- Joseph A. Ware Removed from Position in Post Office Department
- Joseph A. Ware's Salary Docked Due to Illness
- Joseph D. Ware Wounded
- Joseph I. Ware, Publisher
- Joseph J. Ware Nominated Member on Board of Public Works
- Joseph Ware Convicted of Bigamy
- Joseph Ware Esq.'s Death
- Joseph Ware Looses Tobacco Beds to Fire
- Joseph Ware Looses Tobacco to Night Riders
- Joseph Ware's Sheep Killed by Dogs
- Judge Ashur Ware Verdict
- Judge E. H. Ware's Pearl Ruined
- Judge J. B. Ware at Church This Sunday.
- Judge John T. Ware Selected for Police Inquiry
- Judge Richard N. Ware IV Killed in Car Accident
- Julia Ware, Selma, AL Valley Creek Drowning, May 1923
- Juliet R. Ware Gets New State Education Post
- Justice W. Fred Ware Finds for the Defendant
- L. G. Ware, Contributor to Record of Progress
- L. J. Ware Killed In Railroad Accident
- L. M. Ware and Minnis S. Ware Get Property on Otter Creek
- L. M. Ware Bicycling to St. Paul MN.
- L. M. Ware Elected General Manager of American Investment Company
- L. M. Wares Visit Lakota Chautauqua
- L. R. Ware Arrested For Shoplifting
- L. R. Ware Held in City Jail
- Lady Sybil Ware Graduated Jonesboro High School
- Lamar Ware, Counselor, Royal Ambassadors
- Lawrence Ware Progresses with Mills Case
- Lem Ware Charged with Grand Larceny
- Leo Ware Completes Eighth Grade
- Leon M. Ware Killed in Head On Collision
- Leonard Ware Tennis Matches
- LeRoy Released
- LeRoy Ware Indicted by Grand Jury
- LeRoy Ware Receives Threatening Letters
- LeRoy Ware Starving Himself to Death
- Les J. Ware Pardoned
- Levi Ware Killed
- Lewis Ware Acts As Interpreter
- Lewis Ware Takes First
- Lieut. Bruce R. Ware's Story of the First Shot Fired in the War
- Lieut. James E. Ware Longest Flight in Baloon
- Lieut. James E. Ware; Ballon Explosion
- Lieut. James Ware Severely Injured in Airplane Crash
- Lieut. Thomas G. Ware Wounded
- Lily Ware Taken to Reform School
- Linda Ware Appears with Bing Crosby in "The Starmaker"
- Lizzie Ware May Be Sent to Poor House
- Lola Belle Ware Write to Santa
- Louis B. Ware Dies In Gun Battle
- Louis B. Ware Killed In Duel
- Louis B. Ware's Assailant Held
- Louis Ware Found Dead
- Louis Ware Killed in Train Derailment
- Louis Ware Playground Notes
- Louis Ware Survey of Johntson Home
- Louis Ware Writes of Experiences in West
- Lt Col Sam J Ware Was Removed From Command
- Lt. Bruce M. Ware; US Ship Escapes Again
- Lt. Commander Bruce R. Ware Awarded Medal
- Lt. Commander Bruce Ware Describes Attack on U-Boat
- Lt. Commander J. G. Ware To Address Meeting
- Lt. Roy L. Ware Reports from Kansas
- Lucille Ware Awarded $7,500 from Lawsuit
- Lucinda And Obediah Ware Rememberance
- Luther Ware Wins Annual Bicycle Race
- Lyman Ware House Burns
- M. C. Ware Elected Excellent High Priest
- M. C. Ware Elected Masonic High Priest
- M. C. Ware Held on Serious Charge
- M. C. Ware Reports on New Road
- M. C. Ware Secretary of Southern Idaho Field Club
- M. C. Ware's Condition Is Improving
- M. C. Ware's Setter Takes Second
- M. D. Ware Helps Georgia Mayor Apprehend 3 KKK Members
- M. F. Ware to Run on People's Ticket for Town Trustee
- M. W. Ware Cut-Glass Representative
- Mabel Ware with Robinson Circus
- Mack Ware Attacks Guard
- Major General J. F. Ware Appointed To Adjust Evacuation of Cuba
- Mamie Ware Charged with Grand Larceny
- Marcus C. Ware Installed as Junior Warden
- Marcus Ware Holds Scholarship Record Among Freshman Class
- Marcus Ware Named for Debate Team
- Marcus Ware, President of High School Spanish Club
- Marie L. Ware Found Not Guilty of Land Fraud
- Marie L. Ware Indited in Oregon For Land Fraud
- Marie Ware Held to Federal Grand Jury
- Marvin Ware Elected President Retail Merchants Association
- Mary A. Ware Obituary, 1914
- Mary and Clara Ware Revive Old Art of Gilding Leather Hangings
- Mary Bruce Clark Ware to Inherit from Aunt
- Mary E. Ware Letter to Ely Bros. Cream Balm
- Mary Jane Ware Blythe Killed by Burglars
- Mary Louise Ware Gets Part in College Play
- MAry Ware Salutatorian of Graduating Class
- Mary Ware, poem - A Tribute to Eugene Field
- Mattie B. Ware Elected in Sunday School
- McKinley Ware Found Guilty of Grand Larceny
- Michael Charles Ware Arrested in Playboy Club Slayings
- Michael Ware Fatally Shot by Policeman After Altercation
- Mickey Joe Ware Killed in Auto Accident
- Miles Ware Goes on Trial for Murder
- Miriam Ware Wins 4-H Contest
- Miss Aimme V. Ware Exhibits Prize Jersey at National Dairy Show
- Miss B. E. Ware Resigns Position
- Miss Carolyn E. Ware to Return to Los Angeles
- Miss Edith Ware Will Return to Her School
- Miss Emma Ware in Rome
- Miss Ethel Ware Holds Club Meeting at Her Home
- Miss Florence Ware's Art Showpiece at Colonial Luncheon
- Miss Florence Ware, Artist for the "Ariel"
- Miss Floy Ware Only Girl in Graduating Class
- Miss Gladys Ware Suffering Severe Attack of Appendicitis
- Miss Grace Ware Taken to Hospital
- Miss Helen Ware Elected Secretary of Building and Loan Association
- Miss Helen Ware On Acting
- Miss Jane Ware Visits Mrs. Howard Gratz
- Miss Julia W. Ware Arrived Yesterday
- Miss Louise Ware Operation for Appendicitis
- Miss Mary L. Ware Dances at Kentucky Female Orphan School
- Miss Mary Lewis Ware, Secretary of the Senior Class
- Miss Mary Ware Talks About Well-Proportioned Room
- Miss Melissa Ware Charged with Robbing the Mail
- Miss Mildred Ware Addresses Davis High Graduates
- Miss Mildred Ware Piano Solo
- Miss Mildred Ware Soloist at Concert
- Miss Mildred Ware to Tour with Chautauqua
- Miss Nellie Ware Hosts Bridge Luncheon
- Miss Nellie Ware Painfully Burned
- Miss Pauline Ware Given Luncheon
- Miss Sarah Ware Elected Secretary of the Rossini Club
- Miss Sue Jealks Ware Guest of the Frazers
- Miss Susan Ware and Sister Visit Chicago
- Miss Sybil Ware Elected President of North School Auxiliary
- Miss Sybil Ware Named Teacher
- Miss Verna Ware Fusillade, Gatesville, Texas
- Miss Virgina Ware to Attend School in Richmond
- Miss Virginia Ware - Pine Tree Festival Queen
- Miss Virginia Ware's Class in Spelling Bee
- Miss Winsome Ware Admitted to Louisianna State Bar
- Mr. and Mrs E. Ware Motored In from Wyoming Ranch
- Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ware Celebrate 60th Wedding Anniversary
- Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Ware Return from Florida
- Mr. and Mrs. George Ware, Operatic Burlesque
- Mr. and Mrs. William Carrick Ware Rent House
- Mr. and Mrs. William Edward Ware Guests at Dinner Dance
- Mr. Baxter Ware to Attend Fraternity Entertainment
- Mr. C. W. Ware Entertains Sundat School Class
- Mr. Dexter Ware Killed in Railroad Accident
- Mr. E. C. Ware Valuable Filly Found Dead
- Mr. Eddy Ware Returns
- Mr. Edward Ware at Horse Sale
- Mr. Erastus Ware Manages ProductiveTurnip Farm
- Mr. George Ware Crushed in Lumber Accident
- Mr. George Ware's Operation
- Mr. H. M. Ware Buys Ohio Farm
- Mr. Harry Ware Home After Visit to Brother
- Mr. Henry Ware and Sister Attend Funeral of Neice
- Mr. Hugh Ware Murdered
- Mr. J. D. Ware, The Oldest Citizen in the County
- Mr. J. R. Ware Gives Gift
- Mr. J. T. Ware Receives Vote of Thanks for Cemetery Improvement
- Mr. Joel Ware Returns from Visit to the West
- Mr. Joseph Ware To Vacation in Portland
- Mr. Joseph Ware, Sculptor
- Mr. Luther Ware; From Football to Cattle Raising
- Mr. M. S. Ware Reports on the Condidtion of the Peaches
- Mr. N. M. Ware Rents Bonner House
- Mr. Orrie T. Ware Guest of Augusta Lodge
- Mr. Paul Ware Has Operation
- Mr. Paul Ware Robbed by Young Female Employee
- Mr. R. C. Ware and Son Return Home
- Mr. R. C. Ware Enjoyed Sunday-School Picnicl
- Mr. R. C. Ware to Represent Lexington
- Mr. Robert D. Ware Receives Compensation
- Mr. Thomas C. Ware Killed in Fighting on Pike Street
- Mr. William Carrick Ware Broke Arm
- Mrs. A. M. Ware to Investigate Cousin's Will
- Mrs. Alice Ware Moves to Cynthiana
- Mrs. Alma B. Ware Gives Advice to Mothers
- Mrs. Alma B. Ware to Speak at Annual Mothers' Congress
- Mrs. Amidia Ware Receives Condolences From Interior Secretary
- Mrs. Anna Ware Recaptured
- Mrs. Bessie R. Ware Acquitted of Murdering Her Divorced Husband
- Mrs. Bessie Ware Offers City Lot for Playground
- Mrs. Caroline Ware Burned to Death
- Mrs. Caroline Ware Burned to Death, Boston
- Mrs. Charles Ware Fatally Burned
- Mrs. Christine Ware Installed as Treasurer
- Mrs. Christine Ware To Attend DAV Conference
- Mrs. Clara Ware Chosen Toastmistress
- Mrs. Clara Ware Re-Elected
- Mrs. Clyde V. Ware Resigns as Matron at Aggie College
- Mrs. Cora Ware Slightly Injured
- Mrs. Dora Ware Reads Paper Before Shilo Church
- Mrs. E. J. Ware Looses Governess
- Mrs. E. J. Ware Prepares for Red Cross Roll Call
- Mrs. Earle R. Ware II, Named Province Alumnae Officer
- Mrs. Earle Ware and Son, Earle Ware Jr.
- Mrs. Edgar D. Ware Wants to Restore Old Mansion
- Mrs. Edgar D. Ware: Stolen Mansion Items Returned
- Mrs. Edgar D. Ware; Park Officials Decline Aid
- Mrs. Edna Ware Surgery
- Mrs. Edna Ware's Throat Surgery
- Mrs. Elizabeth Ware, Dean of Women
- Mrs. Ellen A. Ware Succumbs to Burns
- Mrs. Emily Ware's Book Causes Sensation
- Mrs. Eugene F. Ware at Leavenworth for Women's Club Federation
- Mrs. Eugene F. Ware Beneficiary of Large Estate
- Mrs. Eugene F. Ware Gives Address on Kansas Women of Today
- Mrs. Eugene F. Ware Reception
- Mrs. Eva Ware Barnett Writes State Song of Arkansas
- Mrs. F. Ware Elected Delegate to State Federation, Oak Leaf Club
- Mrs. Fannie Ware Dies of Spanish Influenza
- Mrs. Fred Ware Meets with Oak Leaf Club
- Mrs. Frederick G. Ware Saves Mrs. Cahill from Drowning
- Mrs. George Ware Insane
- Mrs. George Ware, Purse Snatched
- Mrs. Georgia Ware Honored at Club Luncheon
- Mrs. Georgia Ware Hosts Executive Board of the Kansas Day Club
- Mrs. Georgia Ware Proposes Eastern Star Home
- Mrs. Georgia Ware Subscription
- Mrs. Georgia Ware to Make Annual Inspection of Victoria Chapter
- Mrs. Georgia Ware Worthy Grand Matron of the Eastern Star
- Mrs. Georgia Ware, G. M. O. E. S.
- Mrs. H. W. Ware Gives Informal Dinner
- Mrs. Hal Ware New President of Thursday Club
- Mrs. Harold Ware Chilled Rather Than Thrilled
- Mrs. Harry Ware Interested in Town's Growth
- Mrs. Helen C. Ware Named in Breach of Promise Suit
- Mrs. Henry Ware Burned to Death
- Mrs. Horace Ware Residence Burned
- Mrs. Howard Ware to Lead Junior and Intermediate Conference
- Mrs. Hugh Ware; Fresh Cabbage
- Mrs. I. S. Ware Leader of Woman's Literary Club
- Mrs. J. E. Ware, My Grandmother and Marchie Gress
- Mrs. J. T. Ware, Flower Show Winner
- Mrs. Jack Ware (Christie) and Fritz Ware Drown
- Mrs. James Dudley Ware Reconciliation
- Mrs. James Hutchinson Entertained at Tea
- Mrs. John Ware Receives Gift From Mrs. McKinley
- Mrs. Katherine Ware Found Asphyxiated
- Mrs. Lizzie Ware Returns to Denver
- Mrs. Louis Ware Given Surprise Party
- Mrs. M. A. Ware and Ina Ware Travel to St. Louis
- Mrs. M. A. Ware Installed as New Member of Domestic Art Club
- Mrs. M. A. Ware President of the WMS
- Mrs. M. C. Ware and Others In Charge of Dancing Party
- Mrs. M. C. Ware Will Host Meeting of Star Social Club
- Mrs. M. E. Ware Elected Worthy Marton
- Mrs. Mae Ware Honored
- Mrs. Mae Ware Named Top Rebekah
- Mrs. Marcus C. Ware Surprise Party
- Mrs. Mary Bruce Ware Buys Car
- Mrs. Mary J. Ware Asks for Annulment From Marriage to Step-Son
- Mrs. Mary S. Ware Gives Talk on League of Nations
- Mrs. Mary S. Ware Visting Charleston
- Mrs. Mary Ware Dennett Wins Victory in N.Y.
- Mrs. Mary Ware Gives Talk on India
- Mrs. Nancy Ware Murdred
- Mrs. Olivia Ware Sues for the Custody of Her Baby
- Mrs. Pascal H. Ware Visiting Her Parents
- Mrs. Pascal Ware Guest at Party
- Mrs. Pearl Ware Vice-President So. End Garden Club
- Mrs. R. A. Ware 79th Birthday Celebration
- Mrs. R. C. Ware Hosts Banquet
- Mrs. R. D. Ware Property
- Mrs. Richard Ware Chaperoned by Dog
- Mrs. Roberta Ware Founds Dairy School
- Mrs. Ross Ware Entertained
- Mrs. Roy Ware Puts Out Fire
- Mrs. Roy Ware to Assist War Saving Service
- Mrs. Roy Ware To Entertain
- Mrs. Roy Ware Will Be At Bank of Jonesboro Today
- Mrs. Ruby Ware Elected Associate Condustress
- Mrs. Ruby Ware Elected Associate Matron
- Mrs. Sarah P. Ware Cupalo Burned
- Mrs. Thomas D. Ware Accidentally Killed
- Mrs. Virginia Harrison Ware Gives Acreage for City Park
- Mrs. W. O. Ware Leads Missionary Society
- Mrs. W. P. Ware State Director of Parents and Teachers Association
- Mrs. Walter H. Ware Will Entertain at Her Home
- Mrs. Walter Ware Elected President of Shamrock Club
- Mrs. Walter Ware Entertains Club
- Mrs. William Carriack Ware Wins Prize
- N. A. Ware Advertisement for Run Away Slave, 1815
- N. E. Ware Joins Crisp Co. Chamber of Commerce
- N. W. Ware Seriously Injured in Cannon Burst
- N. Ware Proprietor Metropolitian Hotel, Cincinnati Ohio
- Nancy Ware, Daughter of Lt. Bruce R. Ware Unable to re United with Her Parnets
- Nat Ware Attacked
- Nathan Ware Fatally Shot
- Nathaniel Ware Appointed Secretary of Mississippi Territory
- Nathaniel Ware Dies in Car Crash
- Nathaniel Ware Homicide Victim
- Nathaniel Ware Shot
- Nick Ware Admires Handiwork
- Nick Ware Attacked in Front of Winslow Lodging House
- Nick Ware Wants to Surrender
- Noland Ware Hurt in Sledding Accident
- Norma Jean Ware and Roland Ware; Cast of Grady High School Play
- O. E. Ware Attends Sale
- Oliver Ware Held in Kidnapping Charges
- Ollie Ware Murdered in Nashville TN
- Ony Ware Killed by Partner
- Orie S. Ware Addresses Lodge
- Orie S. Ware Comments on Mill Ambush
- Orie S. Ware is Commonwealth's Attorney
- Orie S. Ware, Covington Ky. Postmaster
- Orie S. Ware, Grand Master of the Masons of Kentucky
- Orie Ware Elected Junior Warden
- Orrie Ware Against Hutchinson Sperry Company
- Oscar Ware Dies in Zephyr Storm
- P. B. Ware Announces Discovery of Copper in Alaska
- P. B. Ware Selected to Represent Chicago Board of Trade
- P. H. Ware Sworn in as Assessor
- P. H. Ware's House Burglarized
- P. K. Wares Return to Denver
- P. M. Ware Family Reunion, Amherst Virginia
- P. S. Ware Buys Interest in Thief River Press
- P. S. Ware Retires as Editor
- P. Ware Jr., Chess Match
- Pat Ware, Sheriff, Investigates Killing
- Patricia Ware, Exhibitor
- Paul S. Ware Interview
- Paul Ware, Police Officer, Altercation in Arlington Texas
- Pauline B. Ware Obituary, 2010
- Pauline Ware Crashes Father's Car
- Pauline Ware, Takes First
- Pete Ware Sent Challenge to Irish Champion Runner
- Pete Ware to Surrender
- Peter U. Ware Murdered and Robbed
- Peter Ware Gives Fox Kits to Pet Dog
- Petty Officer Peter Anthony Ware Killed in Helicopter Crash in Florida
- PFC Thomas F. Ware Assigned to 25th Infantry Div.
- Phillip Ware Quits Assessor of Adams County Idaho
- Portus B. Ware, Ex-Alaskan Goes Broke
- Preston Ware Accused of Dynamiting Train
- Professor Virgil Ware, Successful Singing Teacher
- R. A. S. Golden Wedding Anniversary
- R. A. Ware Virginia American Legionaire
- R. A. Ware, Legion Leader to Seek Action on Prohibition
- R. C. Ware Address
- R. C. Ware and Metropolitian Life Insurance Co. Dinner
- R. C. Ware Appointed In Charge Kentucky Division of World Wide Baracas
- R. C. Ware Becomes Deacon at Calvary Baptist Church
- R. C. Ware Donates to Christmas Fund
- R. C. Ware Elected to Board
- R. C. Ware Leaves for Northeast
- R. C. Ware One of the Leader the Raise Y.M.C.A. Debt
- R. C. Ware Runnig for Alderman
- R. C. Ware Says Met-life Co. to Employ Nurse
- R. C. Ware Speaks at Banquet
- R. C. Ware to Build Stable
- R. C. Ware, Superintendent of Sunday School
- R. E. Ware Has Shotgun For Sale
- R. L. Ware Appointed Receiver for Casper Ernst
- R. L. Ware Arrested for Vagrancy
- R. L. Ware Buys Bar
- R. L. Ware Selects Piano for Nobel Hotel
- R. S. Ware, Past-President of Post C Travelers Protective Association
- R. V. Ware Appointed Notary
- R. V. Ware Elected Registrar
- R. W. Ware inspects New Railroad Route
- R. Ware Coffe House Burnt in Columbus Georgia
- Ralph M. Ware Jr. Named Director of Development at Virginia Commonwealth University
- Randall Eugene Ware Charged With Burglary
- Randolph Ware Attends Lawn Party
- Ras Ware Attends Dance in Georgetown Kentucky
- Ray Ware Enlists in Navy Hospital Corps
- Raymond Ware Admitted to Hospital
- Raymond Ware Drowned
- Raymond Ware Stationed At Norfolk, VA. In Hospital Corp.
- Rep. Bob Ware Applies Economic Growth Formula
- Rep. Bob Ware Tries to Raise Issue in Budget Debate
- Rev. A. T. Ware Resigns
- Rev. Daniel Ware Died in Africa
- Rev. Dr. I. S Ware Sermon, "Path of the Just"
- Rev. Dr. I. S. Ware Addresses Students at Bozeman
- Rev. Dr. I. S. Ware Arrives on Late Train
- Rev. Dr. I. S. Ware Attends Going-Away Reception
- Rev. Dr. I. S. Ware Holds Revival Meetings
- Rev. Dr. I. S. Ware Preaches Farewell Sermon
- Rev. Dr. I. S. Ware Preaches Sermon in Memory of Bishop C. C. McCabe
- Rev. Dr. I. S. Ware Preaches Sermon to Veterans
- Rev. Dr. I. S. Ware Preaches Spring Sermon
- Rev. Dr. I. S. Ware Preparing for Revival Meetings
- Rev. Dr. I. S. Ware Recalled to First M. E. Church
- Rev. Dr. I. S. Ware Sermon to Graduates
- Rev. Dr. I. S. Ware to Leave Anaconda
- Rev. Dr. I. S. Ware to Remain
- Rev. E. A. Ware Returned From Oklahoma
- Rev. George G. Ware Conspiracy Trial
- Rev. George G. Ware of Deadwood
- Rev. George G. Ware Petitions President for Pardon
- Rev. George G. Ware Sentenced
- Rev. George G. Ware Takes the Stand
- Rev. George G. Ware Tendered Resignation
- Rev. George G. Ware Trial
- Rev. Geroge G. Ware Hears Damaging Testimony Against Him
- Rev. H. (Henry) Ware: Chairman of Executive Committee on Prohibition
- Rev. H. H. Ware Given Lodge Tribute
- Rev. Henry Ware Addresses Small Audience of Prohibition Party
- Rev. Henry Ware Challenges H. C. Worthern
- Rev. Henry Ware Chosen Professor of Divinity
- Rev. Henry Ware Installed as Hollis Professor of Divinity
- Rev. Henry Ware Jr. Addresses The Anti-Slavery Society of Cambridge
- Rev. Henry Ware Jr. Discourse on Temperance
- Rev. Henry Ware Jr. Reports About Huge Donation
- Rev. Henry Ware Jr. Resigned
- Rev. Henry Ware Jr., Appointment
- Rev. Henry Ware Presides Over Exericses
- Rev. Henry Ware to Preach at Convention of Congregational Ministers
- Rev. Henry Ware's House Burned
- Rev. Henry Ware, President Unitarian Conferance
- Rev. Henry Ware, Pulpit Eloquence
- Rev. Henry Ware; Prohibition Committee
- Rev. I. F. Ware Given Reception
- Rev. J. F. Ware Writes of Superstitions
- Rev. J. T. W Ware Gives Sermon at State unitatian Conference
- Rev. J. T. Ware Adds New Members to Congregations
- Rev. J. W. Ware Call to Culpepper Church
- Rev. J. W. Ware Complaint Closed
- Rev. J. W. Ware to Take the Stand
- Rev. Jesse Ware Honored
- Rev. John F. W. Ware Remebered for His Labors on Behalf of Colored People
- Rev. John Ware to Speak at State Unitarian Conference
- Rev. Joseph Ware Congregational Church
- Rev. Kenneth Ware, Missionary to France
- Rev. Richard D. Ware Attends Union Valley Baptist Church Celebration
- Rev. Richtie Ware to Dedicate New Church
- Rev. T. A. Ware; Soldiers Relief Society of Virginia
- Rev. T. D. Ware to Speak at Baptist Church, Martin's Ferry
- Rev. Thomas A. Ware Book Advertisement
- Rev. W. J. Ware Testifies In Murder Trial in Virginia
- Rev. W. L Ware Preaches at Laurel Street Church
- Rev. W. L. Ware Preaches on True Greatness
- Rev. W. L. Ware Speaks About World Peace
- Rev. W. L. Ware to Address Frank T. Bates Bible Class
- Rev. W. L. Ware, Retired Pastor to Speak
- Rev. W. R. Ware Asked about Roof of His New Church by Bishop
- Rev. W. R. Ware to Preach Special Sermon
- Rev.Thomas Ware, Methodist Minister
- Richard H. Ware, Anit Air Craft Candidate
- Richard Ware at Ballet Gala
- Richard Ware Convicted of Statutory Offence Against His Sister
- Richard Ware Stationed at Camp Wallace Texas
- Richard Ware Taking Samples to Test for Lead
- Richard Ware US Marshal, Texas
- Riley Ware Shot and Killed
- Robert L. Ware Candidate for Assemblyman
- Robert L. Ware Republican Candidate for Assembly
- Robert Nathaniel Ware Drowned
- Robert R. Ware Died in St. Louis, MO Bus and Auto Collision, Dec. 1941
- Robert W. Ware Charged With Assualt
- Robert Ware Accused of Preaching, 1774
- Robert Ware Advertisemnt
- Robert Ware Arrested
- Robert Ware Dislocates Arm
- Robert Ware Has Criminal Record
- Robert Ware Has Fresh Picked Strawberries at Christmas
- Robert Ware Looses Bet
- Robert Ware of Middlesex County, Virginia
- Robert Ware Will Receive First Degree from Henry Clay Lodge
- Robin C. Ware Transferred to Louisville Office
- Roxanne Ware Participates in Girl Scout Ceremony
- Roy L. Ware Elected Captain
- Roy Ware Dies in Plane Crash
- Roy Ware Employed for Stucky & Stucky
- Roy Ware Receives Commission to Recruit Militia
- Roy Ware to Fill Vacancy
- Roy Ware Wins Medal
- Roy Ware's Piano Accompanient
- Roy Ware, Easter Cantata Big Success
- Roy Ware, Organist, Has New Composition
- Rube Ware Engineer of Runaway Train
- Runa Edwin Ware and Women's Clubs
- S. E. Ware Operating Leases on Sunbeam Properties
- S. P. Ware Charged with Mutiny At Sea
- S. S. Ware Out on Bail for Cotton Stealing
- S. W. Ware Recommended for Appointment
- Sam Ware Killed by Prominent Planter
- Samuel "Ware" Alleged White Slaver
- Samuel Ware Gets Patent for Gate
- Sarah W. Ware Files Suit
- Sergeant W. B. Ware Attacked by Rebels
- Sgt. Arthur F. Ware Awarded Distinguished Service Cross
- Sgt. Richard Henry Ware Enroute to Officer Training School
- Shirley A. Ware Dies From Injuries Suffered in Traffic Accident
- Sidney Ware Killed In Tragic Accident Near Manchester Ohio
- Silver Ware Assistant to New Gloucester Postmaster
- Sister Ann Patrick Ware to Speak at Seminar
- Skip Ware Wins Curling Contest
- Son of Mrs. Ware Badly Scalded
- Sr. Airman Carl Jerome Ware Killed in Iraq by Fellow Airman
- Stanley Ware Advertisement
- Stanley Ware Killed During Gun Battle
- Stanley Ware Killed over Rent Dispute
- Storer Ware and Partner Are Defeated in Doubles Match
- Sybil Ware Attending Teachers Normal School
- Sydney Ware Booked for Homicide
- Sydney Ware Serves His Term; Again Arrested
- Sylvester Ware Kills Richard Arnold Over Money Dispute
- T. B. Ware of Ware & Ware Grocery Store
- T. B. Ware Takes Second at Shooting Event
- T. B. Ware, Sheriff Takes Prisoners to Pen
- T. J. Ware Arrested
- T. Ware Pleads Not Guilty
- Teddy (Ed.) Ware Lawsuit
- Teddy Ware Sued For Accident
- The Mind of John M. Ware
- The Tragic Stories of the Two John C. Ware's of New Jersery
- Theodore Ware Jr. Barns Burns
- Thomas A. Ware To Speak at Commencement
- Thomas A. Ware's Prize Essay on Tariff Revision
- Thomas C. Ware Granted Patent
- Thomas Ware Accused of Kidnapping
- Thomas Ware Represents Lodge No. 340
- Thomas Ware Was First City Clerk
- Todd Ware, El Paso, TX Walls Collapse, Aug. 1910
- Tom Ware Arrested for Drunkeness
- Tom Ware Attends Dance
- Tom Ware Defeated in Live Bird Shoot
- Tom Ware Wins Washington State's Sportsman's Trophy
- Townsend Ware Goes into Insane Rage
- Tracy Ware Killed by Train
- Tyrell Linn Ware, World-Class Native American Dancer
- Uncle John Ware, 1894
- V. E. Ware Contractor on Knights of Columbus Building
- V. E. Ware to Build Addition to State Capital
- Verna Ware Opens Fire in Crowded Courtroom
- Virgina Ware Speaks on How to Secure Good Discipline in School
- Virginia Hilda Ware Files Indemnity
- Virginia Hilda Ware Files Suit
- Virginia Irving Ware, Commencement Exercises, Richmond College
- Virginia Ware to Participate in Opening Exercises for the Teacher's Association Meeting
- Virginia Ware to Star in "The Best Show in Town"
- W. B. Ware Admitted to Practice
- W. B. Ware Attends Funeral of Daughter
- W. B. Ware Has Removed from the District
- W. B. Ware, Bagley, UT Train Wreck, Dec. 1944
- W. C. Ware Gets Medical Degree
- W. C. Ware; Partner in El Paso Mine
- W. D. Ware Cleared of Stolen Goods Charge
- W. E. Ware and Others Call Upon City Commissioners
- W. E. Ware Architect
- W. E. Ware Away on Camping Trip
- W. E. Ware Elcected President Local Chapter American Institute of Archeticture
- W. E. Ware Looses Horses to Epidemic of "Trembles"
- W. E. Ware Makes Study of Concrete Buildings on Trip to the East
- W. E. Ware Making Plans for New Building
- W. E. Ware Named Vice-President of Utah Art League
- W. E. Ware To Be Sent to Seattle Exposition
- W. E. Ware, Laramie Former Architect
- W. E. Ware, Salt Lake City Architect
- W. F. Ware Appointed Aide-de-Camp
- W. F. Ware Attends ND Implement Dealers' Convention
- W. G. Ware Appointed a Travelling Agent
- W. G. Ware Drowns on Fishing Trip
- W. H. Ware Granted Commission
- W. H. Ware Highway Contract
- W. H. Ware in Critical Condition
- W. H. Ware Resigns as Game Warden
- W. J. Ware, Member of The Wauksha Band
- W. L. Ware Co-Owner of Snowboat Called "Prohibition"
- W. L. Ware Manages Chandler Philharmonic
- W. L. Ware President of South Dakota Retailers Association
- W. L. Ware, Lakota Conductor
- W. M. Ware; Mississippi Delegate
- W. P. Ware & Co. Destroyed by Fire
- W. P. Wares Celebrate Anniversary of Fayette County Training School
- W. S. Ware Paid Fine
- W. T. Ware Contemplates May Filghts in Gulfport
- W. T. Ware Engages Managers
- W. T. Ware Has Failed to Fly in Gulfport
- W. T. Ware Wanted for Flying Exhibition
- W. T. Ware Wants to Put On Public Flights
- W. W. Ware Disappearance Reported Mistake
- W. W. Ware Helps Organize Junior Assembly Club
- W. W. Ware Killed by Train on Northeastern Railroad
- W. W. Ware Proposed as State Senator
- W. W. Ware Solicits Coal Men of Denver on Behalf of the Poor
- W. W. Ware Transcribing County Records in Colorado
- W. Ware Instituted I. O. G. T. Temple
- Walker Ware Will Face Grand Jury In Fatal Automobile Crash
- Wallace Ware Host of Mystic Circle Fraternity Dance
- Walter and Fred Ware's Operatic Minstrel's
- Walter J. Ware Jilted Over Diamond Ring
- Ware Millions Will be Used to Defend Woman Charged with Murder of Architect
- Ware Students of Essex County Virginia
- Warner Ware, Mayor, Looses Legs in Cannon Explosion
- Warren P. Ware Elected Secretary of Stamp Collectors Society
- Warren Ware Postmaster of Penobscot County
- Washington A. Ware and Others Challenge Men of Maryland to Pigeon Shooting
- Wayne Ware Celebrates Fourth Birthday
- Wendy L. Ware: Teenager's father seeks more clues to fatal accident
- William B. Ware Trial
- William Boswroth Ware 80th Birthday Celebration
- William Carrick Ware Almost Takes First
- William Carrick Ware Slays Big Bird
- William F. Ware to Command a Company of Mounted Men
- William J. Ware Files Contest at Land Office
- William L. Ware Will Hang Tomorrow
- William M. Ware Nominated for Pulizer
- William S. Ware Goes to Philadelphia to Help End Strike
- William Ware Charged with Gambling
- William Ware Glad to Return to Boise
- William Ware Going to Alaska
- William Ware Jumps into Delaware River
- William Ware on Committee for Bryant Literary Society
- William Ware Reports on Horse Market in Ogden
- William Ware Takes His Own Life
- William Ware Tenders His Resignation
- William Ware to Help with Fish Hachery
- William Ware Weather Indicator
- William Ware's Deceased Body Badly Mangled in Train Wreck
- William Ware's Store Burgarlized
- William Ware, added to 'hero' list?
- Williamson S. Ware, Alias Bolivar Ware, Alias Henry Clay Ware, Forgery Trial
- Williamson Samuel Bolivar Henry Thomas Jefferson Henry Clare WARE, Forger
- Williamson Samuel Henry Clay Richard Roberts Ware Fogery Case
- Williard Ware Writes to Santa
- Willie Ware and Wife Recovering From Typhoid Fever
- Willie Ware Held on Manslaughter Charges
- Willis Ware Sentenced to Workhouse
- Willism Ware Pressed Aboard British Frigate Melampus
- Xavier Ware Recants Testimony
- Zephyr, TX Tornado, May 1909
- Zesta Ware Recipient of Bequest