Ware Family Archive Index

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Ware Family Archive Index — 6 Comments

  1. I am interested in verifying the ancestry of Dudley Ware of Kentucky. I think it is unlikely that he is connected to the New England Wares. He is more likely to be descended from Virginia Wares. My reason for thinking so is an autosomal DNA connection, plus the rarity of New Englanders migrating to Kentucky at an early date when Wares from Virginia were already there.

  2. I have seen the information you sent me before about Collin D Eaton. Ancestry.com can prove a Delia Weier was born in Flushing Michigan in 1848. Ancestry.com also has information that Collin D Eaton wife maiden name Weier. It seem logical a Weier parent not afford to take care of there daughter in 1850 British upper Canada and there daughter adopted by English speaking Tabbits couple. I doubt it very much I FIND EVIDENCE to prove this. I HAVE CHECK THE tIBBITS SIDE AND NOT FIND ANYTHING. there WAS A Delia Tibbits born in 1850 Ontario Canada and moved to Armada Center Michigan. I COULD FIND NO LEGAL DOCUMENT THAT PROVE Norman Uriah and Priscilla Collins Tibbits daughter my grand mother Delia. Priscilla COLLINS tIBBITS DIED AN DAUGHTERs and sons were adopted by a family from St Clair Shore Michigan. Many of this family children married and lived in Australia. This Delia Tibbits disappear completely and no marriage license was ever found for her. I CAN NOT EVEN FIND BIRTH RECORD for this Delia Tibbits. 1850 Ontario Canada was still a territory of Great Britain, and the crown was taking away German children from there parents and giving the children to English speaking parents. Can I prove this happen no.

  3. The Family of Arnold Weier, claim Delia tIBBITS Eaton that buried in Lapeer County Webster Cemetery, and live in Hadley Michigan with husband ColLIN D EATON REAL NAME Delia Weier Eaton. I do not know Collin D Eaton wife Delia mother maider name. Eaton Family Association had information Collin D Eaton wife name was Delia Weier Eaton. Also exist Mayflower Society 1800 early records that has Collins D Eaton Wife Delia related to Squire Eaton in Pennsylvania. Collin D Eaton wife claim she related to Francis Eaton of the Mayflower ship. Arnold Weier relatives live in Michigan 1840 and 1850 and then moved to Wisconsin Minnatowic county. Goldie Weier stay in Michigan.DURING bRITISH COLONIAL DAYS GERMAN FAMILY CHILDREN TAKING AWAY PARENTS AND GIVING TO English SPEAKING PARENTS IN nEW York AND PENNSYLVANIA.

  4. Do you know of a Delia Ware that married in Hadley Michigan to a Collin D Eaton. This marriage took place in Lapeer County Hadley Township in a church in Hadley Michigan. The marriage occurred in 1867 or 1868. Couple had a daughter Persis Eaton and a son Oscar Eaton. This Delia died in June 1878 and her daughter Persis live with her aunt Harriet Millicent Eaton. Couple had a son Oscar Eaton that live with his father Collin d Eaton after mother death. When this Delia Married Collin D Eaton her name was Delia Tibbith. Very first Mayflower that existed in early to middle 1800`s has Delia Ware the wife of COLLIN D Eaton. Appreciate any help you can give me. Collin and Delia Eaton my second great grand parents and I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT Delia. Please help me if you can. THIS Delia Tibbits Eaton told her daughter Persis Eaton, That Persis Eaton related to Mayflower Francis Eaton on mother Delia Tibbits Eaton mother side. Appreciate any help you can give me. This DELIA tIBBITS Eaton and her husband buried in Lapeer County Michigan Webster cemetery. There is also another Delia Eaton that listed to be wife of Collin D Eaton that buried in Genesse County Bendle cemetery that located in Flushing Michigan. The Flushing Michigan Bendle Cemetery Delia Eaton grave site has the same date for her birth and death, as other Delia Tibbits that buried in Lapeer County Webster Cemetery south of Imlay City Michigan. Ancestry.com Genealogist told me he think Collin d Eaton married twice to two women name Delia. Ancestry.com Genealogist has Flushing Michigan Bendle Cemetery Delia Ware Eaton being born in Michigan. Ancestry.com Genealogist has Lapeer County Webster Cemetery Delia Tibbits Eaton being born in Ontario Canada. Ancestry.com Genealogist has different birth dates for the two Delia. Oakland County Pioneeers has it in writing one man last name Eaton married two different Delia women. Appreciate any help you can give me. Thank you very much.

  5. I’m looking for ancestors of Patience Adeline Ware B4 July 1821 in Herkimer,, NY.
    Could you please bold this font. It is very difficult to see.
    Thank You,

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