A work of this size could not have come to fruition without the generosity and contributions of many kind souls who span this country from shore to shore. The computer has allowed me to “reach out” to family and friends that I never would have met otherwise, and I am so much richer for the experience and for their expertise. I know I cannot thank individually every unsung hero who has benefited this work, but I would like to draw special attention to just a few.
Becky Hill and Nan Card at the
Rutherford B. Hayes Memorial Library – both of these ladies have
been a constant source of encouragement and knowledge. They make
research in this phenomenal library a joy at every turn.
The Kentucky Historical Society of
Frankfort – all the wonderful folks in the genealogy section are a
‘dream come true’ for a researcher. I want to especially thank
them for giving me permission to use some of the fabulous photographs
they have in their archives. The visual enhancements have helped this
work “come to life.”
All the delightful staff at the
Hopewell Museum of Historic Paris/Bourbon County – they gave so
generously of their time.
Tom Moore of Bourbon County – who
came to my aid when writing Virginia Roots in
Kentucky Soil by helping us locate the
Webb/Ware Cemetery. I would still be lost if it were not for him!
The late John Woods - John was such
an enthusiastic researcher, and his site provided so much information
for those of us lucky enough to know him.
David Nance – David is a super “go
to” person for gaining valuable data about The Forks of Elkhorn
Church and providing maps pertaining to the area.
Kathleen Neal Dawson – Thank you
so much for sharing the moving deathbed story of Susanna Ware.
Karin Rice – Thank you for
providing the information and chart from the Dower and Division of
Land records for James Conn. Your contribution added much to the
Marti Martin, Woodford County
Historical Society board member and researcher - Marti
tirelessly tracked down information for me concerning all the Wares
in Kentucky. Many of the deeds and documents in this book came from
her willingness to sift through countless records on my behalf. Thank
you, Marti, for your thoughtfulness and hard work.
Jane and Scott Dudgeon of Virginia –
By providing me access to your family records and documents, you gave
me the very clues I needed to do further research. Thank you.
It was an incredible blessing to come in contact with other researchers who had their own particular branch of the family so well documented and traced. It was through their insights on their own relative that I gleaned information I would never have been able to gather on my own.
Betty Fitzgerald – When it came to
the lineage of John Ware, there were two ladies who stood head and
shoulders above the crowd with their knowledge and facts about this
firstborn son of James and Agnes. Betty sent me entire sections of
information on the descendants of this line and was a constant source
for facts and accuracy. Thank you, Betty, for your insights and your
abundant wealth of information.
Vicki Ware Cheesman – A direct
descendant of John Ware, Vicki knew everything there was to know
about this ancestor. She is truly a “Sherlock Holmes” of
research. When I think of Vicki, I am reminded of words like
dedicated, uncompromising,
(in her search for the truth), and unwavering.
(She is like a
bloodhound with a fresh scent when a new clue comes her way.) I also
think of words like friend,
cohort, partner in crime,
and encourager.
Not only has Vicki provided a website for all
Ware researchers at, but
she has been a constant source of help and insight for me. She has
always ‘been there for me’ over the several years it has taken me
to write this book - to spur me on, lift my spirits, or give me a
swift kick in the butt when I needed it. She would not let me
“settle” for less than she thought I could do - even when I was
ready to toss this manuscript in the fire out of frustration. Thank
you, Vicki, for having faith in me – and thank you for the
countless hours of editing we suffered through together with
laughter. You and I
both know that “all those couples had their babies together
and they
were very very
happy!” (Inside joke)
Peggy Smith Kittell – Nicholas
Ware had always been somewhat elusive for me in the past, so when I
got to his chapter, I was thrilled to get in touch with two direct
descendants who opened up a virtual treasure box of information for
me. One of those kind people, Peggy Kittell, provided me with her
lineage information and, in so doing, opened the floodgates for
further information. Thank you, Peggy, for providing the missing
puzzle piece I had not seen before.
Robert and Norma Ware – My other
“angels of ancestors” came via a delightful phone call to Bob
Ware in California. This wonderful gentleman and his wife had (not
only done firsthand research in South Carolina), but had unearthed
some of the most fascinating family history I had heard. All of the
information on Thomas Edwin Ware was the result of their detective
work and Norma’s writing. I can never thank them enough for their
generosity in sharing pictures and information. Each conversation
with Bob would brighten my day.
Debbie McCardle – When it came to
the children of James
Ware II, my personal area of expertise lay with his son, James Ware
III. The other siblings needed a heroine to rescue them from
obscurity. I will forever be indebted to Debbie, a descendant of
Thompson, who provided me with so much insight into this son and SO
much more! Debbie is one of the most professional and dedicated
researchers I know. The wife of James Talbot McArdle, of Crystal
Lake, Illinois, Debbie has kindly shared all her research (which is
abundant) on this family member and has even located bibles and
documents I had never seen before. On a recent trip to Kentucky, she
became my “feet on the ground” and hiked all over to track down
data for me. With her expert knowledge in antiques and history,
Debbie has often given me the professional insights I sorely needed.
Thank you, Debbie, for your friendship, guidance, support, and
constant encouragement. I can never repay you for all you have done.
and Judy McGee of Southeast Texas – It was just recently that I was
contacted by Judy McGee in Texas, who kindly offered to share some
photographs her family owned of the descendants of Thompson Ware’s
daughter, Davidella Ware. They add so much to the history! Thank you,
Judy, for making it possible to put a name with a face!!
Jim and Jane Shropshire –
It was also only in the last few months that I came in contact with
Jim and Jane Shropshire – descendants of George Ware. They kindly
provided the awesome likenesses of James Todd Ware and Lucy Arabella
Ware Shropshire. Thank you for enhancing their stories!
Sandra Walker – Much of the data I
had for Polly Ware Webb came from the kindness and generosity of one
of her descendants – Sandra Walker. Not only did Sandra share
incredible portraits and photographs, she allowed me to use some of
the oral history that has lovingly been preserved and passed down
through her family. Her stories can be found in much greater detail
in Virginia Roots in Kentucky Soil,
but without her contributions on Polly, this book would be sadly
lacking. Thank you, Sandra, for your help and your friendship.
Albert Bruns and Maunsel White –
Both of these cousins are direct descendants of the daughter of James
and Caty Ware - Catherine Ware Scott. They provided many wonderful
portraits and artwork for this book (and
its sequel), along with family records and historical
documentation for the pictures of all those
involved with Catherine Ware Scott. Thank you both so much.
Martha Baskin – I want to thank
Martha tremendously for allowing copies of the letters that Harvey
Richard Ware wrote to his wife to be included in this book. They
provide valuable personal insights into the people and the times.
Gail Wurtele – In writing the
chapter on Edmund Ware, it was such a blessing to make the
acquaintance of Gail Wurtele. She is the manager of Wildwood - home
of Jasper Ware. Her terrific contributions of the photographs of the
family and Wildwood are a gift beyond measure. It is so nice to know
that Jasper’s legacy is in such capable hands!
Conrad Wayne Ware – Wayne was my
“on the site” researcher for Wildwood, and I am deeply grateful
to him for allowing me to use some of his quotes. Even more, however,
I want to thank him for his unfailing support and kindness over the
years. He always seemed to know just when I needed a little “pat on
the back” to get me motivated. Thank you, Wayne and Jan, for being
great people!
Deacon Dorothy K. Royal of St.
Mary’s Episcopal Church in Nebraska – One day this kind lady took
a phone call from me inquiring about a stained glass window for
Jasper Ware that hangs in the church where she serves. Dropping
everything, she was not only kind enough to dictate the inscription
on the window for me - she sent me pictures and a bulletin from the
church. You cannot convince me that angels are not everywhere. Thank
Elizabeth and James Ware –
Although both of my in-laws have already passed away, I want to
publicly thank them for entrusting to me the family documents and
letters that it has been my privilege to safeguard over the years and
preserve for future generations. It is my honor and joy to be able to
share these treasures with other family researchers, as I know my
in-laws would have wanted. It is my constant hope that I have made
them proud.
John Reagan, who fulfilled my
heart’s desire to make my work accessible to others by setting up a
website for me at
- What more can I say of John!? This man is a saint. So much of what
I have been able to share with other researchers on line would never
have been possible without his willingness and generosity in posting
my work. There are no words to adequately express the depth of my
gratitude, and I continually marvel at his infinite patience.
John Hay – When my husband and I
arrived in Kentucky to do some more research, this kind and wonderful
cousin (who had never met us) was so unbelievably generous as to let
me invade his privacy, take pictures, and wander around the lovely
grounds of his home - Scotland. It was a surreal experience and one I
will never forget. Thank you, John!
Eugenia Crittenden Blackburn Luallen
(better known as Crit) – I am honestly at a loss for words as to
know how to thank this lovely and gracious woman. On a hunch (often
called a ‘gut instinct’ ), I decided to check out a stretch of
gorgeous Kentucky land that just ‘called’ to me as possibly being
Wareland – the property of James Ware in the 1700s. When I knocked
on the door of this beautiful home and babbled something about
‘looking for Wareland,’ this soft spoken, delightful lady
informed me that I was standing on it. If memory serves me correctly,
I think I threw myself at her with a huge hug and babbled even more.
Instead of kindly escorting me off the property or calling 911, Crit
proceeded to verify for me that my search was finally over. I had,
indeed, found my ‘pot of gold at the end of the rainbow’. It was
an indescribable moment for me. Her hospitality and graciousness knew
no limits as she let this (somewhat crazed) genealogist take pictures
and imagine herself standing on the same ground that an ancestor had
stood - over 230 years ago. Over the ensuing months, Crit shared
family photos, trekked through a neighboring graveyard, and answered
my many questions as I pieced all the information together. The
history you see before you now could not have been possible without
her input, and her generosity of spirit will bless Ware relatives for
generations to come. The added bonus was the discovery that our
families are actually related!
David Ware – Thank you, David, for
allowing me to sequester myself off and become a hermit while working
on this project – sometimes at the price of being sociable or
approachable. You have patiently sat through hours of listening about
dead relatives (“graveology,” as you love to call it) and you
always make me feel like you are actually interested. Your support
and pride in my work makes it so special for me.
Cathy and Rich Spinner – I want to
thank my sister and brother-in-law for being the best cheering
section anyone could ask for – you provide so much more than I
James Ware – And, last, but
certainly not least, my beloved husband, Jim. What would I do without
him? He has been the conduit through which all of this became
possible. His willingness to spend vacations roaming around
cemeteries and in local libraries makes him a candidate for sainthood
right out of the chute. His unfailing support in whatever task I
undertake is a gift beyond measure. When I have become obsessed with
the latest chapter or transcription, he has willingly (without ever a
word of complaint), taken over the cooking and cleaning, or whatever
else I have let go unattended in my fever pitch of creativity. His
insights are impeccable, his knowledge limitless, and his attention
to detail a source of constant inspiration for me. He is my breath,
my life, and the reason why this book came to be.
I also want to humbly thank my Savior for getting me through a second bout of cancer and allowing me the time to finish this book.