Chapter 5

Son ~ Nicholas

When John was only three years old, a baby brother joined the Ware household. It was August 12, 1739, and both James and Agnes Ware were 25 years old. As with all of his siblings, Nicholas was born in Gloucester County. In later years however, as a lot of his family relocated to Kentucky, Nicholas would be the one son to put his roots down in South Carolina after the Revolutionary War.

According to T. E. Campbell in his book titled Colonial Caroline, A History of Caroline County, Virginia, Nicholas was “listed as a Lieutenant in the Militia in the year 1762, but he eventually reached the rank of Colonel.” It was also in 1762 that Nicholas (age 23) married Martha Hodges, affectionately called Peggy. (Ref. 629, 959, 1062) The couple would have eight children during their 25 years of marriage: (1) James, (2) Frances, (3) Nancy, (4) William, (5) Thomas, (6) Elizabeth, (7) Edmund P., and (8) Nathaniel.

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(1) James - Peggy delivered their first child in Virginia in 1763. They named him James, probably after his grandfather. Sadly, he only lived two years and died in 1765.

(2) Frances – The will of Nicholas lists this daughter, Frances (born 1766), and also lets us know that her husband was George Wilder. (Ref. Will)

C:\Users\computer\Documents\My Scans\RECENT SCANS\2013-06-06 frances wilder\frances wilder 001.jpgMarriage record

(3) Nancy - Two years after the death of her firstborn, Peggy delivered a daughter named Ann - usually called Nancy. Born in 1767, in Gloucester County, Nancy was healthy enough to not only survive infancy, but eventually live to the ripe old age of 89. By the time Nancy married James Hodges in 1786, the family had moved to South Carolina. According to family researcher Dale Grissom, “in Nancy Ware Hodges’ application to receive a pension as the widow of a Revolutionary soldier, James Hodges, she tells of the family moving from VA. to S.C.” (Ref. Grissom)

It was actually in South Carolina that Nancy first met James L. Hodges, a man nine years her senior. James’ parents, Richard and Elizabeth, had moved to the area earlier and they “lived near Mulberry Creek.” (Ref. 2548) Family lore holds that when patriarch Richard “was a Revolutionary soldier and while at home on furlough, his cabin was attacked by Indians, and he was killed. The legend continued that the Indians captured four Hodges daughters, bound them securely and put them inside the cabin which they prepared to burn. However, an Indian warrior was attracted to one daughter, Dorothy, released her and took her with him, while the others perished in the flames. . . . Many years later, Dorothy Hodges and her Indian son returned for a visit on her promise, the story went, that she would return to her Indian husband in Alabama territory. She yielded to pleadings of relatives to remain and eventually married. . . . Her son attended the neighborhood school, but in his late teens went back to his father.” (Ref. 2548)

The loss of his father and siblings must have had a great effect on James. Showing outstanding patriotism, he “served several different enlistments in the Revolutionary War” before he and Nancy wed. (Ref. 2548)

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Marriage records

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The newlyweds started immediately on their own family and provided 11 grandchildren for Nicholas and Peggy.

1. Thompson Hodges (born 1786) married twice. His first wife was Mahala Hill. On June 24, 1826, Thompson was ordained a deacon in the Walnut Grove Baptist Church. After losing his first spouse and moving to Alabama, he married a second time to Catherine S. Morgan on November 12, 1857. Thompson died around 1867 in Alabama

2. Elizabeth Jones Hodges (born March 25, 1788) died December 4, 1872

3. Mary Hodges (born May 5, 1790)

4. John Hodges born (March 24, 1792)

5. James Hodges (born July 1794) died after 1837 in Mississippi.

6. Nicholas Ware Hodges (born January 1, 1797) died on October 7, 1841.

7. Rueben Hodges (born July 23, 1799) died around 1870 in Mississippi.

8. Mahala Hodges (born April 1801) died in 1817 at age 16.

9. Martha Hodges (born April 2, 1803)

10. Nathaniel Ware Hodges (born February 20, 1806)

11. Ezekiel Hodges (born May 28, 1808) died September 1837.

Nancy and James were very active in the Walnut Grove Baptist Church. Both of their names are listed in a record of the proceedings on the 24th day of June 1826, and the following list of congregants indicates not only their membership, but that of their eldest son, Thompson Hodges, as well. Names of the Members:
Samuel Hill Nancy Hodges Richard Gaines Mary Youngblood
William Graham Peggy Henderson Valentine Young Dicey Sharp
Thompson Hodges Jincy Gaines Benjamin Rosemond Robert Gaines

Susanna Roseman James Hodges Francis Roseman William Hodges

Tabitha Hodges      Jane Huskerson

A newspaper article written in 1943 described the history of the church as follows:

The "Church at the Walnut Grove on Mulberry Creek" as it was always described by the clerk, did not show any gain in membership by the end of its third year. Beginning with eighteen charter members, it lost within two years two of these by letters of dismission and on Oct. 20, 1828 Susannah Rosmond died, the first loss by death. This brought the membership down to fifteen, but the addition of ‘Polly Hodges’, wife of James Hodges by letter from Turkey Creek about this time, brought the membership up to sixteen. Then on Jan. 4, 1830 after a sermon by the Rev. Nicholas Ware Hodges, the first two members [were] received by baptism. These were ‘Polly Hodges, sister of, and Mahala Hodges, the wife of Thompson Hodges.’ (This made the total membership eighteen again.) Incidentally, there are three ‘Polly Hodges’ already noted in the record.” (Ref. Newspaper)

The ‘Nicholas Ware Hodges’ mentioned in the article was the sixth child of Nancy and James. According to information from author Margaret Watson, Nicholas Ware Hodges “was ordained in 1828 and organized several Baptist churches in upper South Carolina. He was on the committee for Furman Academy which operated for two years in Edgefield under Baptist auspices, and he was one of three men named by the State Baptist Convention to select a new site for the school. (Ref. 2548)

School seal  C:\Users\computer\Documents\My Scans\RECENT SCANS\2013-05-05 furman\furman 001.jpg Furman Institute

Furman Institute, named for Richard Furman, was one of the oldest colleges in South Carolina and the 64th oldest in the nation. Nicholas was made head of Furman Institute in 1838, but he moved to Greenwood about two years later and died there. In 1846, when Baptists established a boy’s school in Greenwood, it was named Hodges Institute in honor of Nicholas. It has since been torn down.

brwinst Hodges Institute, founded by the Baptists and named for the Reverend Nicholas Ware Hodges, a minister in the area who was active in Baptist education.

A wonderful autobiography of Nicholas Ware Hodges was kindly provided by Jimmy Rosamond. It provides remarkable, priceless pieces of information about Nicholas and all his family. The following are some excerpts from the work:


In the 44th year of my age, being confined at home by protracted illness, from which it is very uncertain whether I may ever recover, I proceed to the execution of a task, which I have desired and intended for many years, viz: to write a brief narrative of my life, for the instruction and benefit of my own children. . . . I must first gratify a natural curiosity in giving some account of my parentage. My grandfather, Richard Hodges, emigrated from Virginia, before the Revolutionary war, and settled in Abbeville District, on Mulberry Creek, then a frontier settlement in the vicinity of the Cherokee Indians. His wife's maiden name was Jones. She survived her husband many years. I can recollect her when she was nearly a hundred years of age. My father's name was James [Hodges]. There being no school established in that newly settled part of the country, and all that were capable being necessarily employed in opening the country and reducing it under cultivation, my father had no opportunity of going to school. Three days were the most of his schooling. The deficiency he lamented in [later] life and endeavored to supply it by his own efforts. He learned to read and sign his name.
Before the Commencement of the Colonial dispute (Revolution) my grandfather died, leaving a widow and twelve children . . . my grandmother was reduced to great suffering. The Indians burned her house and carried one of her daughters away captive. She returned home after the war, scarcely able to speak English. My grandmother had to fly for protection to the woods and shelter herself and children in the hollow of a large tree.”
[This is the account of Dorothy Hodges written about earlier.] My father was about 18 years of age at the commencement of the war and was soon engaged in active scenes. He was not the man that ever shrunk from danger, where duty or necessity called, and was consequently employed by his captain, with other daring young men, in several dangerous adventures against the Tories. . . . In all these battles, my father never received a single wound, though he never deserted his post and saw many fall dead on his right hand and on his left. If this was not an evidence of a special providence I know not where to find any. After the return of peace, my father married Ann [Nancy Ware], daughter of Nicholas Ware, who had emigrated from Virginia and settled on Turkey Creek, Abbeville . . . . My mother's parents [Nicholas and Peggy Ware] both dying, left under my father's care their two youngest sons, Edward and Nathaniel A. Ware, at a tender age. He brought then up as his own children and gave them the best education which the schools in his reach afforded. . . .” [For information on Nathaniel Ware, see his section.]

I was born on Lord's day, 1st Jan 1797 and was the sixth of eleven children. I was delicate in appearance and thought not to be equal to the labors of the farm. My uncle selected me from the rest and begged my father to keep me at school until he himself should finish his education, and he would then educate me, by way of return to my father for the kindness he had shown to him. My father did so. . . . One trait of character early developed itself - that was fondness for reading; but unfortunately I had no access to suitable books. . . . Having read all I could lay my hands upon in my father's little library, I at length found an old book with very fine and dim print. I resolved to know its contents. It was the Bible. I commenced at the beginning and read on with increasing interest. I often read by fire-light, after the rest of the family had retired to rest, and thus early injured my eyes, from which they never fully recovered. Very salutary impressions were made on my mind at this age. I saw that God befriended those patriarchs wherever they were and suffered none to hurt them. I had a great desire to be like them. I was now about 12 years of age. In the summer of 1810, my uncle came to carry me to Abbeville, to commence the study of Latin with him, whilst he was pursuing the study of law.” Nicholas further writes: “I must stop here to review the scenes among which I had been brought up - together with their effect on my mind . . . my mother [Nancy Ware] had a great respect for religion, which she had imbibed from her parents. [Nicholas and Peggy Ware.] They were both pious members of the Baptist church on Turkey Creek. She used to reprove her children about using bad words and indulging passion. My father was brought up in the Episcopal Church in Virginia, and certainly had great respect for religion and ministers; but very little for the church in which he had been brought up. He often read the Testament and other good books, but said nothing to his children about doing so. The Testament, however, was generally used as a school book . . . . I hated Latin because I was to be made proud by learning and could not become the humble Christian I had desired since I first read the scriptures, and gave way to grief and melancholy. After some months my uncle entered me as a student, at Old Cambridge and engaged boarding for me with Mr. Thomas Chiles.”

Nicholas continued, “After a short stay at my beloved home, I was carried back to Cambridge, in the beginning of the year 1811. My uncle having made his arrangements to move to Natchez, Miss., paid me a short visit. He gave me good advice which made an impression upon me. This was the last time that I ever had the pleasure of seeing that dear uncle to whom as an instrument I am indebted for what education I have. I became deeply interested and prosecuted the study of Latin, Greek and higher English, and succeeded in taking the prize offered our class. I remained until the close of the year, 1812. I spent the year 1813 in reviewing, reading, and instructing my younger brother and sisters. During the present year, l8l3, my religious impressions increased. I began to discover my depravity more and more, and was often in much distress. I made many resolutions, but was unable to keep them, which destroyed my peace of mind. But, as yet, I knew not the way of salvation. In the year, 1814, being about 17 years of age, I taught a school at Turkey Creek Church and boarded with my Uncle Edmond Ware, at Scuffletown. I returned to Cambridge in 1815.

[. . . .] During the following vacation I occupied a student's cabin alone. Here, happy in my seclusion, I had much time for meditation and prayer. I began to reflect seriously upon my situation as a sinner. I had been long striving to obtain religion, but found myself further off, instead of approaching nearer my object.

[. . . .] I thought myself the chief of sinners and was at my wits end. I could make no greater exertion than I had already made, which had proved abortive. Thus the lord was stripping me of my self-righteousness; for I had been, for years, trying to work myself into His favor.”

In closing, Nicholas relayed how, “one Sunday morning I was sitting in my cabin, reading . . . about a man who was in the habit of cock fighting. Having lost a bet, he took a solemn oath not to be engaged in such sport. . . . He was, at length, tempted himself . . . but was struck dead in an instant. When I read this I closed the book and thought I was as guilty as that man, for violating so many solemn resolutions. I looked for the hand of God to be let loose and cut me down. I rushed out of the cabin and sought the woods. Falling upon my knees I cried to God for mercy. Tears gushed from my eyes which afforded some temporary relief. I returned slowly to the cabin with despair seated at my heart. . . . I concluded to read again the Epistle of Paul to the Romans. . . . When I came to the 10th chapter, new views began to be presented. I read, ‘Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth . . . the word of faith, which we preach: that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.’ These remarkable words arrested my attention. I thought ‘Is it possible that salvation is placed on such easy terms merely to believe?’ I had been all the while under the impression that I must reform and do something to gain the divine favor. Here was a new doctrine to me, and I felt ready to lay hold upon it, for every other refuge had proved a failure. I then asked myself, ‘Do you believe in the lord Jesus?’ I answered ‘I most certainly do’. I then began to feel some degree of joy from the thought that there was a bare possibility for such a sinner as myself to be saved. This joy gradually increased until I left my cabin to walk in the open fields. Here as I looked around, all nature seemed to put on a new and more lovely aspect.” [You can find the autobiography in its entirety on the web.]

Nicholas was so inspired that he spent the rest of his life preaching the gospel. He married twice. His first wife was Elizabeth (Eliza) Hughes of Edgefield.

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They had two sons, Charles and Edward. There were more children by his second wife whose name is not known. Nicholas died of tuberculosis at the age of 44 on October 7, 1841. His mother, Nancy Ware Hodges, would outlive him by 15 years; dying in 1856 at the age of 89. Nancy’s husband had also predeceased her in 1828. James’ wife, Nancy Ware Hodges, as his widow, applied for his pension #W7776. Charlie Hodges sent an affidavit to support the pension request, March 20, 1846, in which he stated that James was his brother.” (Ref. Pension Records)

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Grave for Rev. Nicholas Ware Hodges

Leafy Swirl

(4) William - In the winter of 1768, Nicholas and Peggy were expecting another child. Their firstborn, James, had passed away three years earlier, and little Nancy had just turned one. October came and went. Finally, on November 1st, the parents and grandparents (James and Agnes) welcomed another Ware boy into the world, William T. Ware. In all likelihood, the letter ‘T’ stood for Grandma Agnes’ maiden name of Todd.

It was a busy year on all fronts. By 1768, the colonists were feeling the pinch of Great Britain. Samuel Adams had circulated a letter opposing the Townshend Acts, a series of laws meant to raise revenue in the colonies for British benefit. It was also England’s way of flexing her muscles so it would be known that she had the right of taxation over her subjects. The action only caused more tension in the colonies and with English troops (under General Gauge) landing in Boston, relations were only destined to deteriorate.

Since the war did not come to a complete close until 1768, it makes sense that 15-year old William would want to be a part of the action. His entire youth had been spent listening to his family and all colonists chafing at British rule. Data compiled by Reverend E. M. Sharp gives proof of his service: see below

Available records follow on four of the children of the pioneer Nicholas Ware. William Ware . . . a teen-aged soldier in the Revolution, married Mary Agnew.”

Further evidence can also be found in The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution Volume 72 where it states, “William Ware (1768-1856) is buried in Pontotoc County, Miss., where his tombstone bears the inscription, ‘A soldier in the Revolution.’ He was born in Abbeville District, S. C.”

William married Mary Agnew in 1793 in Abbeville County, and they had the following children: Marriage record

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1. Martha (Patsey) Ware married Charles Fooshe. She passed away in 1852.

2. Thomas Ware

3. Nicholas Mattison Ware (born May 5, 1794) married Elizabeth (Betty) F. Dial in 1825. They had a son named William. Nicholas died in January 1851.

4. Malinda E. Ware married James M. Vandiver. C:\Users\computer\Documents\My Scans\RECENT SCANS\2013-06-06 vandiver\vandiver 001.jpg Marriage record 5. Martha Ware -

6. James Agnew Ware (born May 12, 1804) married Harriet Pulliam on August 13, 1828. (For more details of his life, see section marked below.) James died April 11, 1865, and is buried in Ware Cemetery, Pontotoc, Mississippi. C:\Users\computer\Documents\My Scans\RECENT SCANS\2013-06-06 dr. james\dr. james 001.jpgMarriage record

7. Nathaniel Ware - 8. Edmund Ware - 9. Nancy Ware -

10. Emma Eliza Ware (born in 1813) married James Franklin

Killingsworth in 1887. She died in 1889.

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Picture of Emma Eliza WareGrave of Emma Eliza Ware Killingsworth

Nicholass grandson by William, Dr. James Agnew Ware, led an interesting life. Born in 1804, he married Harriet Pulliam on August 13, 1828. The couple had the following children: Priscilla “Priss” Ware (1835); Mariah Ann Hazeltine “Hass” Ware (1836), who married Sam Weatherall; Mary Agnew Ware (1839), who married James Wilde Crocker in 1857; William Ware (1841), who died as infant; Margaret Ware (1843); and Harriet “Hattie” Ware (1871), who wed Sylvanus Lattimore Hearne in 1871. Grave of Hazeltine Ware

According to the History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family, S.L. Hearn “was married in 1871 to Miss Hattie, daughter of Rev. Dr. James A. Ware, a South Carolinian by birth, who came to Pontotoc county, Miss. at an early day, where he became a prominent physician and Baptist minister, and one of the county's best citizens. He and his wife both died there.”

James was not only a doctor, but a dedicated minister as well. According to Hometown Mississippi, “Toxish Baptist Church was established in 1837 by Rev. James A. Ware of South Carolina.” One of his descendants, Mark Weatherall, wrote, “Dr. Ware, my maternal grandfather, was a Baptist minister and was pastor of the Toxish church for thirty years.”

Photos courtesy Mississippi Department of Archives and History Toxish Baptist Church for cemetery

In a recent book titled The Family Saga: A Collection of Texas Family Legends by Francis Edward Abernethy, one of James’ descendants submitted a family story of what happened to Reverend Ware during the Civil War. Below is an excerpt from the writing of Gloria Counts:

Acting on a rumor from an escaped slave, the Yankees demanded to know where Dr. Ware had buried his gold. [He] replied that there was no gold . . . the Yankees did not believe this. They took him from the house and hanged him by the neck several times, up and down, trying to make him tell where he buried his money. When their torture proved fruitless, the soldiers finally rode off after taking Dr. Ware’s boots from his feet and leaving him lying in the snow. He was never well again, and he died soon after in April 1865.” (Ref. 2538) For the full story, see The Family Saga: A Collection of Texas Family Legends.

William lived a long and prosperous life in South Carolina, expanding his talents to mill work. “Ware Shoals is the site of an old water wheel grist mill operated in the early 19th century by William Ware at Rutledge Ford, on the Saluda River.” (Wikipedia) Like many of his generation, he used slave labor to manage his large holdings, and according to a newspaper article printed in 1846, he owned the following 15 slaves: “Henry, Briss, Fort, Jim, Milly, Nelly, Ethick, Edmond, Dosh, Mary, Tena, Dicey, Mitchell, Kigh, Wesley. . .” (Ref. The Banner, Abbeville)

We have recently been able to learn more about William Ware through the records of another ancestor, Peggy Smith Kittell. She kindly offered the chart below to show the family line she follows, coming down from Nicholas’s son – starting with William.

xx Peg's line from James & Nicholas 001

Lineage from Peggy Smith Kittell (Ref. 2337)

William’s wife, Mary Agnew Ware, had been born on Christmas Day in 1774, and she died before William on November 18, 1843. She was 69 years old at her death and was buried in Turkey Creek Baptist Church Cemetery. William, who was visiting his son, James Agnew Ware, in Mississippi when he died, was sadly not able to be buried beside her. Upon his death on January 12, 1856, at age 88, he was laid to rest in Pontotoc County, Mississippi.

8297670_1076958735 Turkey Creek Baptist Church Cemetery

Grave for Mary Agnew Ware (wife of William) who was buried in Turkey Creek Baptist Church Cemetery

Leafy Swirl

Leafy Swirl

(5) Thomas - Nicholas and Peggy added another son to the family in 1770, naming him Thomas Ware. He would marry twice. The two wives were Sarah Gaines and Nancy Johnson, but there is conflicting data on which one he married first. Most references say that Sarah died in 1840 and Nancy lived until 1870. The known children of Thomas are:

Mary Catherine Wareborn 1810 “She married John Richard Stephens, Jr. and they had nine children. In 1844, both John and Mary died in the typhoid epidemic that was raging at the time. John’s parents, John Sr. and Sarah, left South Carolina where they were living at the time and went to Pontotoc County, Mississippi to assist in the rearing of the eight orphaned children of John Richard Stephens Jr. He and his wife, Mary Ware, a small daughter named Sarah, and a slave had died within a period of three weeks during a typhoid epidemic. They were the first persons buried in Cherry Creek Baptist church cemetery.” (Ref. Stirpes – A Stephens Summary by: Shirley Stephens Martin, September 1996)

The children of John and Mary Catherine Ware Stephens were:

Enoch Monroe Stephens (1828 – 1899) who wed Mary F. Reeder.

George Washington Stephens (1829 - 1922) wed Theresa Smith, who died in 1883, and Roenna J.Holditch, who died in 1940. Washington Stephens – grandson of Thomas Ware and great grandson of Nicholas Ware

Penelope J. (Nelly) Stephens – (1831- 1913) wed Hudson Posey Berry.

John Anderson Stephens - (1833 - 1879) wed Sarah (Sallie) Hitt Ball.

Robert Madison (Matt) Stephens – (1834 - 1888) wed Rachael Elliott Smith.

Mary C. Stephens (1836-1905) wed James “Buff” Smith and James R. McCarver. Mary McCarver – granddaughter of Thomas Ware and great granddaughter of Nicholas

Nancy (Nonnie) A. Stephens – (1847 - 1925) wed Miles Pegues.

Margaretta Stephens (born unknown date)

Leafy Swirl

William Henry Ware – born 1820

Perdy (Peregrine)Ware – born 1822

Thomas Jefferson Ware born 1826 Thomas Jefferson Ware, son of Thomas Ware of Abbeville County, S.C. born in Laurens Co., S.C. 1823 m Frances Malinda Murff 11/14/1852. He migrated to Monroe Co., Miss. 1859, joined the Confederate Army, was captured and died in U.S. Army Prison Camp at Memphis, Tenn.” (Ref. Web)

JA Ware born 1832

GN Ware born 1836

Thomas Ware lived 83 years and died February 28, 1853. (Ref. 818)

Leafy Swirl

(6) Elizabeth - It was a few years before Nicholas and Peggy had another baby, but according to church records, they had a little girl named Elizabeth (called Bettey or Betsey) on March 22, 1774.



WAS BORN MARCH 22ND 1774” Church Minutes



(Ref. LIBBIE GRIFFIN TO GLENN GOHR) Broad Run Church minutes

Elizabeth came into a world on the brink of revolution, and her birth year would mark the convening of the First Continental Congress. (This convention of delegates from the 13 colonies met to discuss actions that needed to be taken in response to England’s continued tyranny.) The Wares could have no way of knowing at this celebration of Elizabeth’s birth that her father would soon be fighting in a war.

On August 11, 1794, at the age of 20, Elizabeth married John Henry Madison. [In the 1700s the name was spelled ‘Mattison’ - it was only later that it was changed to ‘Madison.’] Henry, as he was known, was the son of Thomas Mattison who came to Carolina from Virginia about 1795, settling in the Pendleton District. Elizabeth and Henry had four children: Fielden (born September 9, 1795); Strother (born June 1797); Mahulda (born July 3, 1799); and Leroy Ware (born in 1802).

Of these children, we know Fielden died very young. The information about his brother, Strother, has come through one of his descendants. (See below)

I now have good evidence that Strother Madison was indeed the son of Henry (perhaps John Henry) Mattison and Elizabeth Ware who married on 11 August 1794. Also that Henry was the son of a Thomas Mattison who made his will in Abbeville Dist. SC on 12 Jan. 1821 with the estate finally being settled in 1834 after the death of his unnamed wife. His children listed in the settlement are: Nevil; Thomas, Jr.; Francis; Jesse; Betsey Mattison Calvert; Jane Mattison Young; Thomas Davis, Jr. in right of his deceased mother, Drucilla Mattison Davis; and Henry Mattison's widow, Elizabeth Mattison, nee Ware. Henry Mattison pre-deceased his father. Administration of his estate was given to Elizabeth Mattison, Thomas Mattison, Sr. (father of Henry) and Wm. Ware on 29 Oct. 1804 and Elizabeth's brother, Wm. Ware was named guardian of her three

living children, Strother, Leroy Ware and Mahulda. An older son, Fielden, born 9 Sept. 1795 is said to have died young.” (Ref. Ancestry) (Underling done by me)

Strother married twice. When his first wife, Elizabeth, died, he remarried in 1824 to Catherine Sample. By the time of his second marriage, he was 27.

Marriage record for Strother

Madison, Strother Sample, Catherine 13 Jan 1824 Marengo

According to, Strother Madison (notice the change in spelling of the last name), was “born in South Carolina in 1797, married Catherine Sample and they had 10 children. He passed away on 26 Sep 1885 in Noxubee, Mississippi, USA.” It is believed that Strother was traveling to Texas with some of his children when he died. Although there is no visible gravestone for him at this time, there are cemetery records that show he was buried in Noxubee County, Mississippi, on September 26, 1885.

Some of the children of Strother and Catherine Sample Madison were: (1) Leroy Ware Madison (1818-1903) from his first marriage; (2) Susan Madison (1828); (3) William Gaines Madison (1830); (4) James Strother Madison (1833), who wed Rebecca Barley; (5) Nathaniel Ware Madison (1835), who wed Cornelia Hawkins on September 24, 1856; (6) Mahulda (Hilda) Madison (1839); (7) Alexander Madison, and possibly others. Cemetery for Strother Madison - Son of John Henry Madison and Elizabeth "Betsy" Ware of Virginia. Strother Madison was the husband of Catherine Sample. They lived in Marengo, Alabama. It is believed that he was on his way to Texas with some of his children.

We don’t have much information on Elizabeth and Henry’s son, Leroy Ware Madison (born 1802), but his older brother, Strother, clearly named his first son after him. Leroy Ware Madison, born on August 18, 1818, married Frances Deliah Jane Tucker and, according to, they had 10 children. He passed away on December 23, 1903, at the age of 85.

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The only daughter for Elizabeth and her husband, Henry, was Mahulda Malinda Madison, who was born on July 3, 1799. She married Joseph Sample, and the couple lived in Alabama for some time. They had two sons, Henry Alexander Sample and Leroy Ware Sample. The couple later moved to Texas where Mahulda died. She was buried on March 1, 1889, in Marcelina Baptist Church Cemetery.

Mahulda Malinda Madison Sample – daughter of Elizabeth Ware Madison

On January 17, 1806, Elizabeth Ware remarried. Her second husband, Benjamin Pendleton Gaines, was the son of James Gaines and Mildred Bland Pollard. According to one of his descendants, “My grandfather was Dr. Benjamin Pendleton Gaines - he moved from Virginia to Abbeville Dist South Carolina and married a Widow, Mrs. Elizabeth Madison, formerly a Miss Ware . . . . My grandparents had two sons, Edmund Pollard Gaines who married Susan Sample, and my father, William Baxter Pendleton Gaines, born 12 Sept 1808. Dr. Benjamin Pendleton Gaines was a surgeon in the War of 1812.”

Another descendant, Wynell Madison Patton, kindly provides further information: “I'm interested in Benjamin Pendleton Gaines, born in Virginia. A doctor and surgeon; he was in the War of 1812 and died at Salisbury NC in 1814. He married Elizabeth Ware Mattison in 1806 in SC, after the death of her first husband Henry Mattison. She had 3 children by Henry Mattison: Strother, Leroy, and Mahulda. Strother Madison is my 3x great grandfather. She had 2 sons with Benjamin: Edmund P. and Wm. Baxter Pendleton Gaines. Strother married Catherine, a daughter of John Sample. Edmund married Susan, a second daughter of John Sample. Mahulda married Joseph, a son of John Sample. They lived in Alabama for a while. After the deaths of Catherine, Edmund, and Joseph; they ended up in Texas. The other half brother, WBP Gaines; arrived in Texas about 1834 and fought in the Texas Revolution against Mexico. He was a lawyer, plantation owner, and legislator in Texas.”

Benjamin was a physician and surgeon who served in that capacity during the War of 1812 with the 6th Regiment (Coleman's) Virginia Militia. He died while in service at Salisbury, North Carolina, in 1814. Elizabeth was a widow again at the age of 40 and never remarried.

We know the following information about the children of Elizabeth and Benjamin Gaines:

Edmund Pollard Gaines (1807-1850) wed Susan N. Sample in 1828 in Marengo County, Alabama. They had seven children: (1) William P. Gaines (1830); (2) Mahulda Gaines (1832); (3) John N. Gaines (1834); (4) Strother Gaines (1835); (5) Abner Pollard Gaines (1836); (6) Catherine Gaines (1837); and (7) Edmund Gaines (1842). By 1860, Susan and some of her children had moved to Evergreen, Burleson County, Texas, where her brother-in-law William Gaines had settled. Susan died in March 1870 in Texas.

William Baxter Pendleton Gaines (September 17, 1808 - May 19, 1891) In an article written by Stephanie P. Niemeyer for “The Handbook of Texas” we learn much more about William Gaines.

“William Baxter Pendleton Gaines, planter and legislator, was born on September 17, 1808, in Abbeville, South Carolina, son of Benjamin P. and Elizabeth (Ware) Gaines. He taught school in Marengo County, Alabama, until 1832 when he became a merchant in Demopolis, Alabama. He was approached to enter into a business arrangement in Texas, and [in]1835, he established himself in Nacogdoches. By October 1835 Gaines was a wealthy man. He contributed money to the Texas Revolution and served as an officer in the volunteer force from Nacogdoches under Gen. Thomas Rusk that marched to reinforce the siege of Bexar. Gaines acted as a commissary and quartermaster. After the army reorganized, Gaines returned to Nacogdoches to serve as deputy paymaster general of the Texas Army. [He] left the army to pursue other opportunities and lived in Galveston while studying law under John B. Jones. He was admitted to the bar in 1840. In 1842 he moved to Brazoria County with a large number of slaves and began a cotton and sugar plantation. By 1860 Gaines had 47 slaves working on his plantation.
In 1846 he joined the United States Army to fight the Mexican War. He fought with distinction during the battle of Monterey and was awarded a sword for gallantry. In 1850 Gaines married Eugenia Gratia Harris of Charlotte, North Carolina. They had five children.”
The Handbook of Texas Online - Article by Stephanie P. Niemeyer

Leafy Swirl

(7) Edmund Pendleton - On Aug. 16, 1780, Nicholas and Peggy Ware had another baby boy, Edmund P. Ware. Big sister, Nancy, was now 13 and baby sister, Elizabeth, had just recently turned six. A lot had happened in the colonies since the birth of Elizabeth. Thomas Jefferson had written the Declaration of Independence, the 13 colonies had united in their cause for freedom, an army had been formed under the leadership of General George Washington, and the French, in 1778, finally declared war against Britain, making a much needed alliance with the revolutionary forces.

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Signing of the Declaration of Independence

It is likely that Peggy saw little of Nicholas during those years, as he was off fighting in the war. We know from records kept faithfully by the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) that Nicholas was in the Continental Army in South Carolina. He eventually attained the rank of colonel.

DAR Military record

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The war would not officially be over until 1783, but Nicholas obviously made it home for a visit sometime earlier because Peggy was soon pregnant again. One can only imagine the concern that engulfed her during this time, and what a celebration they must have had when Edmund Ware was born and the war ended.

Their happiness did not last long, however. Young Edmund’s childhood was cut short with the death of both of his parents a few years after his birth. An orphan at the age of seven, he and his younger brother were raised by their older sister, Nancy, and her husband, James Hodges. As Nancy’s son, Reverend Nicholas Ware Hodges, wrote in his autobiography, My mother's parents both dying, left under my father's care their two youngest sons, Edward and Nathaniel A. Ware, at a tender age. He brought then up as his own children and gave them the best education which the schools in his reach afforded.” (The author confused spelling of Edmund with Edward.)

Edmund married twice. We know little about his first wife, Theodocia Nash, because she died shortly into the marriage. We can ascertain from Edmund’s will that the only child born of this union was Albert N. Ware. In a piece called From Hill To Dale to Hollow, Ware Shoals, South Carolina, published by a town appointed committee in 1983, we learn “General Edmund Ware, son of Nicholas and Martha Hodges Ware, married a second wife, Margaret Gaines, daughter of Thomas Gaines of Newberry County.” When Edmund remarried, his new wife became a stepmother to Albert, and the couple added even more to the family.

All in all, the Edmund Ware family had the following eight children:

(1) Albert Nicholas Ware – born prior to Edmund’s 2nd marriage

(2) Thomas Edwin Ware – born 1806 (Details of him following)

(3) Nimrod Washington Ware – born 1810. He married Catherine Norwood

and they had six children. Nimrod died in 1840 in Louisiana.

(4) Emily Ware – born 1812 and married James S. Rogers

(5) Peregrine (Perry) Gaines Ware – born 1814 married Caroline Broodway

(6) James Henry Ware – born May 25, 1815, married Margaret C.L. Isabella

Johnson (See obituary below)

Frame1 (8) Edmund Pollard Ware Jr. – born 1821

The names of these children are also validated in Edmund’s will, written in 1833. (See below)

Edmund Ware (17 Apr 1833 Abbeville SC Will Book 2-315)

(Abbeville County South Carolina Will Book 2-315)
EDMUND WARE, 17 Apr 1833
"To be buried at Turkey Creek Church where some of my children are buried"
Son by first marriage: Albert N. Ware.
Son-in-law: James S. Rogers, Thomas Edwin Ware, Peregine P. Ware, Edmund P. Ware.
Son: Nimrod Washington Ware, James Henry Ware.
Dau: Louisa Catherine Ware, Emily Rogers.
Wife: Peggy.
Wit: Wm. Ware, J. H. Baskin, Thomas P. Spierin Grave for Louisa Catherine Ware Bolling

Dr. James H. Ware – son of Edmund Ware:

Distinguished Physician Passes Away at the Ripe Age of Ninety-two years

Greenville, April 24 – Dr. James H. Ware, one of the oldest and best known citizens of this city, died at the home of his sister, Mrs. M.L. Donaldson, this morning at 4 o’clock. Dr. Ware had been a citizen of Greenville for about 15 years and formerly practiced medicine in Laurens, Abbeville, and Greenville counties. He was a member of the secession general assembly, to which he was elected in 18—from Laurens County. He was a man of great attainments and a member of the well known Ware family, being a son of Gen. Edmund E. Ware, who was well known in the public life of the state a half century ago. He is the grandfather of Dr. J. R. Ware of this city and is survived by a number of members of his family in this city and other points. He would have been 92 years old had he lived until the 26th of this month, and his practice as a physician covered over 40 years.

There has been much written about the oldest son of Edmund and Peggy, Thomas Edwin Ware. He not only attained recognition for being a highly successful plantation owner, and a politician for the state of South Carolina, but also for being the focal point of a murder trial that occurred in 1853. Thomas married Mary William Jones, the only daughter of Adam Jones and Jane Williams. Adam “moved to Greenville County where he built his residence. It is the dominant residence at a crossroads community known as Ware Place.” (Ref. 2546)

Marriage record

"Marriage and Death Notices from Pendleton SC Messenger 1807-1851".
Compiled by Brent H. Holcomb Issue of July 2, 1834 pg. 45.

Married on Thursday, the 19th inst., by the Rev. Sandford Vandiver,

Mr. Thomas E. Ware, of Abbeville District to Miss Mary Jones, only daughter of Capt. Adam Jones, of Greenville Dist.

According to information housed in the ‘Special Collections and Archives’ at James B. Duke Library in the Furman Institute, “Thomas Edwin Ware (1806-1873) was born to General Edmund Ware and Margaret “Peggy” Gaines. He was a prominent planter of Greenville District, and his papers represent an important source for local and state history. Ware owned and operated Ware Place plantation and mill in the southern part of Greenville District and employed 102 slaves on his land in 1860. Ware represented Greenville in the SC House of Representatives during the following terms: 1840-41, 1844-45, and 1846-47. Then he served in the state Senate for five additional terms: 1848-49, 1850-51, 1860-61,

1862-63, and 1864. He married Mary Williams Jones, daughter of Adam Jones (builder of Ware Place).

Thomas was, indeed, successful. According to a book titled Greenville: the History of the City and County by Archie Vernon Huff in 1995, “The Wares moved to the Greenville District and lived with Jones on his plantation, later known as Ware Place . . . . He and his wife joined Brushy Creek Baptist Church in 1854 after he had a moving religious experience.” Thomas was the largest slave holder in the Greenville district and was considered a “prominent politician and military man for the state of South Carolina.” (Ref. 2546)

Thomas owned about 700 acres of good land on the Saluda River, but a large part of his wealth came not from farming but from hiring out the vast number of slaves he owned (102 according to the 1860 census). His plantation, called Ware Place, was known for its beauty throughout the area of Greenville.

The following photographs are graciously offered by Bob and Norma Ware who visited the lovely home. All of the helpful notations accompanying the photos are also provided by Bob Ware.

C:\Users\computer\Documents\My Scans\RECENT SCANS\2012-08-02 ware place sign\ware place sign 001.jpg C:\Users\computer\Documents\My Scans\RECENT SCANS\2012-08-02 ware place 1\ware place 1 001.jpg

Sign for Ware Place Ware Place

Ware Place is located about 17 miles from the center of Greenville at the intersection of US 25 and SR8. It is not a town, nor is it a community or a

village; it is simply four corners of the intersection. A gas station is located on one corner, a couple of antique stores on the corner across from it. The Ware Plantation residence is across US 25 from the stores and a Greenville County fire station on the remaining corner. Other than that, the area is typical rural.”

Ware Place – home of Thomas Edwin Ware

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The main view of the house as seen from US 25”

I am deeply indebted to Bob and Norma Ware for sharing their photographs, knowledge, and experiences with me for this book.

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A view of the south side of the house with a partial view of the replacement kitchen”

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A view of the north side of the house taken from SR 8”

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The north side of the new kitchen”

Photo on the right - “The old kitchen that has been moved from the rear of the house to the north side and is now used as a garage and utility shed”

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View showing the conversion of the old kitchen to the garage”

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Side view and rear view of the old kitchen. It appears that it was a large structure in its self.”

From the beginning of their marriage, Thomas and Mary resided in the same house with her parents. Mary was an only child and obviously close to her mother. It would seem that relations with her father were often difficult, however. It was later reported that “Col. Ware lived in the greatest harmony with [him], and never had any difficulty with him, though he did not approve of [his] conduct towards his family.” (Ref. 2556) The situation only became more stressful after Mary’s mother died, and “Col. Ware was ever a peace maker between [Mary’s father] and his wife.” (Ref. 2556)

In 1853, the situation escalated to a horrible level. Thomas and Mary decided to leave the plantation and move into Greenville to avoid further problems with her father, who was now drinking more and more. On the day of their departure, there was a major confrontation. An intoxicated Captain Jones attacked Thomas in a fit of rage with a pair of iron fire tongs. Thomas ended up pulling out a gun he owned and fatally killing his father-in-law. He was arrested for manslaughter.

An excerpt of the trial of Thomas Edwin Ware, taken from a newspaper titled The Southern Patriot in Greenville, South Carolina (printed on Thursday morning April 21, 1853), gives vivid details of the many testimonies brought forth. The physician who examined both men after the shooting gave the following quote in an effort to show that Thomas had acted in self-defense.

The blow was aimed, as he thinks, at Ware’s head: Ware’s arm, one of the bones broken; [doctor] thinks if the whole force of the blow had been received on his head, it would have produced fracture of the skull and most likely death as a consequence; had attended Ware’s arm; paralysis of the fingers; nerves injured; may never recover use of the fingers . . . .” (Ref. 2556)

In a somewhat shocking turn of events, Thomas was convicted on the charge of manslaughter but given an incredibly light sentence. In fact, he received a full pardon one week later. The following article, written about this interesting story, has been graciously and generously offered by the author, Norma Ware.

WARE PLACE by Norma Ware, English 9, Writing Memoir,

Autobiography, and Family History, April 15, 1997

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Below is the announcement of the pardon for Thomas Edwin Ware

C:\Users\computer\Documents\My Scans\RECENT SCANS\2012-07-31 pardon thomas\pardon thomas 001.jpg(Ref. 2556)

Thomas and Mary continued to live at Ware Place for the next 20 years. It was here that they had started their family and raised their children - the grandchildren of Edmund and Margaret and great grandchildren of Nicholas and Peggy. The nine children were: Mary Pauline, James Edwin, Anna Louisa, Margaret Jane, Edmund James, Albert Williams, Thomas Jr., Clarence Eugene, Mary, and George Barstow.

1. Mary Pauline Ware (born March 25, 1836) wed James H. Arnold on April 22, 1858, at her parent’s home, Ware Place. She was called Pauline as can be seen in the following news clipping.

Marriage and Death Notices From the Up-Country of South Carolina as taken from Greenville newspapers 1826 - 1863 compiled by Brent H. Holcomb
Married on Thursday evening, the 22nd ult., by Rev. Mr. Wells, Mr. James H. Arnold of Laurens District, to Miss Pauline Ware, of this district. (May 6, 1858)

2. James Edwin Ware (February 15, 1838) He died on December 1, 1854, at the age of 16.

3. Anna Louisa Ware (January 29, 1840) married Major Garland Mitchell Ryals on October 25, 1870. Major Ryals was Provost Marshal to General J. E. B. Stuart during the Civil War. Below is an oil painting done by Ron Lesser in 2003, titled The Shelling of Carlisle -- July 1-2. Major (then Lieutenant) Garland Ryals (husband of Anna Louisa Ware) is one of the soldiers depicted in the painting.

In foreground, left to right, Major Andrew Reid Venable, Major General Jeb Stuart, Lt. Garland Mitchell Ryals, Major Talcott Eliason

Garland Mitchell Ryals Garland married Anna Ware on October 21, 1870, and they had four children. Garland died in 1904 from complications due to diabetes. Anna Ware Ryals died May 17, 1912.

Grave marker for Garland Mitchell Ryals and Anna Louisa Ware Ryals

4. Margaret Jane Ware (May 3, 1842) was born at Ware Place (as all the younger children were). She only lived six years, dying in December 1848.

5. Edmund James Ware (December 19, 1845) In June 1864, he was mortally wounded in Virginia during a battle. His body was brought home and interned at the old place.

6. Albert Williams Ware (September 29, 1847) Albert wed Anna Lucy Watson on December 21, 1870, in an Episcopal church in Greenville. The couple had nine children: (1) Lucille, (2) Ethal, (3) William, (4) Irvin, (5) Alicia, (6) Minna, (7) Mitchell, (8) Hext, and

(9) Edwin. Albert died March 31, 1916.

7. Thomas E. Ware Jr. (August 20, 1849) married Lucy H. Foote in 1870, and they had eight children: (1) Edwin, (2) Eugene, (3) Oliver, (4) Mary, (5) James, (6) Ellen, (7) Simpson and (8) Charles. Thomas Jr. took over management of Ware Place when his parents died, and he was the last member of the family to live there before it sold.

Thomas E. "Salt" Ware (1849-1904) – son of Thomas and Mary

Both Thomas Ware Jr. and his wife, Lucy Foote Ware, are buried in the family cemetery on Ware Place, along with other members of the family. The three small gravestones at the bottom of this page are for some of their children who, clearly, died young.

Lucy Foote Ware – wife of Thomas (Salt) E. Ware

Ellen Ware died at age 5 James Sidney Ware died at age 3 Simpson Ware died at age 2

8. Clarence Eugene Ware (January 27, 1851) had the unusual nickname of “Coon” Ware. He married Mary Elizabeth Davis, and they had the following children: John, Martha, James, Mary, Anna, and Clarence Jr. Clarence died August 7, 1917.

Grave for Clarence Eugene "Coon" Ware (1851-1917)

Son of Thomas and Mary Jones Ware

9. Mary Ware (November 26, 1854) wed William Lee Coleman, Jr., on January 10, 1877, and they had the following five children: Marie, William, Lewis, Edith, and Garland. Mary died on June 28, 1920.

10. George Barstow Ware (March 1, 1859) He was the last child for Thomas Edwin Ware Sr. and Mary.

Thomas Sr. and Mary put the past behind them after the death of Adam Jones. With the exception of their last two children, all the other offspring were born prior to the shooting. Only baby Mary and George would have grown up in a house without feeling the tensions that existed between Mary and her belligerent father. Thomas accrued great wealth in his lifetime and stayed very active in politics. (Ref. 2555)

There is a graveyard on Ware Place, and one ancestor wrote that Thomasand his wife (Mary Catherine Jones) are buried at the site of the Ware old home place along with several family members. The Ware Family Cemetery is very run down and many of the graves been vandalized . . . . This graveyard is in the woods and unkept!(Ref. Web) Thankfully, there has been an effort in recent years to restore and take better care of this historic spot. Thomas died in 1873, and Mary died in 1885.

Marker for Thomas Edwin Ware Sr. 1808 -1873 and Mary W. Jones Ware 1810 -1885

Edmund and Margaret Ware prospered on their Saluda River property. The following two documents give a good indication of how this son of Nicholas and Peggy obviously stayed active in South Carolina civic affairs.

Edmund had earned the rank of major general during his military service in South Carolina. At one point, he was the commander of the 1st Division of the South Carolina Militia. Information attached to The Mills Atlas Map made in 1820, for Abbeville District, refers to "General Ware's Mill" on Saluda River, and Wanda DeGidio validates his rank in her writingGeneral Ware was buried in Turkey Creek Cemetery.(Ref. 379) His marker is no longer visible in the cemetery, but the church documents let us know that hedied on April 13, 1833, aged 53 years.Margaret only lived one year longer and her tombstone reads: Margaret Peggy Gaines Ware: death March 25, 1834 age 46 - wife of Edmund.

1833 Newspaper

Last Will & Testament for General Edmund Ware

(8) Nathaniel - The last child born to Nicholas and Peggy Ware came just one year after Edmund. The little boy, named Nathaniel, arrived on March 16, 1781. Sadly, Nathaniel, like his older brother, would not get a chance to know his parents very well. Just six years after his birth, both of them died and as mentioned before, James Hodgesbrought then up as his own children and gave them the best education which the schools in his reach afforded.(Excerpt from Rev. N.A. Wares autobiography)

Reverend Ware provided more fascinating details about the family:

When the younger son, Nathaniel, came to years of maturity, he was not satisfied with this. A circumstance occurred about this time, (apparently trivial) which changed the course of his life, and has had a great bearing on my own destiny. He was on his way to market with a hogshead of tobacco, in company with other tobacco-rollers. John C. Calhoun had taken his diploma at Yale College and was returning to his native District. He alighted from his carriage and saluted them with that affability and ease of manners for which he is so much distinguished, inquired familiarly about the affairs of the District. My uncle [Nathaniel] was struck with his appearance. After Mr. Calhoun's departure, he said to his companions:If education can do so much for a man, I will sell my tobacco, return home, and get an education too.He put his resolution into immediate execution. He sold the property left him by his father, and commenced, when about 22 years of age, studying languages at Willington, under Dr. Waddell. He made rapid progress . . . soon entered the Junior Class of the South Carolina College. . . . He taught school a year or two and then entered as a student of law in the office of J. C. Calhoun.

According to the Mississippi Biographical Society,Nathaniel Ware, son of Nicholas and Martha Hodges, went to South Carolina in early manhood as a teacher; studied law and thence removed to Natchez, Mississippi, where he became the last Territorial Secretary and Major-General of Militia from June 7, 1815 to Oct. 1817; when Mississippi became a state.

Nathaniel A. Ware, of Mississippi

Recess appointment, June 7, 1815

Appointed on confirmation, January 10, 1816

Acting Governor, April, 1815 to May 1816 Service record

From an 1870 book titled Southland Writers: Biographical and Critical Sketches of the Living Female Writers of the South, we get a wonderful description of the man who would father one of those southern authors. Nathaniel Ware, in his older years,was a handsome man, his features marked, - his nose aquiline, his mouth small and compressed, his eyes of a bright blue, his complexion pure and fair as a young girl's, his cheeks freshly colored, his brow white as a lily - a very venerable looking man, with long, thin, white locks falling on his neck; his forehead was very high, very prominent, and very narrow. He wrote two works on Political Economy, which made some reputation for him among the class of men who take interest in such reasonings.(Ref. 2552, 2554)

In 1814, Nathaniel married Sarah Percy Ellis, the widow of Judge John Ellis who died in 1808. Sarah had two children (Thomas and Mary Jane) by her first marriage. She was from a prominent Southern family, known for great affluence and social connections. Sadly, however, they were to be remembered for another reason as well. Several family membershad a vulnerability to mental illness. . . a fact which would haunt Nathaniel for the rest of his marriage.

Sarah wasvery young when left a widow by Colonel Ellis,and Nathaniel was not only handsome, but aman of profound learning and well versed in science, particularly in Botany.He also wasa man full of eccentricities and naturally very shy and reserved in character . . . a philosopher of the school of Voltaire, a fine scholar, with a pungent, acrid wit, and cool sarcasm, which made him both feared and respected by those brought into collision with him.(Ref. 2552) Nathaniel had attained the rank of major while serving as a military aide to the governor in 1812, and had gained appointment to the Governors Legislative Council, by order of President Madison.(Ref. 2554) He was a man with high ambitions for the future and was on the way to the top.(Ref. 2554) Their future looked very bright.

In addition to Sarahs two children by her first marriage, another baby joined the household in Natchez, Mississippi, on June 6, 1816. Nathaniel and Sarah named their first daughter Catherine Ann Ware. The little girl would later be described as having the Percy eye - dark gray with black lashes and a forceful chin. (Ref. 2545)

Catherine Ann Ware As she grew older, shestood very erectat five foot, three inches andhad hair black like her mother Sarahs and half sister.(Ref. 2545) Author Ida Raymond described her as havingsoft dark-gray eyes, radiating emanations from a spirit so warm and so strongeyes so full of vitality, both mental and sensuous.(Ref. 2552) Raymond gave an even more in-depth description later:Her eyes are . . . shadowed by black lashes, her brow is beautiful; nose, straight, fine and delicate . . . her appearance is striking and attractive; genius is stamped in every lineament.(Ref. 2552)

Three years after Catherines birth, in 1819, Nathaniel and Sarah had their last child, Eleanor Percy Ware. Eleanor was described asa beautiful childwith abrilliant complexion . . . a picture to see; her eyes were as blue as heaven, her features statuesque, her hair black.(Ref. 2552) Where Catharine was thought to beshy and sensitive,Eleanor was self-reliant, gay; dancing like a sunbeam. (Ref. 2552) The siblings were incredibly close, and as Raymond wrote,the love between these sisters was peculiar and beautiful . . . they absolutely seemed to have but one soul. . . . Nothing could be more perfect than the confidence and friendship between them.(Ref. 2552)

A large reason for the closeness between the two girls was probably due to the sadness they shared throughout their childhood. Tragically, their mother, whowas 39 when Eleanor was born and suffered from post-partum depression following the birth . . . never fully recovered.(Ref. 2552) The mental problems that dominated Sarah were a family legacy. The father whom she adored, Charles Percy,was a man of cultivation, taste, and refinement, but of a melancholy nature, which, after the death of his third son, Charles, settled into the gloom of mania.(Ref. 2552) There seemed to be nothing Charles could do to alleviate his depression so, sadly, he resorted to suicide. Sarah was only 10 years old when her beloved parent tied a large iron kettle around his neckand plunged to his death in the black waters of Buffalo Creek, thereafter called Percy Creek. (Ref. 2558) With eerie similarity, Sarah Percy Wares descent into mental illness was equally steady and unrelenting.

As young children, one can only imagine the trauma both Percy sisters endured while watching their mother suffer. It was said that when they went to visit her,she never was able to recognize them. Mrs. Ware retained her health, and some remains of former beauty. Her hair, though snow-white, still swept almost to the floor as she stood erect, her hands and arms were models for a sculptor; she noticed very little, sometimes would open a book but never read any. . . . She never recognized her husband, and he rarely ever saw her. . . . She would weep sometimes for her babyEllenbut would repulse the caresses of her weeping daughter, who would often try to make her mother understand who she was. These attempts however only distressed the poor lady.(Ref. 2552) Mental illness was greatly misunderstood at this time in history, and it must have been painful for their father to try and explain to his daughters the reason why their mother liked to paint or draw flowers and birds on the walls, yet she would never use pen or brush on canvas or sketching pad.(Ref. 2558)

Nathaniel, whohad once entertained hopes for a grand political future, came to realize that those dreams were now unattainable. (Ref. 2558) He was at a loss as how to deal with Sarahs condition. A man not prone to lavish displays of affection or frivolous conversation under the best of circumstances, some people saw his reserved personality as possibly contributing to Sarahs state of mind. Others saw him as an incredibly supportive husband and

loving father. The following is how one author in the 1800s summed up Sarahs situation:

With Sarah, the family proclivity inherited from her father declared itself, and the charming, attractive young woman never recovered her reason. . . . Major and Mrs. Ware were then living near Natchez. There was the loudest expression of sympathy and regret on the part of her many friends, by whom Mrs. Ware was greatly beloved, but after trying every medical suggestion that the South could afford, Major Ware was compelled to take his suffering wife to Philadelphia for better advice - her two children by her first marriage were already there. . . . Now the father had to take charge of his two helpless little girls, so sadly deprived of their mother's tender care. He was passionately devoted to his little daughters, never content to have them away from him; and he did the best he could for them. They had wealth and friends, but it was lonely for the little things, wandering about from place to place, as their father's wretchedness led him to do, in his restless, weary life . . . . [They were] never long separated from the stern, peculiar scholar, whom they could not comprehend, except in his intense tenderness and earnest anxiety to bring them up as lovely, refined ladies should be educated.(Ref. 2552)

Sarah Wareremained in the hands of physicians in Philadelphia for eleven years. (Ref. 2554) Nathaniel spared no expense in trying to get her help because records show she was the highest-paying patient, and the only one accompanied by a resident slave, at the Pennsylvania Hospital, then one of the few institutions that clinically treated the mentally ill. (Ref. 2552) It did not lessen the emotional toll on the children, however.

Nathaniel found himself in the difficult role of a single parent. Knowing how important education was to himself when growing up, it is not surprising that he wanted both his daughters to have the best opportunities for learning that he could offer them. The girls attended the academy of Mme. Aimée Sigoigne, an émigré from Haiti. Her French-speaking school attracted many upper-class Southerners and Philadelphians. (Ref. 2552) In addition, Nathaniel, who used travel as a way to deal with his own sense of loss and sadness,frequently took his young daughters with him.(Ref. 2552)

In an interesting work, titled Prince Among Slaves, and produced by the Cultural Legacy of Enslaved Africans, we find a little known side of Nathaniels character. The following is an excerpt from this article found on the web:

In April, 1828, as Abdul Rahman boarded the steamship Neptune and watched Natchez fade into the distance for the last time, it was surely a bittersweet parting. His own freedom in hand, Abdul Rahman carried with him the heavy knowledge that his children's tether had not been cut. He was accompanied on his journey by one of Fosters wealthy planter friends, Nathaniel A. Ware. One of the luminaries of the colonial South, Nathaniel A. Ware was a public official in Natchez and one-time acting governor of Mississippi. As the father of poets Catherine Ann Warfield and Eleanor Percy Lee, he headed what was to become a Southern literary dynasty. [. . . . ]But as Ware accompanied the freed slave on his journey from the land of his servitude in 1828, the Confederacy, secession, and the unstoppable tide of abolition had not yet appeared on history's stage. On this day, Ware was an official of the status quo who stayed by Abdul Rahman's side until the two arrived in Washington D.C. Here in the seat of the government which had helped secure his release, the Prince parted company with Ware, who went on to Philadelphia. Months later, as Abdul Rahman passed through Philadelphia on his northern tour, the two met again. Perhaps it was the time Ware spent in the city where the Declaration of Independence, proclaiming the equality of all men, had been heralded by the Liberty Bell, or perhaps it was the time he spent with Abdul Rahman, but Ware stepped outside his expected role. A slave owner himself, he donated $10 (which in those days was real money) to the fund to free Abdul Rahman's children.

Nathaniel was clearly an enigma: a Southerner with a sympathetic heart- - a devoted husband who developed a withdrawn demeanor - - and a father who was loving, yet often aloof.

Both daughters showed great literary aptitude at an early age. Eleanor wrote her first poem at the age of 11, and Catherine Ann was soon creating her own verses. Their writing was often moody and dark, however; probably reflecting their sadness over their mother. Nathaniel encouraged them greatly in their endeavors, even going so far as to commission publishers for them.

In 1831, Nathanielmoved Sarah back to Natchez, where she was under the care of her son Thomas George Ellis, from her first marriage. Thomas George Percy Ellis Catherine Anne and Eleanor would visit their mother every summer when home from school. (Ref. 2552) Even though she was among family, Sarah did not rally. One of Thomasdaughters, Sarah Percy Ellis, recalled her grandmother ashopelessly melancholy, possessing everything that the prestige of birth, and rank, and wealth could give; but theskeleton in the closetwas always there, and for years this dreadful thought pursued her. (Ref. 2552) The whole family was well aware of the inclination for mental instability, and it must have brought terrifying questions. Thomassister, Mary Jane, had alsofor long years suffered . . . under eclipses of reasonand herslip into insanity in 1838was another blow to a family besieged by grief. (Ref. 2554) In his own way of dealing with the situation, Nathaniel made it clear that Sarahs condition was not to be talked about or discusseda common reaction for the times in which he lived, but also an isolating factor for his confused and suffering children.

Both Eleanor and Catherine found an outlet for their emotions bytranslating gloom of mind into poetry and fiction.(Ref. 2554) They hated the times when their father had to travel alone and felt abandoned when he left. Even though he was not a demonstrative man, they adored him and craved his attention and affection. In 1836, their mother, Sarah Percy Ellis Ware, died at the age of 56 - finally achieving the peace that alluded her most of her life. Thus would end Nathaniels 22 years of wedlock. Not surprisingly, he never chose to remarry.

By the time of Sarahs death, Catherine had been married for three years.At age sixteen, on January 3, 1833, Catherine Ann wedded Robert Elisha Warfield, a son of the prominent Lexington, Kentucky physician and Thoroughbred breeder . . . the Warfield family had founded the Lexington Association Race Course. (Ref. 2554) The couple settled in Kentucky.

Marriage Notes for Robert Elisha Warfield and Katherine/Catherine Ann Percy Ware:
Record of a marriage of Elisha Warfield,Jr., of Lexington, KY, to Miss Catherine Ann Ware of Philadelphia. Married in Cincinnati, OH, 28 Jan 1833

Nathaniels youngest daughter, Eleanor, waited until she was older before marriage. On May 25, 1840, she wed the cousin of Robert E. Lee, William Henry Lee. Her father settled the couple with a large dowry from Eleanor's mother's legacy:a large plantation in Hinds County, Mississippi, with about 85 slaves, assessed in 1838 at the value of $122,000." (Ref. 2554) Their beautiful estate was calledDitchely,and although Eleanor died earlier, William Henry Lee resided there until his own death in 1874.


Throughout their lives, the two sisters shared their common love of writing. They were both competitive and supportive.Ellen had the gift of total recall and could recite without error any poem that she fancied. Catherine, however, had greater sensitivity and inventiveness than her sister, but they liked to think that their talents complemented each others. (Ref. 2554) Nathaniel was, with good reason, very proud of both of them, and the girls were gratified that their father thought their work publishable. (Ref. 2554)

It would seem that both literary talent and tragic mental illness would continue to afflict the family, however.After their mother's death, the sisters next suffered the death in 1844 of their half-sister Mary Jane Ellis LaRoche (who appeared to have suffered from post-partum depression and lingering mental illness for several years) and later their half-brother Thomas Ellisas well. (Ref. Wikipedia) Thomas died at the young age of 33.

Although not as severe, Eleanor seemed to have inherited the family predisposition for depression. After the loss of Mary Jane and Thomas, her zest for life declined. Of the two sisters, Catherine was the more accomplished and much more prolific poet.(Ref. 2554) In fact, sometime earlier, Eleanor gave Catherine the editing lead for their joint volumes. . . . In the summer of 1849, while at the resort of Mississippi Springs, she complained of melancholy [our word for depression]. She died of yellow fever during an epidemic that summer, at the age of 30. (Ref. 2554) Eleanor had only been married nine years.

Nathaniels oldest daughter, Catherine, appears not to have been as emotionally fragile as her other family members, although even Catherine had a bad bout of depression.After Eleanor died of yellow fever in 1849, Warfield ceased writing for several years, as she was stricken with melancholy.(Ref. Wikipedia) She was able to overcome her natural grief, however. Inthe mid-1850s, Catherine was encouraged to start writing again by her niece Sarah Ellis, already a successful novelist. In 1860 Warfield published anonymously asA Southern Lady[a book titled] The Household of Bouverie, a gothic fiction in two volumes. It achieved great popular success. . . . After the Civil War, Warfield published eight more novels, all under her own name. The two most popular were Ferne Fleming (1877) and its sequel The Cardinals Daughter (1877).(Ref. 2552)

On the home front, Catherine and Robert were busy raising their six children in Kentucky. It is hard to know how much satisfaction Catherine gained from her writing success sinceremembering a cheerless childhood under the supervision of austere governesses and a distant father and, above all, denied a mothers love, Catherine early had learned to hide her feelings. (Ref. 2558) It would seem, however, that she gained great comfort from her Catholic religion because she recognized that order, structure, hierarchy, and a moral imperative could challenge depression.(Ref. 2554) Her faith gave her hope and a way to reconcile loss and pain. The following are some of her books that were published (The Household of Bouverie probably her most famous).

Catherine Ware Warfield died in 1877 and is buried in Kentucky.

Catherine Ann Ware Warfield

Sarah Anne Ellis, cousin to Eleanor and Catherine, would also become well known for her literary accomplishments. Her style leaned more toward historical writing, however, and she did not shy away from political issues. After her husband (Samuel Dorsey) died, Sarah invited Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Davis to her home calledBeauvoirin Biloxi, Mississippi. The former president of the Confederacy was struggling in his efforts to write his memoirs. With no children or husband to tend to, Sarah devoted herself to helping Davis with his autobiography.She transcribed notes, took dictation, corrected prose, and offered advice about style and organization.(Ref. 2554) When she realized, in the winter of 1877, that she was dying of breast cancer, Sarah changed her will, making her sole commitment to Jefferson Daviss ease in retirement.(Ref. 2554) As the only heir of her fortune,he now became the owner of her beautiful waterfront property of Beauvoir.

Jefferson Davis Beauvoir

Beauvoir 1901

Sarah Ellis Percy Dorsey Photo courtesy Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division

Major Nathaniel Ware lived to see some of his oldest daughters works published, but he died before Catherine really reached her full height of fame. Ever traveling, he had made several land investments during his lifetime - - one near Galveston, Texas. It was there that he died in 1856 of yellow fever. Catherine erected a monument for him in Kentucky to honor his life.

Following photos taken by James and Judy Ware 2012

The inscription reads: My Father We shall meet again

Because thy loving kindness was better to me than life, my lips shall praise thee.  Because thou hast been my help, therefore in the shadow of thy wings will I rejoice

There is more writing at the very bottom of the stone but it is too difficult to make out at this time.

With the birth of Nathaniel Ware, Nicholas and Peggy Hodges Ware had completed their family. They were now able to chart their own course in making a mark on this nowunitednation. For several reasons, Nicholas decided to relocate his family to South Carolina.

During the 1700s most of South Carolina was occupied by the Cherokee Indians. Understandably, these natives were not overly thrilled with the constant press of white settlers encroaching on their lands. There was not only conflict with the colonists but between different Indian tribes as well. In 1758, when Nicholas was 19 years old, Cherokeewarriors accompanied Virginian troops on a campaign against the Shawnee of the Ohio Country. During the expedition, the [Shawnee] enemy proved elusive, while . . . the Cherokee stayed, but dwindled. (Ref. Wikipedia) It is very possible, because of his age, that Nicholas was part of this Virginia military unit sent to the area.

It was not long before the Virginians and the Cherokee turned on each other and began fighting. The situation would become quite grim. The following excerpt was taken from a work called The Scotch-Irish, and their First Settlements on the Tyger River, and Other Neighboring Precincts in South Carolina, a Centennial Discourse which was delivered at Nazareth Church, Spartanburg District, South Carolina on September 14, 1861, by George Howe.

But now came a season of dreadful trial to these devoted people. The Indian tribes, which almost surrounded them, became incensed against the whites, and rose in arms to destroy them. The inhabitants of Long Canes, in Abbeville, fled for refuge to the older and more settled parts of the country. A party, of whom Patrick Calhoun was one, who were removing their wives and children and more valuable effects to Augusta, were attacked by the Cherokees, on February 1st, 1760, and, according to contemporary journals, some fifty persons . . . (mostly women and children) were slain, and fourteen carried into captivity. After the massacre, many children were found wandering in the woods. One man brought fourteen of these young fugitives into Augusta, some of whom had been cut with tomahawks and left for dead. Others were found on the bloody field, scalped, but living still. Patrick Calhoun, who returned to the spot to bury the dead, found twenty dead bodies, inhumanly mangled. The Indians had set fire to the woods, and had rifled the carts and wagons, thirteen in number.

This Indian attack became known asLong Canes Massacre,and it awoke the indignation of the colonial government towards the Indians and resulted in the burning of Cherokee towns. Patrick Calhoun returned to the massacre site in 1760 and erected two stone markers, which are still standing today. (Ref. Wikipedia)

Site of the mass grave for the victims of the Long Cane Massacre

This attack on the colonists invoked massive retaliations from the military. In 1761, after much fighting, the Cherokees sued for peace and agreed to cede most of their lands in South Carolina. TheBounty Actof 1761 provided cash money to anyone who brought settlers into the colony of South Carolina, thereby serving as a deterrent against future Indian attacks in the area. By 1777, the peace had forceda cession by the Cherokee of over 5,000,000 acres of land.(Ref. Wikipedia)

Even if Nicholas was not part of these specific militia engagements with the Indians, he certainly would have benefited from this land when the Revolutionary War ended.The Bounty Act of 1761 offered public land tax free for ten years, and settlers from other colonies began pouring into the up country.(Wikipedia) With thisland lottery established for any white man, following the removal of all Indians in this area,Nicholas could offset the problems he faced with a culture that still adhered to the primogeniture custom. (Primogeniture is the right, by law or custom, of the firstborn to inherit the bulk of the estate, to the exclusion of younger siblings.) Since he was a second born son, Nicholasbest chances of large land ownership clearly would lay outside the boundaries of Virginia.

There were actually other Ware families that moved to this part of the country as well. According to Haydens genealogy book, Henry Ware arrived in the Piedmont area of South Carolina sometime shortly after 1771, with his wife's parents John Garrett and Frances Dudley. His brother Col. Nicholas and wife Dolly Garrett followed on 2 Oct 1782, the date he received his first land grant on Steven's Creek. Soon other Wares began to arrive in Edgefield, Capt. Robert Ware (spouse of Margaret Tankersley, and son of Nicholas Ware and Sarah Munday); James Ware (spouse of Mary "Molly" Veal); Edward Ware (spouse of Sarah Thurmond), (these last two were sons of Edward Ware and Lettice Powell); and Nicholas of Abbeville (spouse of Peggy Hodges), son of James and Agnes Todd.  All six became known as those "Six Ware Pioneers" in the Carolina - Georgia section (Ref. 6) It was the cousin of James and Agnesson, known as Nicholas of Edgefield, who would later became a Georgia Senator.

Historical marker for Senator Nicholas Ware of Georgia

James and Agnesson, Nicholas Ware, would, consequently, establish another branch of the large Ware family tree in South Carolina. He and Peggy settled near a wonderful location for mills and future industry. The name of their place came to be called Wares Shoals; coming fromthe name of the owner of the nearby gristmill, Nicholas Ware. His name was combined with the rivers shoals to create the name of Wares Shoals; later shortened to Ware Shoals. (Ref. 819)

Ware Shoals

Eventually the town of Abbeville wasbuilt around him . . . and he was calledAbbeville Nicholasto distinguish him from a kinsman of the same name, who settled in the Edgefield District and became known as theEdgefieldNicholas. The Hodges Family also came from Virginia to settle nearby where a town of Hodges, S. C. was built. (Ref. 32,379)

Ware Shoals

Although the following 1954 map is far more current than the times in which Nicholas lived, it does show how close Ware Shoals is to the Saluda River and the proximity of Abbeville, South Carolina, to the state of Georgia.

Map showing Abbeville, Ware Shoals, and Georgia border

The larger map below shows the county of Abbeville, and on the smaller map the tiny red dot shows the location of Ware Shoals in the Abbeville area.

Abbeville County Ware Shoals

This section of South Carolina was so scenic that it became a beloved place for people to visit. A favorite spot for taking in the beauty of the area - picnicking, wading and fishing, the banks of the Saluda River have drawn folks from the surrounding countryside for more than 200 years.(Tourism site) There is currently a park at Ware Shoals named Irvin Pitts Park. The historical marker there mentions Nicholas Ware as the namesake of the area. (Ref.819) There have been some reports which state that the owner of the nearby mill was William Ware, Nicholasson, and it probably was - - eventually. William took over his fathers legacy and, sadly, Nicholas did not live too long after his move to South Carolina. Either way, the land and the mill began with the dream of Nicholas.

Sign mentioning Nicholas The Saluda River has a bridge over it that was named Ware Bridge

Nicholas wasreportedly a Baptist preacher during that time and Ware Shoals in present day Greenwood Co., S.C. is named for his descendants.(Ref. Dale Grissom) In 1967, an article was written by Mrs. Sara S. Ervin, the historian for Mt. Bethel United Methodist Church in Ware Shoals, concerning the Ware family who helped settle the area. She wrote:Nicholas Ware, a patriotic preacher who did much to help American Independence . . . was a pioneer in [mill] work in the upcountry of South Carolina.

Nicholas had long since left the Episcopal Church and joined the Baptist faith while back in Virginia. He and Peggy were faithful members of the Broad Run Baptist Church which had been founded in 1762. The congregation was the result of a body of believers who were willing to break with the Anglican Church, the only church recognized by law at the time.Those not part of the Anglican Church were considered inferior and were levied with extraneous taxes. Baptist preachers and followers were constantly slandered by the main religious body and were mocked by other members of the populace. On December 3, 1762, David Thomas, one of the Baptist preachers, tired of being ostracized by the Anglicans, and John Marks organized and established the church Broad Run, and the following day 23 people were baptized.(Ref. Wikipedia)

According to the "Minutes of Broad Run Baptist Church, Faquier Co., Va., 1762-1872," we learn that Nicholas was appointed to the position of ‘clerk’ in 1773. There are several annotations in the records that refer to him with that title.


We also learn that Nicholas and Peggy were both dismissed to South Carolina so it is very possible that the church played a large part in Nicholass decision to move to Abbeville.


The minutes of the Broad Run Baptist Church further state thaton October the 25th of 1783 several families . . . were dismissed to go south. These families traveled to Abbeville County, South Carolina and the Turkey Creek Baptist Church was organized on January the 29th in 1785. There are many records in South Carolina which list Nicholas and Peggy as charter members of the Turkey Creek Baptist Church in the Abbeville area. (Ref. 872B, 2548) As one document specifically stated, this new church was organized on January 29, 1785, with some of its families transferring over from Broad Run Baptist Church. (Ref. 896)

A major milestone that resulted from the Revolutionary War victory was the passing of the Statute for Religious Freedom. In November 1776, the legislature [had] approved resolutions calling for a repeal of laws punishing the failure to attend an Anglican church, together with a repeal of taxes to support the established church. No longer, according to the new dispensation, would tax money pay the salaries of Anglican ministers. (Ref. 2539) When Thomas Jeffersons official document went into effect in 1786, it provided even further religious freedoms for the colonists, marking a true delineation between church and state. Not only could families worship as they pleased, they were no longer taxed to support a church they did not even attend. Having just been at war with England, it is not surprising that the freed people wanted little to do with the Church of England.

In a book called From Hill to Dale to Hollow - Ware Shoals, South Carolina, put together by a town committee in 1983, we can learn more about the Wares transition from Virginia to their new home:

Other notable Prince William County families, some already with close ties to this Smith family, also migrated to this area of South Carolina. These families include: Baremore . . . Mitchell, Mattison, Nash, Northcutt, Ware, Hall, Dodson, Watkins, Foster, and others. A number of these families, along with the Smiths, helped to start Turkey Creek Baptist Church in Abbeville County. On January 29, 1785, the following individuals constituted Turkey Creek Baptist Church in Abbeville County, South Carolina (it is interesting to note that all constituents came from Broad Run Baptist Church in Fauquier County, Virginia): Joseph Redding, Sarah Foster . . . Archibald Shirley, Margaret Shirley, Mary Shirley, Richard Shirley, Thomas Shirley, James Smith, Joseph Smith, Leannah Smith, Mary Smith, Sarah Smith, Martha Ware and Nicholas Ware. Rev. Joseph Redding was made the pastor on May 7, 1785. (Underlining done by JC Ware)

Outside of Turkey Creek Baptist Church 2009 Entrance into Turkey Creek Baptist Church

Scrip was used as currency in textile mill towns.

Old sign It could only be used in the company store.

Nicholas and Peggy, sadly, did not get to spend much time with their children after the move to South Carolina. Church records provide the death date of Nicholas as March 26, 1787, and we know from their grandsons biography that both Nicholas and Peggy died around the same time. It would appear that they knew their passing was imminent because as Nicholas Ware Hodges wrote,they left under my father's care their two youngest sons, Edward and Nathaniel A. Ware, at a tender age. (Ref. 875) Nicholas would have been 48 years old and Peggy 49. Their children must have been devastated. Oldest daughter, Nancy, (at age 20) had just married James Hodges the year before, and as mentioned earlier, the young couple took in Edmund (age seven) and Nathaniel (age 6) to stay with them. The other children were in their teens by this time.

In the will of Nicholas Ware, dated February 7, 1787, he lists his children as Frances, William, Thomas, James, Betsey, Edmond, and Nathaniel Ware, Nancy wife of Jas., Geo. Waller the husband of Frances. Extrs: William Ware, John Nash, Joseph Reden. Wit: John Hall, Archibald Shirley, C. Matthews. (Ref. Will)

From the wording of this document (and the fact that we know Peggy died sometime the same year as Nicholas), it would be safe to assume that she had passed away in Februarywith Nicholas following only a few weeks later.

James and Agnes must have felt equally saddened. Even though they probably did not get a chance to see their grandchildren by Nicholas and Peggy, James made sure to remember them in his own will. When he wrote his last wishes in 1790, he specifically requested his land was to be sold and the money equally divided amongst all my children hereafter named viz John Ware, Nicholas Wares heirs, James Ware, Clary Sale, William Ware, and Edmond Ware - them and their heirs forever. (Ref. Will) It would appear that, although other things might alter with the years, neither time nor distance would change the affections of this grandparent.

Supporting Documentation for Chapter 5


B. August 12, 1739 1762 B. 1738

D. March 26, 1787 D. 1787

Nicholas was the 2nd son of James Ware and Agnes Todd Ware. He married Martha (Peggy) Hodges in 1762.

1 James Ware (1763 – 1765)

2 Frances Ware (1766 - ) wed George Wilder.

3 Nancy Ware (17671856) wed James L. Hodges in January 1786.

4 William Ware (1768 - Oct. 12, 1856) wed Mary Agnew.

5 Thomas Ware (1770 - February 28, 1853) wed (1) Sarah Gaines and (2)

Nancy Johnson.

6 Elizabeth (Bettey) Ware (March 22, 1774 – 1860) wed John Henry

Madison on Aug. 11, 1794. Her second husband was Benjamin Pendleton

Gaines, and they wed on Jan. 17, 1806.

7 Edmund Pendleton Ware (Aug. 16, 1780 - April 13, 1833) wed Theodocia

Nash and Margaret Peggy Gaines.

8 Nathaniel Ware (March 16, 1781 - Sept. 18, 1853) died in Galveston. He

The following is a poem written by Eleanor Percy Lee – the granddaughter of Nicholas and Peggy Ware and the great granddaughter of James and Agnes.