Chapter 9
Son ~ Edmund
April 25, 1753, marked the birth of the last child for James and Agnes Ware. They named their youngest son Edmund, and he joined a household where his oldest brother, John, was 17 and his closest sibling, William, was three. Both parents were 39 years old, and their personal lives had altered dramatically in their 18 years of marriage. This, however, might have seemed trivial compared to the tremendous changes going on in the world around them.
During this time, both France and England claimed the land west of the Appalachian Mountains. Beginning in the 1740s, both countries saw the economic gold mine waiting in that area and wanted to tap into the wealth that was provided by the fur trade with the Native Americans in Ohio. The colonists had many merchants who used ‘trapping’ for their livelihood, and in the 1750s, they hoped to expand the potential for prosperity in this region by turning the wilderness into viable farms as well. That hope was thwarted, however, when the French and the English each decided to deny the other access to the Ohio country.
Trappers with their
skins and furs
There was a lot at stake. Obviously, any move by France to corner the market on fur trade would impose severe hardships for the enterprising colonists. Discord was already mounting among the populace, and local inhabitants knew that if the French made good on their claim to completely drive out the British, Virginia and all colonial merchants would stand to lose a great deal of money.
Consequently, Governor Robert Dinwiddie of Virginia found himself in quite a predicament. In 1753, he ordered Major George Washington of the Virginia militia to go into the disputed area and deliver a message to the French - warning them to leave Virginia territory. Not surprisingly, the French stoutly refused to vacate.
Map showing French and English land ownership in North America. Reconstruction of Fort Necessity
French soldiers had
captured several English trading posts, so Washington established
Fort Necessity to protect American interests. Open hostilities soon
broke out, placing three different entities (Great Britain, France
and the Native Americans) on a course to determine the control of
that part of North America. The colonists were caught in the
crosshairs of this geopolitical contest.
Fighting the Indians Library of Congress
The French and Indian War lasted nearly nine years, but until 1756, when England officially declared war on France, it was primarily a North American conflict with virtually all Indian tribes allied with the French. Only the Iroquois tried to stay as neutral as possible.
When the Peace Treaty of 1763 was finally signed, the British got most of the French land in the disputed area, but they also found themselves deeply in debt. England turned to taxing the colonists as a way to refill the coffers - a move that was destined to sour the already fragile relationship that existed between King George and his North American subjects.
Map showing the results of the French and Indian War as far
as land ownership was concerned
Oppressive British rule
chafed at the innate sense of individualism that had taken root in
this new world. The non-traditional style of warfare that had been
adopted during the French and Indian War had only served to prove
more fully how these colonists were now more “American” than
English. They had their own identity, their own system of values,
their own survival skills, and a patriotic fervor that had been
forged in mutual hardships and loyalties to each other. The next few
years would provide fertile ground for many of the problems that
would lead up to the Revolutionary War, and the heroes of the French
and Indian War would, in many cases, become the leaders and heroes of
the Revolution. It was into this world of historic precedents that
little Edmund
Ware was born. (His
name has been spelled many ways – Edmund, Edmond, and even Edward
by mistake.)
Before the family move to Kentucky, Edmund married Susannah Brassfield of Culpeper, Virginia. Several references give her the nickname of Sukey. (Ref. 874, 879, 938, 963) In fact, according to a biographical sketch compiled by Thomas Arthur Hay, “Edmond was one of the most prominent and influential citizens of Woodford County, owning a large tract of land and many slaves. He married Sukey Brassfield, of Culpeper, Va.” (Ref. 2576) The newlyweds began their family in Caroline County, but some of their later children were born in the Bluegrass State. The children of Edmund and Susannah were: (1) Nathaniel, (2) Nancy, (3) Agnes, (4) Susan, (5) James, (6) Sallie, (7) Louis, (8) Catherine, and (9) Edmund.
taken from Will Book B in Franklin County, Kentucky showing the
identified children of Edmund Ware - - note that the dates reflect
and not birth.
(1) Nathaniel Ware - Sometime around 1780, Susannah delivered her first child in Caroline County, Virginia. Nathaniel arrived to a homeland embroiled in the heat of the revolutionary conflict. By the time he was old enough to remember any of his childhood days, however, his birthplace was no longer a colony but a state.
On April 11, 1836, Nathaniel married Ann G. Scott, daughter of John and Lucy Scott. By 1847, Ann’s father had died, and she inherited some property from his estate. The Chancery Suit filed in Caroline County by his wife provides proof of Ann’s parentage and her siblings (i.e., Robert, Emily, Francis, Harrod, Martha, and John).
Jun 1802 Reuben Samuel /Nancy Ware Reuben Samuel & Morgan
Father: Edmond Ware marriage record
Nancy was 21 years old at the time of her marriage and, sadly, she died just six years later (in 1808) at the age of 27.
(3) Agnes Ware - Two years after the birth of Nancy, Susannah and Edmund welcomed a namesake for Edmund’s mother. Little Agnes Ware was born in 1783. In 1805, at the age of 22, Agnes married Ambrose Jeffries. It is likely the couple met at The Forks of Elkhorn Baptist Church since both of their families attended services there. According to church records, Agnes was “received and baptized in September 1800,” and Ambrose “was received by way of experience in July 1801.” (Ref. 2291) Both religious rites occurred prior to their marriage in 1805. Record of wedding for Agnes and Ambrose
(Ref. 1071)
By 1810, Agnes and Ambrose “had a family of three.” (Ref. 2291) Sadly, one year later in 1811, Agnes died at the age of 28.
(4) Susan Ware - Another daughter joined the Ware household in 1785. Probably named after Susannah, the little girl was always called Susan for short. On Christmas Eve in 1806, Susan married William Samuel, a man eight years her senior.
(Ref. 1071) Wedding notice for Susan and William
The couple eventually moved to Tazwell County, Illinois, where Susan predeceased her husband by 14 years - dying in 1850 at the age of 65. William died on March 22, 1864.
Cemetery where William Samuel is buried in Illinois Grave for William Samuel
(5) James Ware - By 1787, the Edmund Ware household had one son and three daughters. Nathaniel was probably thrilled when the next baby to arrive was a brother for him. Susannah gave birth to baby James on September 18th, and he became the fifth grandchild of James and Agnes to carry on the name of “James” Ware.
At 23, James married his first wife, Joannah Thompson Parrish. The wedding took place on June 6, 1810, in Woodford County. The daughter of James Parrish, Joannah was three years younger than her new husband.
Wedding bond for James Ware and Joannah Parrish (Ref. 955)
Permission from Joannah’s father for her to marry
and Joannah had 12 children, “most
of whom moved to Mississippi and Texas.”
(Ref. 1024)
children were: (1)Thompson
Parrish Ware,
M. Ware,
Wallace Ware,
Whitlock Ware, (7)
Wallace Ware, (8)
E. Ware,
Ann Ware,
Richard Ware,
and (12)
William Ware.
Parrish Ware
Born on
May 17, 1811, Thompson married twice. His first wife, Julia
Winchester Shelby, was the daughter of Judge Anthony Bledsoe Shelby.
The couple wed on February 24, 1839. They had two children before
Julia died on September 6, 1852 at the age of 30. Their sons were
Julian Shelby Ware and Winchester Bledsoe Ware.
Thompson wed the second time in April 1854. He and Sallie Bullus Smith (daughter of Joseph Smith and Margaret Allen Smith) had three children: (1) James Cosby Ware (1856-1859), (2) Charles Scott Ware (1857), and (3) Joseph Smith Ware (1860). Thompson left Kentucky and established himself in Mississippi, where he “served as an Attorney General of Mississippi.” (Ref.2687) His younger brother, Harvey, joined him there later. Thompson enlisted in the Confederate Army on May 18, 1861, and he died July 27, 1865.
- Born
December 1, 1812, this son was (in all likelihood) named after his
grandfather, Edmund
Ware. He died in 1870 at the age of 58.
Exactly two years (to the very day) after the birth of Edmund,
another son joined the Ware household. Most likely named after his
great grandfather, he bore the name “James” Ware. Like older
brother, Thompson, James relocated to Mississippi. He married
Elizabeth Henry Parrish Gilmer (widow of Micajah Walker Gilmer) on
March 3, 1843. The couple had two children, Julian Eugene and Helen
Elizabeth, before Elizabeth died on December 27, 1848. James
remarried, and he died in Vicksburg, Mississippi on July 26, 1884.
M. Ware
– Born
24, 1817, Helen married Dr. William R. Chew on May 24, 1837. “Dr.
Chew practiced his profession several years in Midway, [Kentucky]
until 1868, when he removed to Texas . . . to him was born a family
of four daughters and three sons.” (Ref.
2304) The
children of Dr. Chew and Helen were: (1) Emma Winslow Chew, (2)
Sallie Parrish Chew, (3) Mary Adeline Chew, (4) Anna Beverly Chew,
(5) William Bartlett Chew, (6) James Edmond Chew, and (7) Joseph
Johnson Chew. Helen
died on December 14, 1905, at the age of 88. She was in Lexington at
the time, but her body was returned by train to Texas so she could be
buried in Oakwood Cemetery with her husband.
(Ref. 2304)
Wallace Ware –
This child was birthed on
June 6, 1819, but he died the next year in 1820.
son was born the same year William died, and he was named William
Whitlock Ware.
Born October 13, 1820, this William died in 1821. Then, on December
31, 1821, Johanna delivered the third son they would name William.
Wallace Ware
lived to adulthood and married Mary Elizabeth Buckner on November 25,
1846, at age 25. He died on September 18, 1899, at the age of 78.
E. Ware
– The
next child for the Wares was named Susan, and she arrived on February
7, 1824.
Creth Ware
– On
October 24, 1826, Walter Creth Ware was born. He died in 1833 at the
young age of seven.
Ann Ware
– This
daughter, born on June 29, 1828, married Richard Johnson Davis on
April 6, 1847, and the couple moved to Texas. They had four
children: John Howard, Susan Parrish, Georgia Ware, and Elvira
Stuart. The three daughters never married and are buried in the same
cemetery in San Antonio, Texas. Sarah
died in 1897 and Richard in 1903.
Grave for John Howard Davis Georgia Ware Davis Elvira Stuart Davis
Richard Ware – Harvey
Richard Ware joined the family on February 19, 1830. Following his
brother Thompson, Harvey chose Mississippi as the location to
establish his business. His license to practice law (see below) and
excerpts from family letters were kindly provided by one of his
descendants - Martha Baskin. I wish to thank her for her great
license for Harvey R. Ware
In 1860, Harvey fell in love with a young lady named Mollie Stewart. In answer to one of her letters, her cousin Lizzie responded, “Is Harvey Ware perfection? Or has my fair cousin endowed him with virtues and attributes not his own?” Upon hearing of their impending wedding, Lizzie sent another letter. “And so my Mollie is to be a wife? God bless you darling – may he, who you so implicitly trust, be faithful to his charge . . . .”
They married on
June 26, 1860, and Harvey
had to travel a great deal) wrote her a most romantic letter while he
was away.
“Do you know, that this is the first time I have written to you
since I have had a right to call you ‘My
and when I write it, I involuntarily stop - put my pen behind my ear
- and meditate a while, before I can fully convince myself and
realize that fact, that I have in all earnestness quit the bleak and
barren shores of Bachelorhood and launched out upon the Sea of
Matrimony. . . . But Ho! I commenced writing you a letter - letting
you know where I am and where I have been . . . and behold I have
wandered off into the neighborhood of a love letter.”
When the Civil War broke out, “Harvey was commissioned a major.” The letters over the next few years would furnish great insight into the hardships of being separated and the cruelty of war. In January 1862, Harvey penned:
“These separations, Mollie, I am satisfied are the severest blows that stricken the heart by this unholy war. . . How much I regret to say that I must yet be absent from you two long weeks and still I am away. . . . Mollie, you know that I regret this more than you possibly can. But very soon I hope that this will all be over.”
Mollie gave birth to
two children (Harry and Beulah) during these years, and as the war
dragged on, Harvey’s
letters reflected greater weariness and frustration. In 1864, he
wrote: “We
are to have a series of great battles around Atlanta - what the
result is to be, God only knows and how many of us are to live
through this scene of blood can only be seen in the future. There
is nothing to be seen today but sadness and sorrow – wounded men
are surely hundreds and thousands - the cars are leaving crowded
with them. The hospitals are overrun and yet the scene of carnage
will open again this evening. . . . I will see you as soon as I can
- God alone knows when that will be – perhaps never.”
Clearly, along with the entire nation, Harvey was ready for the war to end so he could make his way home.
After peace finally came, Harvey Ware “worked with the Mississippi House of Representatives and later the Southern Claims Commission.” (Ref.2687) One report says that Harvey died on September 10, 1888, but another record gives the date as 1896.
William Ware
– On
23, 1831, the last child was born to James
and Joannah. They named him Robert William Ware. Robert grew up to
be a doctor and married Letitia (Letty) Elizabeth Lander. In
recalling an interesting story about his father, their son (James H.
Ware) described an incident that happened during the Civil War when
Robert was captured as a prisoner. Colonel Sam Johnson of the
Federal Army had Dr. Ware arrested for giving medicine to Confederate
soldiers. He was taken on foot, under guard, with other prisoners
out of town.
crossing a small stream, being thirsty, Dr. Ware took off his hat and
dipped up some water from the stream, but a soldier punched a hole in
the hat with his bayonet and thought it a great joke to see water run
out before he could drink it. On
reaching Clarksville, Dr. Ware found Major John W. Breathitt, who he
knew, and who sent to Colonel Johnson's superior officer and secured
his release. Dr. Ware lived to be 80 years of age and was a lifelong
Democrat. Major Breathitt, a Republican, filled many offices in the
county after the war and Dr. Ware always voted for him. Major
Breathitt performed many similar acts of kindness to his Confederate
home boys that made them his lifelong friends.”
William Ware
died on March 14, 1913.
for Robert and Letty Ware
When Robert was born in 1831, James and Joannah Ware had been married for 21 years. They remained husband and wife for 25 more years - until Johanna died on October 28, 1856, at the age of 66. In his declining years, James decided to marry one more time. His second wife was Margaret Allen Smith Hunter, a widow who had previously been married two times - once to Joseph M. Smith and then to David M. Hunter. In a convoluted arrangement of relationships, Margaret’s daughter by her first husband (Sallie Bullus Smith) was the second wife of James’ son, Thompson Parrish Ware. It was actually during a trip Margaret made to visit her daughter and son-in-law in 1857, when she met James Ware. He was visiting Thompson and Sallie from Hopkinsville, Kentucky. The senior couple was married on February 10, 1858. “James was an architect and was building a home for his family when he died in 1861.” (Ref. Web) James, son of Edmund and Susannah, was 74 when he passed away. Margaret lived for five more years.
(6) Sallie Ware - On January 20, 1792, another daughter was born to Edmund and Susannah. Given the name Sallie, she married (at age 24) Benjamin Stephens on September 14, 1816. Her father had been dead for two years by the time she wed. Sallie died in 1821 at the age of 29.
STEPHENS, Benjamin C.
- WARE, Sally - 14 Sep 1816
(7) Louis Ware - On January 16, 1794, Louis (sometimes spelled Lewis) Ware was born to Edmund and Susannah. He is mentioned in the Forks of Elkhorn Church records - but little else is known of him.
(8) Catherine
In 1796, President
John Adams took office, and the Wares welcomed not only a new
president - but also a new daughter.
Arriving “in
the old Homestead on their plantation,” Kitty
(as she was called) arrived on the 28th
of May. (Ref.
to author Thomas Arthur Hay, Kitty “was
a woman of great strength of character and decided executive ability;
was a devoted member of the Baptist Church.”
(Ref. 2576)
In 1818,
at age 22, she wed Lyman Martin, a graduate of medicine from
College. He was
leader in education and founder of the Martin Institute.” (Ref.
2576) Kitty’s
did not survive long enough to see his daughter married – he died
four years before the nuptials. Five children were born to the
The following is information on these children.
schools and academies of New Liberty and upon the completion of his studies, engaged in mercantile business.” (Ref. 2576) In 1859, he wed Martha Yates Leonard, and he died on March 24, 1901, “at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Attilla Cox.” (Ref. 2576)
Catherine Ware Martin died “at the age of 88 years, at the home of John Boyle Martin, then her only living child.” (Ref. 2576)
(9) Edmund Ware - On July 27, 1798, Susannah and Edmund had their last child. He was named Edmund Jasper Ware, and he was the last of 37 grandchildren born to James and Agnes. Sadly, they were not alive to see him.
By 1798, the Wares were well established in Kentucky, and their family roots were spreading rapidly in the good fertile soil of their new home. President John Adams was still in office and, (one short year later) in 1799, George Washington would pass away. It was time for the old to make way for the new.
Obituary from The Eastern Herald – Note announcing the death of Washington found courtesy of Vicki Cheesman in an old family book – courtesy of Judy Ware
Not only would
never know his paternal grandfather (James), but he lost his own
father, Edmund,
by his 16th
birthday. At the age of 25, Edmund Jasper married Louisa
Virginia Anderson (daughter of Nicholas and Sarah T. Bullock Anderson
of Todd County) on
April 18, 1823. (Ref.
878) They
had the following children: (1)
and (8)
The following provides more information on each child.
Jane Ware
– Louisa
gave birth to a daughter first. Sarah Jane married Dr. Freeman
Runyon in 1842. “There
were two children born to the couple, Freeman Farish Runyon who died
at Shiloh in 1862 and another young son who only lived to be one.
After Sarah Jane died in 1856, Dr. Runyon married her younger
sister, Susan.” (Ref.
Todd Co.)
– Born
on November 16, 1826, Charles was only one when his parents moved to
Todd County, Kentucky. At age 35, he wed Elizabeth Virginia Garth
on October 9, 1861.
The couple had five children: (1) William (1862), (2) Charlie
(1864), (3) Lizzie (1867), (4) Edmund (1870), and (5) Charles, in
1875. Charles Sr. died January 28, 1899, at age 73.
Mary A. Ware
– Most lists agree there was a daughter named Mary born somewhere
during this time frame.
Jasper Anderson Ware
– On
March 5, 1831, Edmund
and Louisa welcomed a son named Jasper
Ware. According to a biography written by Vicki Ware Cheesman,
Jasper “received
his early education in his native county and at the age of nineteen
years engaged in the mercantile business in Trenton, Kentucky, with
his older brother, Charles W. Ware.” (Ref.
later moved to Otoe County where (with his keen sense of business)
he opened one of the first private banks in Nebraska Territory in
1859. He served as city treasurer from 1864 to 1867 and continued
in the banking business until 1871.
Anderson Ware Jasper
20-year-old Ellen Hall Kinney, daughter of John Fitch Kinney, on
October 10, 1861. Mr. Kinney “served
as county attorney in Iowa; was associate justice of the Supreme
Court of Iowa; was chief justice of the Utah Supreme Court; and
served as congressman from Utah.” (Nebraskan
Ellen’s mother, Hannah Dorothy (Hall) Kinney, came from New York.
Jasper’s bride was “educated in the private schools of the south, and was graduated with honors from Virginia Female Institute, now called Stewart's Hall, in 1858 . . . . Her hobbies were reading and the study of astronomy and history. As a girl her favorite sport was horseback riding.” (Nebraskan Society)
The newlyweds settled in Nebraska, and Jasper had a beautiful home built for Ellen they called Wildwood. I would like to thank Gail Wurtele, manager of the Wildwood Historic Center, for graciously talking with me on the phone and sharing the following information about this charming place.
Jasper Ware, an early Nebraska City banker took his wife, Ellen
Kinney, to the west edge of town, pointed out the heavily wooded
area south of Arbor Lodge, and said he wanted to build her a country
home on the site, she responded, ‘Oh Jasper, I couldn't live in
these wild woods!’ Thus the name ‘Wildwood’ was given to the
Victorian house. Built in 1869, Wildwood Historic Home was
considered a ‘Country Home’ in the days of horse and buggy
suburban living.”
Gail Wurtele)
Early Wildwood
Photo provided courtesy of Gail Wurtele
Jasper and Ellen
raised their family in this lovely home. “The
included a Gothic style house with two parlors, dining room, kitchen
and pantry downstairs in which even the interior walls were brick.
An open stairway led to four upstairs bedrooms and the maid’s
quarters which were also reached from the back.”
Pamphlet) This
beautiful ten-room
home soon heard the laughter of four children: (1)Florence,
Louise, and (4)
born on June 27, 1863, received her education at Brownell Hall,
with highest honors in the class of '82, was named class
valedictorian, and received the scholarship medal. She wed Richard
Smith Hall (a prominent attorney) on June 25, 1884, at her parent’s
home of Wildwood. They had four children: Richard Ware Hall
(1888), Dorothy Hall (1891), Janet Ellen Hall (1892), and Jasper
Landen Hall (1901). Florence died October 26, 1924 at age 61.
Ware and Dorothy Hall Nell Hall
Dorothy wed William Frederick Waltemath on November 28, 1916. They had four children: (1) Betty Marie, (2) William Ware, (3) Helen Louise, and (4) Mary Margaret.
Ware Hall with her youngest son, Jasper Landon Hall
– Jasper
graduated from Yale Univeristy.
All photos provided courtesy of Gail Wurtele of Wildwood
Ware, often known as
Nell, was a principal, teacher, and organist in the government
boarding school at the Yankton Indian Agency in South Dakota for
more than two years - until she resigned. She then became
principal of Belmont school, Nebraska City. Nell married Martin
Schmaus on July 1, 1916. She became a Regent in the Nebraska
City Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) and attended the
DAR state convention in 1930.
States. Office of Indian Affairs
/ Annual
report of the commissioner of Indian affairs, for the year 1887
lists Ellen
on staff.
was educated at Schoenberger Hall. She was known for her musical
talent, studied abroad, and became a very accomplished pianist and
teacher. She never married.
Grace Ware - playing the piano at Wildwood
Photo provided courtesy of Gail Wurtele
Ware, born
April 3, 1880, became a
graduate of the civil engineering department of Nebraska State
University. (Ref.
2020) He was a member
of Sigma XI honorary fraternity and Sigma Alpha Epsilon. On March
27, 1913, Norton married Lola Wilson in California. Performing
military service during World War I, he “sailed
for France, January 21, 1918, with 1st Engrs, 1st Div., A.E.F.;
command Maj. Engrs, returned to U. S., Sept. 19, 1918; discharged
Oct. 28, 1919.”
Photos courtesy of Gail Wurtele of Wildwood
Jasper and Ellen Ware led very active lives in Nebraska City. Ellen “was a charter member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Otoe Chapter, and, during the World War was active in the work of the Red Cross. She was vitally interested in child welfare; was a member of the Associated Charities; and was active in Woman's Club work.” (Nebraskan Society) With her affinity for history, Ellen even wrote articles about the family, such as “Early Reminiscences of Nebraska City.” The following are some quotes from that article:
“As a girl
graduate, I came to Nebraska City from Virginia at an early day. It
seemed to me that I was leaving everything attractive (socially and
intellectually), behind me, but I was mistaken. On arriving here, I
expected to see quite a town - was disappointed, for two large brick
hotels, and a few scattered houses comprised the place . . . .
Alexander Majors brought his family here adding much socially to the
town. Major Martin, an army officer, was stationed here. He was a
charming gentleman and had a lovely wife. Dancing was the principal
amusement with the young people. Informal dances at private homes
and occasionally on a steamboat when it arrived; brilliantly lighted
and having a band of music on board . .
. . And
so we lived without railroads, without telephones, automobiles, or
theaters. But I believe that our social enjoyment was greater than
it is now. Instead of railroads, we had steamboats arriving almost
daily from St. Louis, St. Joseph, and other towns. In carriages we
drove to Omaha and back, and the social intercourse of the two towns
was much greater than it is now.”
Ellen Kinney Ware (#2597)
Ellen also wrote a small book titled “Slow Going: Judge Kinney and Family in an Ambulance on the Plains in 1854, Following an Ox Train For Protection From Hostile Indians.” It was a narrative describing life in Iowa and the trip across the plains by wagon train - - highlighting places, Indians, fellow travelers, and hardships.
Although his grandparents (Edmund and Susannah Ware) had become members of the Baptist church in Kentucky, Jasper and his wife decided to return to the Episcopal Church. Jasper was “was a member of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church of Nebraska City and for many years senior warden,” and Ellen was well known for all her work and involvement in all church affairs. (Ref. 2579) Jasper Anderson Ware died at his home on November 21, 1900. There is a beautiful stained glass window inside St. Mary’s Church which was dedicated in his honor.
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church
Jasper Anderson Ware Sr. Warden and Vestryman 1862
Born March 5, 1831 Died November 20, 1900
Photo courtesy of Deacon Dorothy K. Royal
It is with deep gratitude that I want to thank Deacon Dorothy K. Royal of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church for her kindness in verifying the writing on the stained glass window and providing additional church information.
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church
After the death of Jasper and his wife, his property was eventually sold to Nebraska City, and Wildwood was made into an historical landmark. The current manager is Gail Wurtele. In 2010, a Ware family descendant (Conrad Wayne Ware) was able to visit Wildwood, and he gave some wonderful insights from his time there. Although Jasper’s family had naturally removed many personal items from the home, “much of it still remains and is maintained today. Many period pieces of furniture and articles of the time have been added to bring the home to be as fully furnished as possible. A remarkable job keeping this historic home has been undertaken by Gail and her staff, and they are to be commended. This year, exterior paint scrapings revealed the original color, and it has been repainted to that effect. (Ref. Wayne Ware)
The original brick barn, which sits adjacent to the house, has been converted into an art gallery which features work from regional artists and craftsmen. The integrity of the site (especially the home) has been well preserved, even down to details like “the initials on the windows and other places in the home where young Norton Ware etched his initials.” (Ref. Wayne Ware)
B. Ware
– After
Louisa Ware delivered a little girl named Susan.
in 1833, she married the husband of her late sister, Sarah
in 1856.
Freeman Runyon was “one
of the prominent physicians of his generation.”
(Ref. Will
T. Hale)
B. Ware
Susan most likely raised the only child Sarah Jane had birthed before her death (named Freeman Runyon), and she and the doctor had two children of their own – (1) Charles Dickinson Runyon and (2) Frank Jasper Runyon. Dr. Runyon died in 1867 and was buried in Old Ware Cemetery in Todd County. Susan remarried, and her second husband was Cole Dickinson of Trenton. They had a daughter named Jessie Dickinson. Susan died between 1879 and 1881.
Gertrude Ware
– On
August 12, 1836, Louisa delivered baby Martha. She later became the
wife of Dr. Joseph Sandige Dickinson on the 24th
of October, 1854. Joseph worked in practice with Dr. Runyon for a
while. The couple had three children: (1) Howard Runyon Dickinson,
(2) Marietta Dickinson (Bacon), and (3) Annie Ware Dickinson (Ryals).
died on January 1, 1876 at age 40.
G. Ware
Joseph Sandige Dickinson
Merriwether Ware
– Several
references mention this son but provide no further information.
(History of Todd Co., Nebraskan Society)
E. Ware
– Obviously
named after her mother, the last child for Edmund
and Louisa was a daughter named Louisa. Born in 1842, she wed George
Elijah Garth on April 15, 1862. The couple had five children: (1)
Nora, (2) Ella, (3) William, (4) George Jr., and (5) Bessie. Mr.
Garth was a farmer who specialized in Jersey cattle, Southdown sheep,
saddle horses, and Berkshire hogs. He “died
January 16, 1920, and Louisa died on their homestead in 1917 at the
age of 75.” (Find
a grave)
Elijah Garth
In 1826, Edmund Jasper and Louisa Ware had settled in Todd County and bought “the plantation on which he lived up to the time of his death. Large additions in land and improvements [made on the property] in the meantime, had been made by him, and at the time of his death, he was the owner of a large estate.” (Nebraskan Society) Louisa passed away in 1850, and Edmund J. died on December 14, 1852 at age 54.
Edmund’s property was located in Green County, but he never lived there. He and his family settled close to his father on the large section of land James acquired in Woodford County. When the patriarch died in 1796, his will stated that his three sons (James, William, and Edmund) were to be the executors of his estate. James set aside 25 pounds for each of them and then stated his desires that the brothers sell the rest of his estate and divide “the money equally amongst all my children hereafter named viz. John Ware, Nicholas Ware’s heirs, James Ware, Clary Sale, William Ware, and Edmond Ware to them and their heirs forever.” (Will) To disperse the settlement between the children, it was expedient to liquidate the assets and then allow William and Edmund to buy back the property each had settled on. (James Jr. had already established large holdings near Lexington, and John and Clary were residents of Virginia.) Hence, the bulk of Wareland came under the ownership of William, and for Edmund to purchase his section of the farm it was likely necessary for him to sell his warrant land in Green County. (It was only after the death of his father in 1796 that Edmund got the official survey done on this property and then filed the claim in1797.) In 1798, Edmund signed the Green County property over to his brother, William - in all likelihood as payment for the section of Wareland he had carved out for his own family. (Since William also had no need of the land in Green County, he probably sold it for cash revenue.) Edmund’s property would later be known as ‘Locust Hill’ and also ‘Scotland’ because of subsequent owners, but during his lifetime it was simply referred to as a part of the vast estate known as ‘Wareland’ – or possibly ‘Ware’s Land’.
showing the close proximity of Edmund’s home (later named
“Scotland”) to his father’s estate of Wareland
In November of 1801,
Edmund was
“appointed to settle a dispute” that
had occurred between some members of the congregation.
In February of 1803, he
was asked to
drawn up by the minister for the guidance of the church.”
In April 1804, Edmund
“gave a report to the church about getting a ‘sufficiency’ to
pay for getting the meeting house and grave yard posted and railed
In July of 1807,
“Brother Edmund Ware was appointed to receive all such monies for
the use of the church and to enter the same in a book to be kept for
that purpose.”
(Forks of
Elkhorn Church minutes)
(Ref. Forks of Elkhorn list of Deacons)
Auction notice kindly provided by Marti Martin
When Hardin owned Edmund’s land, he “named his 200 acre property Locust Hill. This farm at first contained two hundred and five acres, but, at various times afterwards, he purchased additions, increasing it to nearly a thousand acres. . . .” (Ref. 2577) One of the ways he increased his holdings was by buying land from the neighboring Samuels family. (See deed at the end of this chapter.) After Hardin’s death, Robert Wilmot Scott took over ownership in 1834.
Scott decided to keep the name of ‘Locust Hill’ for his home, and the years under his proprietorship (1834-1885) saw his acquisition blossom into a lush and flourishing plantation. He built a “palatial Greek Revival-style” mansion which boasted 19 rooms, and it was known as “one of the most elegant country houses in the rich Blue Grass region of the state.” (Ref. 2292, 2577) The end results were so amazing that the next owner, Horatio P. Mason, changed the name of the estate from ‘Locust Hill’ to ‘Scotland’ in his honor - a tradition carried on today.
Locust Hill – later named Scotland
Older photographs
taken by the National
Register of Historic Places in 1976.
Hill - later known as
Color photos taken by Judy Ware 2012
Guest house and overseer’s house
There was much Scott did to enhance his lovely home, and one particular detail he was adamant about was the inclusion of fences. They “needed to be built and maintained, including gates, which Scott considered the symbols of good or poor farming.” (Ref. 2292) These beautiful but aged remnants of ‘a time gone by’ are still visible and make up a lot of the character of the property. “At every entry way Scott erected good and operable gates, a sharp departure from the usual Kentucky farm tradition. In fact, good gates [were] a passion with Robert Scott.” (Ref. 2292) (See following pictures)
Photos taken by Judy C. Ware 2012
Notice the quintessential
symbol of the Federal period with the eagle on the gate.
In 1923, when Jacob Swigert Taylor bought Scotland for his daughter, Mary Belle Taylor Hay, the landscape looked vastly different from when Edmund Ware owned it. A “dilapidated log house of early pioneer construction” still standing on the property was probably one of the last reminders of his presence. (Ref. 2292) In an ironic twist of fate, however, when Mary Belle Taylor Hay took up residence in her new home, she once again brought the property back into the fold of Ware descendants. Edmund’s land was now in the hands of the granddaughter of Laura Ware Bacon Crittenden - the great, great, granddaughter of James and Agnes Ware. Even more astounding, it is currently owned by the grandchildren of Mary Belle!
Maybe it is indeed true that “all roads ultimately lead home.”
Land on which Edmund Ware settled in late 1700s
Photo was taken by Judy Ware with the kind permission of John Hay – one of the present owners of the land.
(2) Nancy Ware (1781- 1808) wed Rueben Samuel on June 29, 1802.
(3) Agnes Ware (1783 – 1811) wed Ambrose Jeffries on Nov. 13, 1805.
(4) Susan Ware (1785 – 1850) wed William Samuel on Dec. 24, 1806.
(5) James Ware (Sept. 18, 1787 - Nov. 11, 1861) – wed Joannah T. Parrish on June 6, 1810 and Margaret Allen Smith Hunter after Joannah died.
(6) Sallie Ware (Jan. 20, 1792 – 1821) wed Benjamin Stephens on Sept. 14, 1816.
(7) Louis Ware (January 16, 1794 -)
(8) Catherine (Kitty) Ware (May 28, 1796 – 1884) wed Lyman Martin in 1818.
(9) Edmund Ware (July 27, 1798 - Dec. 14, 1852) wed Louisa Virginia Anderson on April 18, 1823. She was the daughter of Nicholas and Sarah Anderson of Todd County.
B. Sept. 18, 1787 B. April 18, 1790
D. Nov. 11, 1861 D. Oct. 28, 1856
James was the son of Edmund Ware and his wife, Susannah Brassfield. He was also the grandson of James Ware Agnes Todd Ware. He married Joannah Thompson Parrish (who was sometimes called Sukey) on June 6, 1810. His second marriage was to Margaret Allen Smith Hunter.
(2) Edmund Ware (Dec. 1, 1812 – 1870)
(3) James Ware (Dec. 1, 1814 - July 26, 1884) wed Elizabeth Henry Parrish Gilmer on March 3, 1843.
(4) Helen M. Ware (Aug. 24, 1817 - Dec. 14, 1905) wed William R. Chew on May 24, 1837.
(5) William Wallace Ware (June 6, 1819 - Sept. 18, 1899) wed Mary Elizabeth Buckner on Nov. 25, 1846.
(6) Susan E. Ware (Feb. 7, 1824 - ) wed William Samuel.
(7) Walter C. Ware (Oct. 24, 1826 – 1833)
(8) Sarah Ann Ware (June 29, 1828 - April 7, 1897) wed Richard Johnson Davis on April 6, 1847.
(9) Harvey Richard Ware (Feb. 19, 1830 – 1896) wed Mary Stewart on June 26, 1860.
(10) Robert William Ware (Sept. 23, 1831 - March 14, 1913) wed Letitia Elizabeth Lander.
SAMUEL to HARDIN, D'd to Martin D. Hardin - File #1818 date 1817
This indenture made the twelfth day of August in the
year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventeen by Matthew
Samuel, William Samuel, Jr., and Susan, his wife, Langston Bacon and
Sarah Bacon, his wife to be Sarah Samuel, Giles M. Samuel, Jesse
Samuel, Edgecomb S. S. Samuel and Virginia Samuel, his wife and James
Samuel, all of Franklin County and State of Kentucky of one part and
Martin D. Hardin of
said County and State of the other part, witnesseth:
That whereas
Giles Samuel, departed this life seized of a tract of land lying in
said county on which he resided at the time of his death, it being
part of Andrew Lewis's Military Survey, and which was conveyed to
said Giles by Benjamin Craig by deed dated the 3rd day of February,
1794 and admitted to record in the County Court's offices of both
Woodford and Franklin Counties leaving said Martha (Slaughter), his
widow, entitled to dower in said land and said William, Sarah, Giles,
Jesse, Edgecomb and James, together with Presley Samuel, Francis
Samuel and Malinda Samuel, his children and heirs at law to whom said
land decended.
Now the parties of the first part in consideration
of their respective proportions of the sum of three thousand seven
hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents, the agreed price of the
whole tract paid to them by said Martin, the receipt whereof they do
hereby acknowledge, have granted, bargained, sold, aliened and
confirmed, and by these presents do jointly and severally grant,
bargain, sell, alien and confirm to the said Martin
D. Hardin and his heirs forever all their
right and title in and to said land, that is to say the right of
dower of said Martin in and to said land, and six undivided ninth
parts of said tract of land held by the other persons as aforesaid,
which tract contains by survey one hundred and sixty-five acres is
sold according to its boundary in the said deed from Craig but which
boundary according to the change of properties in the adjoining land
and survey made by Willis Blanton, Surveyor of said County, is thus
described: Beginning at a Buckeye and lying down honey locust corner
to Reuben Samuel's land
(formerly Edmund
Ware's) in
line of a tract of land owned by William Samuel, Esq., and running
thence South seventy-six degrees East with Reuben Samuel's line and
William Ware's
line (passing this corner a hoopwood &
elm at 88 poles) one Hundred and forty-four poles to a hickory corner
to Wm. Samuel, Esq., cross road Tract to William
Ware's line, thence North fourteen degrees
East with William Samuel's, and with William Gibson's line one
hundred and eighty-five poles to a Buckeye and a hickory & elm
stump, his corner in William Graham's line, thence South sixteen and
one quarter degrees West with Graham's & Wm. Samuel's line
(passing this corner a planted stone at 67 poles) one hundred and
eighty-six poles to the beginning.
right of dowers and the said six parts in nine of said tract of land,
be the same more or less with its appurtenances to the said Martin
and his heirs forever to his and their only use and behalf and the
said William Langston and Sarah and James (for the consideration of
four hundred and twelve dollars and fifth cents, part of the sum
above mentioned to each of them paid) and the said Giles, Jesse, and
Edgecomb (in consideration of the sum of three hundred dollars to
each of them paid) part of the sum of for themselves, their heirs,
etc., convenant with the said Martin, his heirs, etc., that they will
forever warrant and defend the said six ninths of said tract of land
to said Martin, his heirs and assigns forever against all claims
In testimony whereof the said
parties have hereunto set their hands and seals - note the words -
"to each of them paid" interlined in this page before
Martha Samuel
Wm. Samuel
Giles M. Samuel
Jesse Samuel
Susan Samuel
Langston Bacon
Sally Bacon
Edgecomb S. S. Samuel
Mary Virginia Samuel
James Samuel
(Underlining and bold letters done by author)
Handbill made by Robert Scott in order to sell his property