Samuel Cole (1856 – )

“COLE, Samuel, market gardener; b. Rutland, Vt., Dec. 15, 1856; s. Israel D. and Alice T. (Ware) Cole; pub. sch. edn.; m. Beverly, Mass., Mary E. Webber. Has been engaged in market gardening since 1876; dir. Beverly Savings and Co-operative … Continue reading

Ralph Chester Dixon (1875 – )

“RALPH CHESTER DIXON.  While many successful men represented in this publication have found their work as farmers, cattle men, merchants, bankers and in the professions.  Ralph Chester Dixon has directed his energies practically along one line since leaving college and … Continue reading

Charles Manning Irish (1862 – )

“CHARLES MANNING IRISH, secretary and treasurer of the Lorain Banking Company, ex-treasurer of Lorain county and a prominent citizen of the city of Lorain, was born in Pittsfield, Lorain county, Ohio, September 14, 1862.  He was the son of Charles … Continue reading

Radford A. Ware (1860 – 1925)

Radford A. (Rad) Ware was born Mar. 1st, 1860 in Woodbine, Cooke County, Texas and died May 27th 1925 in Tioga Texas and is buried at Fairview Cemetery, Gainesville, Cooke County, Texas.  He was married four times, first to Lucy … Continue reading

Robert Franklin Ware

“Robert Franklin ‘Bob’ was is a great-great-grandson of pioneer Edmund Ware who came to Trenton with his wife Louisa V. Anderson Ware in 1827.  On his maternal side he is the great-great-grandson of the pioneer Graham family who ran Graham’s … Continue reading

John P. Richardson (1854 – )

“John P. Richardson, Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions, corner of Magazine and Common streets.– The premises of a house of uncommon characteristics–a house that may fairly be said to lead the trade in its line in the section are shown … Continue reading