My great grandmother was Maggie Ware Johnson. Maggie was born to John and Cristy on June 15, 1875 and died on November 20, 1969. She married Jim Johnson and they had 5 children, Benjamin, Liddie, Annie, B.F., and Lillie. According to her obituary, Maggie was born in Laurens, SC. I have been trying to find information on Cristy since John is a common name. We are unsure of the proper spelling or if Christy was short for Christine.
My great grandmother was named Maggie Ware born to John and Cristy Ware on June 16, 1875. I have been in search of information on Cristy Ware since John is such a common name. We are unsure of the proper spelling of Cristy’s first name. Although I do not see her name in the posting of Josiah Ware’s diary, I feel I’ve gotten closer to finding some trace of Cristy and John Ware.
Looking for information on George Washington Ware born 1876 married to Hattie Burnside born 1878. Both of SC. There is a town named after my grandfather WareSchoals SC. I am their great granddaughter
I am the 3 generation granddaughter of Sonfia Ware, she moved to Davie Fla
Ms. Ware post on July 12, 2016 I wish I had a first name because Alf Ware and Mary Ware are in my kids’ tree.
I am the great granddaughter of Sarah L. Ware (Chaney) daughter of George Washington Ware born 1876 and Hattie Burnside (1878). Location Ware Shoals, SC/Honea Path SC. Looking for any family lineage as far back as any records will go.
For Tamieka Noble: I would begin by checking the 1880 S.C. Census (Anderson) for George Washington Ware; if you locate him on the census, you’ll find the names of his Father and Mother. With the names of his parents, I would check the 1870 census to possibly find the names of George Washington Ware’s Grandparents. If G.W. Ware and Hattie Burnside lived past 1912; there should be death certificates online; ‘South Carolina Death Records.’
I am the great granddaughter of Sarah L. Ware (Chaney) daughter of George Washington Ware born 1876 and Hattie Burnside (1878). Location Ware Shoals, SC/Honea Path SC. Looking for any family lineage as far back as any records will go.
Petition 11381405 Details
State: South Carolina
Location: Abbeville
Location Type: District/Parish
Salutation: To the Honorable house of Sennete & to the Honorable Speaker of Sennete
Filing Date: 1814-November-24
General Petition Information
Abstract: William Ware states that, on 22 July 1814, his slave Jim was barbarously “stabed & Kiled in attempting to apprehend a Negro fellow who was run away for upwards of three months who had been plundering & Stealing through the neighbourhood for that time.” He reports that he ordered Jim and several other slaves “to take him” and that Jim “was kiled in the Act of taking him.” Avowing that Jim “was amongst the first class of Negroes,” Ware hopes “your Honorable body will take it in consideration” and “Grant your petitioner such Relief as your petitioner thinks he is Intitled to.” Ward considers that Jim “was doing a Laudable Act” and “he was obeying my lawful Orders.” The appraisers valued Jim at $500.
Result: Claims Committee; postponed to next session
# of Petition Pages: 2
Related Documents: See PAR #11381507; Appraisal, William Ware, et al., 24 November 1814; see PAR #11381515; Sponsor: Nathan Smith Lipscomb, Senate, Abbeville District (1807-1815)
Pages of Related Documents: 1
People Associated with Petition 11381405
Slaves: 2
Free Persons of Color: 0
Defendants: 0
Petitioners: 1
Other People: 1
Citation Information
Repository: South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, South Carolina
Records of the General Assembly
Document Number 1814 #123
Page: frames 179-80
Microfilm: Reel #2, frames 179-180
Processing Information
Record Created: 10/22/1997
Record Final Edited: 4/1/1998
Record Last Updated on: 3/14/2008 6:03:00 PM
Syrus Marcus Ware – In the 1910 Census there is a Grover Ware age: 7 and a Fannie Ware age: 30 living in Socapatoy, Coosa Alabama; don’t know if your relations were lifelong S.C. residents.
We are looking for info on a fanny and Grover ware born around 1900-1905. Desperate for any info!
For Octavia Smith – My Great Grandfather (Ned Ware Sr.)had a Brother named John Henry Ware. They were born in Honea Path South Carolina; Ned around 1874, John Henry around 1878. Their Father was Mitchell Ware – their Mother was Mary Tribble or Kay. This John Henry Ware died in 1952 or 1954 in Williamston South Carolina.
Hello, my name is Octavia Smith. My grandmother is Joyce Smith (maiden is Ware). I am looking for information on my great-great=grandfather John Henry Ware…. He is our dead end and we haven’t been able to find any information on his parents.
I would like any information that you can find on an Ira Clifford Ware and Mary B Ware, both born in 1895 and 1897 respectively. These are my great grandparents. I’m doing my family tree.
Karlyn Cummings: South Carolina has death records from 1912-1960; if you can locate Sam Belcher’s death certificate it may reveal the name of his parents.
Hello, im looking for information on the birth of Sam Belcher (Abbeville, SC) Married to mariah. I have census information but i am looking for his birth record and her birth record. they are my grandmothers grandparents.
thank you
karlyn cummings
Looking for information on Thomas Ware born June 3, 1914. Father’s name Alf Ware and mother Mary Ware from Walnut Lake Arkansas
I am interested in receiving any information that you may have on the Gourriers and pictures. Thanking you in advance.
Looking for information on Mitchell Ware; born between 1835-40 probably in Abbeville or Anderson County South Carolina. His Mother’s name was Dicie (Barmer); his Father’s name was Kit Munrow.
My great grandmother was Maggie Ware Johnson. Maggie was born to John and Cristy on June 15, 1875 and died on November 20, 1969. She married Jim Johnson and they had 5 children, Benjamin, Liddie, Annie, B.F., and Lillie. According to her obituary, Maggie was born in Laurens, SC. I have been trying to find information on Cristy since John is a common name. We are unsure of the proper spelling or if Christy was short for Christine.
My great grandmother was named Maggie Ware born to John and Cristy Ware on June 16, 1875. I have been in search of information on Cristy Ware since John is such a common name. We are unsure of the proper spelling of Cristy’s first name. Although I do not see her name in the posting of Josiah Ware’s diary, I feel I’ve gotten closer to finding some trace of Cristy and John Ware.
Looking for information on George Washington Ware born 1876 married to Hattie Burnside born 1878. Both of SC. There is a town named after my grandfather WareSchoals SC. I am their great granddaughter
I am the 3 generation granddaughter of Sonfia Ware, she moved to Davie Fla
Ms. Ware post on July 12, 2016 I wish I had a first name because Alf Ware and Mary Ware are in my kids’ tree.
I am the great granddaughter of Sarah L. Ware (Chaney) daughter of George Washington Ware born 1876 and Hattie Burnside (1878). Location Ware Shoals, SC/Honea Path SC. Looking for any family lineage as far back as any records will go.
For Tamieka Noble: I would begin by checking the 1880 S.C. Census (Anderson) for George Washington Ware; if you locate him on the census, you’ll find the names of his Father and Mother. With the names of his parents, I would check the 1870 census to possibly find the names of George Washington Ware’s Grandparents. If G.W. Ware and Hattie Burnside lived past 1912; there should be death certificates online; ‘South Carolina Death Records.’
I am the great granddaughter of Sarah L. Ware (Chaney) daughter of George Washington Ware born 1876 and Hattie Burnside (1878). Location Ware Shoals, SC/Honea Path SC. Looking for any family lineage as far back as any records will go.
Petition 11381405 Details
State: South Carolina
Location: Abbeville
Location Type: District/Parish
Salutation: To the Honorable house of Sennete & to the Honorable Speaker of Sennete
Filing Date: 1814-November-24
General Petition Information
Abstract: William Ware states that, on 22 July 1814, his slave Jim was barbarously “stabed & Kiled in attempting to apprehend a Negro fellow who was run away for upwards of three months who had been plundering & Stealing through the neighbourhood for that time.” He reports that he ordered Jim and several other slaves “to take him” and that Jim “was kiled in the Act of taking him.” Avowing that Jim “was amongst the first class of Negroes,” Ware hopes “your Honorable body will take it in consideration” and “Grant your petitioner such Relief as your petitioner thinks he is Intitled to.” Ward considers that Jim “was doing a Laudable Act” and “he was obeying my lawful Orders.” The appraisers valued Jim at $500.
Result: Claims Committee; postponed to next session
# of Petition Pages: 2
Related Documents: See PAR #11381507; Appraisal, William Ware, et al., 24 November 1814; see PAR #11381515; Sponsor: Nathan Smith Lipscomb, Senate, Abbeville District (1807-1815)
Pages of Related Documents: 1
People Associated with Petition 11381405
Slaves: 2
Free Persons of Color: 0
Defendants: 0
Petitioners: 1
Other People: 1
Citation Information
Repository: South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, South Carolina
Records of the General Assembly
Document Number 1814 #123
Page: frames 179-80
Microfilm: Reel #2, frames 179-180
Processing Information
Record Created: 10/22/1997
Record Final Edited: 4/1/1998
Record Last Updated on: 3/14/2008 6:03:00 PM
Syrus Marcus Ware – In the 1910 Census there is a Grover Ware age: 7 and a Fannie Ware age: 30 living in Socapatoy, Coosa Alabama; don’t know if your relations were lifelong S.C. residents.
We are looking for info on a fanny and Grover ware born around 1900-1905. Desperate for any info!
For Octavia Smith – My Great Grandfather (Ned Ware Sr.)had a Brother named John Henry Ware. They were born in Honea Path South Carolina; Ned around 1874, John Henry around 1878. Their Father was Mitchell Ware – their Mother was Mary Tribble or Kay. This John Henry Ware died in 1952 or 1954 in Williamston South Carolina.
Hello, my name is Octavia Smith. My grandmother is Joyce Smith (maiden is Ware). I am looking for information on my great-great=grandfather John Henry Ware…. He is our dead end and we haven’t been able to find any information on his parents.
I would like any information that you can find on an Ira Clifford Ware and Mary B Ware, both born in 1895 and 1897 respectively. These are my great grandparents. I’m doing my family tree.
Karlyn Cummings: South Carolina has death records from 1912-1960; if you can locate Sam Belcher’s death certificate it may reveal the name of his parents.
Hello, im looking for information on the birth of Sam Belcher (Abbeville, SC) Married to mariah. I have census information but i am looking for his birth record and her birth record. they are my grandmothers grandparents.
thank you
karlyn cummings
Looking for information on Thomas Ware born June 3, 1914. Father’s name Alf Ware and mother Mary Ware from Walnut Lake Arkansas
I am interested in receiving any information that you may have on the Gourriers and pictures. Thanking you in advance.
Looking for information on Mitchell Ware; born between 1835-40 probably in Abbeville or Anderson County South Carolina. His Mother’s name was Dicie (Barmer); his Father’s name was Kit Munrow.