As Judy was was leaving town again for the holiday, she sent me on another quest for information. This time the search was easier and just as interesting. I traced to path she out-lined for me and this is where it ended. I found this on Ancestry and contacted the author Kim Rather. It is with her permission that I am submitting it.
But first, I’m sure you would like to know how I get from Hughes to Ware. Howard R. Hughes Jr.’s mother was Alleen S. Gano. You might remember the name Gano, from the story about “Wareland and the Forks of Elkhorn Baptist Church.” Her father was William Beriah Gano, son of General Richard Montgomery Gano, (1830-1913).
He was a doctor, soldier and minister. He began his career as a physician in Kentucky when he graduated from Louisville Medical University and practiced for about eight years in Kentucky and Louisiana. In 1853 he married Martha J. Welch of Kentucky. (They had 12 children.) They moved to Texas in 1859 and he began to farm and raise stock. In 1860 he was elected to the Texas State Legislature, but resigned his seat to enter the Confederate Army. He was officially promoted to Brigadier General, and subsequently would have been promoted to Major General, but the war ended. After the war, he returned to Kentucky and entered the ministry of the Disciples of Christ. (1)
His father, John Allen Gano, was a minister of the Disciples of Christ. John Allen Gano (1805-1887), married Mary Catherine Conn on October 2, 1827. Mary Catherine, (1806-1880) was the daughter of William Conn and Frances Webb (1791- ).
Fanny Webb was the daughter of Charles Webb and Mary “Polly” Todd Ware (1772- ).
” Polly” Ware was the daughter of Dr James L. Ware (1741-1819) and Virginia Catherine Todd.
James was born in Virginia, but migrated with his father and several of his siblings to Kentucky in the late 1700’s, some who settled in Franklin, Woodford, and Fayette counties. (See story on this site entitled New Nation/New Land, by Judy C. Ware.)
Therefore, Howard R. Hughes was six generation removed from the Ware line and the 7th great-grandson of Dr. James L. Ware of Virginia.
“Howard Robard Hughes was born in Houston, Texas, on December 24, 1905, the only child of Howard Robard Hughes and Alene Gano Hughes. He attended private schools in California and Massachusetts, Rice Institute in Houston, and the California Institute of Technology.
His mother died when Hughes was 16 and his father when he was 18, leaving him an orphan but with an estate worth $871,000 and a patent for a drill bit used in most oil and gas drilling that brought large revenues to the family’s Hughes Tool Company that manufactured the bit. Hughes left school to take control of the company, using its profits to finance a variety of projects which he hoped would make him a legend in his own time. In 1925, when he was 20, Hughes married Ella Rice and moved to Los Angeles (they separated in 1928). In 1927 Hughes entered the motion picture business and produced such films as “Hell’s Angels” (1930), “Scarface” (1932), and “The Outlaw” (1941). He discovered actors Jean Harlow and Paul Muni and made Jane Russell a well-known stars.
In 1928 Hughes obtained a pilot’s license. His interest in aviation led him to found the Hughes Aircraft Company in Glendale in 1932 and to design, build, and fly record-breaking airplanes. He set a world speed record in 1935, transcontinental speed records in 1936 and 1937, and a world flight record in 1938. Hughes was honored with the Harmon Trophy and a New York City ticker-tape parade after his world flight. He was awarded the Collier Trophy in 1939, the Octave Chanute Award in 1940, and a Congressional Medal in 1941.
In 1939 he began work on an experimental military aircraft, and in 1942 he received a contract to design and build the world’s largest plane, a wooden seaplane, later nicknamed the “Spruce Goose,” which was supposed to serve as a troop carrier in World War II. Hughes suffered a nervous breakdown in 1944 and was critically injured in the crash of his experimental military plane in 1946, but he recovered and flew the huge seaplane the next year, blunting the congressional investigation of his war contracts. As a result of these aviation activities, Hughes became a popular public figure because he seemed to embody the traditional American qualities of individuality, daring, and ingenuity. He was named to the Aviation Hall of Fame in 1973.
The Hughes Aircraft Company became a major defense contractor after World War II. As the profits of the company increased, Hughes became obsessed with avoiding taxes and in 1953 created the Howard Hughes Medical Institute as a sophisticated tax shelter to which he transferred the assets of the aircraft company. In 1956 Hughes loaned $205,000 to Richard Nixon’s brother Donald in a successful effort to influence an Internal Revenue Service ruling on the medical institute. Hughes made secret contributions of $100,000 to the Nixon campaign in 1970 and was able to prevent enforcement of the Tax Reform Act against the medical institute. Hughes continued to use profits from the tool company for other ventures, including the creation of Trans World Airlines (TWA), in which he had begun investing in 1939.
In 1950 he went into seclusion, beginning a lifestyle which would ultimately turn him into a recluse, although he did marry actress Jean Peters in 1957, divorcing her in 1971.
Hughes refused to appear in court or even give a deposition, and in a 1963 antitrust case over his ownership of 78 percent of TWA, his failure to appear resulted in a default ruling that led him to sell his holdings in 1966. The $566 million received from this sale was invested by Hughes in Las Vegas hotels, gambling casinos, golf courses, a television station, an airport, and land. In 1972 the Hughes Tool Division, the basis of the Hughes fortune, was sold. The holding company was renamed Summa Corporation and its headquarters relocated to Las Vegas, where Hughes had moved his residence.
From this point in his career, Hughes’ accomplishments were minimal. His obsession to control every aspect of his environment turned him into a recluse seen by a few associates and isolated from the operations of his company. In 1970 he left the United States, abruptly moving from place to place – the Bahamas, Nicaragua, Canada, England, and Mexico. He always arrived unannounced in luxury hotels and took extreme precautions to ensure privacy. Hughes saw only a few male aides, worked for days without sleep in a black-curtained room, and became emaciated from the effects of a meager diet and the excessive use of drugs. His concern for privacy ultimately caused controversy, resulting in a scandal over his supposed memoirs by author Clifford Irving that sold for $1 million before being proven fraudulent. The Hughes conglomerate became involved with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and in 1975 it built an undersea exploratory drilling ship which was actually for use by the CIA to attempt to recover a sunken Soviet submarine. The company retained a Washington, D.C., public relations firm that was also involved with the CIA, which led the Hughes corporation to become involved in the Watergate affair.
Hughes died, a hopeless psychotic, on April 5, 1976, on an airplane that was taking him from Acapulco, Mexico, to a hospital in Houston for medical attention. Hughes was controversial even after his death. Several wills appeared, one of which was found in the Mormon church in Salt Lake City, Utah, but all were declared to be forgeries after protracted litigation.”
Other sources of information: (1) Biography of Richard Montgomery Gano, from The Gano Family Tree, submitted to Sep. 2008.
My Uncle was one of his Aids. He spent his entire career working for Howard. He made land purchases and other attorney activities for Mr Hughes. After Howards death the Hughes family went crazy with law suits, aND to protect the “Aids”. My Uncle left his Lawfirm in NY to retire. With activities tied to the CIA and Howard being the world’s richest man. There was really very little that anyone wanted to say after Howard was gone. My Uncle would never discuss any of the proprietary discussions of what took place with his affairs. He was Mormon and so am I. HOWARD Hughes was known to have hired lots of Mormons. He was looking for Honesty and trust worthyness. This He found in the Mormon brethren who happened to be attorneys and yes called aids. These were attorneys from a firm in NY and kept a satalight office for Howard in CA, just for most of Howard Hughes affairs.
My Uncle was there with only one other for the Marriage Ceramony to Jean Peters. He was very upset when it was released to the press years later that he was involved. I don’t know if he was upset because now everyone knew or that something had been leaked out and now he was tied to it. Everything was secretive. Even the finally of my graveside funeral. Embalmed and nowe I wonder to this day. Why so many secrets. Was it secret connections, Cia connections. Why so many secrets and even in death and after the death of Howard Hughes. Why is there so much hidden. Howard Hughes was an amazing guy in my book. Inovative with his hidden aircraft rivets and genious with seeking out what every American with a moral compass and a normal desire want. But still even this article proves there is so much crap written about him. Those Mormons had a will. So what? Howard liked Mormons…He Hired Many because of their moral compass and faith.
I have not web site…a cousins sent me this note.
Since first learning of Howard Hughes many years ago, I have been interested in his beginnings, life style and business dealings. Little did I ever know our Ware family had a connection to him. I find this to be an extremely interesting article and thank you for your involvement in this research. Vicki, you and Judy are Saints to this Ware family, really. Wayne