Thomas Bullock Sr (1803 – 1888)

“BULLOCK,  THOS Sr, farmer P.O. Eureka.  The above gentleman is one of the best known, and one of the oldest settlers of Woodford Co.  On the 27th day of Feb. 1841 a bill was approved by the Governor, entitles an act for the formation of the county of Woodford and the name selected by ‘Uncle Tom’ to perpetuate the remembrance of his old native county in Kentucky.  He was born in Woodford Co., Ky., July 27, 1803; is the son of Thomas and Lucy (Redd) Bullock.  He remained at his native State until Oct., 1835, and then started for Illinois with his wife and children in a two-ox wagon and a two-horse ‘carryall’; arrived Oct. 20th, 1835, taking them about eighteen days in making the trip.  He first lived in a log cabin near the present home.  He afterward built this building and moved in.  When he first came here, he purchased 360 acres, and paid $1.25 to $12.50 per acre, to-day owns a fine farm of 420 acres,valued at $65 per acre.

Agnes Ware Bullock, age 59

Agnes Ware Bullock, age 59

He married Miss Agnes Ware, of Kentucky born Nov. 16, 1806,daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth R. Ware;married 1824; thirteen children, nine living – Lucy born Sept. 28, 1825; Jas P born May 24, 1829; William S born May 12, 1827; Thomas born Aug 15, 1831; Elizabeth born Jan 25, 1834; Henry S born April 16, 1836; Mary born April 14, 1840;Chas B born July 18, 1842; Horace B born July 4, 1847.

Thomas Bullock, familiarly known as ‘Uncle Tom’ Bullock, and the very father of Woodford County, is a scion of the old Bullock stock of Kentucky, than whom none better exists in that proud old Commonwealth, so prolific of great men.  To him, it may be said, the county owes its existence; he it was took the initiative steps toward its formation, and he, after the preliminary steps were taken, engineered the project safely through all the forms of ‘red tape’ in the General Assembly, until it came from the ‘Governmental furnace’ a full fledged county.  He has always been ans active and enterprising man – foremost in every enterprise intended to promote the welfare of the county in which he takes such a lively interest.

He it was, who was instrumental in getting up the project which finally resulted in formation of Woodford County, of which event full particulars are given in the general history of the county.  Mr. Bullock is still living near Versailles, the original capital of Woodford, to some extent reconciled to the greater power, or pressure, which wrested from his own little village of Versailles the seat of justice.  Of all the early settlers in Walnut Grove, Mr. Bullock is probably the oldest one now living in what is known as Olio Township.”

Source: The Past and Present of Woodford County, Illinois,  Wiliam Henry Perrin, Wm. LeBaron, Jr. & Co., H.H. Hill and Company, Chicago, Wm. Le Baron, Jr & Co., 186 Dearborn Street, 1878.

Photo: Turitzin-Swearingen Family Tree,

Writers note: New information attributes the mother of Agnes Ware as Elizabeth “Read.”  Samuel Ware was married to two women named Elizabeth, one Elizabeth Read and one Elizabeth Redd.  The daughter of Elizabeth Redd was Elizabeth Redd Ware born in 1829.  Thomas and Agnes were married in 1824.

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