“WARE, Charles, general superintendent Union Pacific Railroad, was born Jan. 31, 1863 at Jonesboro, Ill. Educated at Southern Illinois Normal University at Carbondale, Ill. Entered railway service 1882, since which he has been consecutively to 1890, telegraph operator, trick dispatcher and chief dispatcher Chicago and Northwestern Railway; 1890 to April 21, 1905 with Union Pacific Railway as trick dispatcher and assistant superintendent; April 21, 1905 to 1910, superintendent Nebraska Division same road; on March 9, 1910, he was appointed general superintendent of the Union Pacific Railroad Company, with headquarters at Omaha, Neb. and on July 1, 1910, was given the title of assistant general manager U.P.R.R. Company which position he now holds.”
Source: Herringshaw’s American Blue-Book of Biography, Men of 1912, edited by Thomas William Herringshaw, Standard Biographical Works, Chicago, Ill., 1913, page 615