Edward Ware (1830 – )

“EDWARD WARE with C. Lamb & Sons, is a native of England, and was born June 13, 1830; he came to America in 1842, and was brought up in New York State; he came to Fulton in1854 and came to Clinton Co. in 1855; he was engineer of the first saw-mill in Clinton when the war broke out.

He enlisted in June, 1861, in the 1st I.V.C.” (Iowa Volunteer Company) “Co., M; he remained in the service until March 1866; he was promoted to hold commission of Second Lieutenant when the war closed; since then, he has been engaged in steamboating and in the lumber yard of C. Lamb & Sons.

He married Miss Augusta Lamb daughter of C. Lamb, Esq., in 1859; they have six children-Fred, Jeannie, Willie, Lettie, Eddie, Artemus.”

Source:  History of Clinton Co., Iowa, Western  Historical Co., Chicago, 1879, page 695

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