The Battle of Ware Bottom Church, Chesterfield Co., Virginia

Note:  Researching this event in connection with the Ware Family, I was unable to find information regarding the Church or nearby Ware Bottom Spring.

Approximately 10,000 soldier, from 14 states, both Union and Confederate, fought in this battle.  At the end, more than 1,400 lay wounded or dead on the battlefield, which has almost disappeared in current times.   The clash on this day was overshadowed by larger and more important campaigns and has lapsed into obscurity.

“On the 21st, the One Hundredth was fiercely attacked by the rebel General Walker, but his men were repulsed and he himself, was wounded and captured.  A sharp conflict ensued, known as the battle of ‘Ware Bottom Church,’ but the Unionists held their ground.  A similar attack failed on the succeeding day.  The lines on both sides were well entrenched and it was no slight task to break through them.  About the last of May two-thirds of of Butler’s army was sent to reinforce Grant, who was slowly fighting his way down from the northward, thus doubling the duties of those who remained.

During the night of the 15th of June, the Confederates abandoned their lines to move to the defense of Petersburg, then threatened by Grant and the Unionists, occupied them.  On the 17th, Company K, of the One Hundredth, under Lieutenant Stowitts was again engaged, not fart from Ware Bottom Church.”

Source: History of the City of Buffalo and Erie Co., Vol 1, edited by H. Perry Smith, D. Mason and Co., Publishers, Syracuse, New York, 1884, page 269

Map–Battle Summary: Ware Bottom Church, VA,, page 1-4


The Battle of Ware Bottom Church, Chesterfield Co., Virginia — 7 Comments

  1. I was think it was named after Ware (surname) Bottom. I’m descended from the Bottom family of the 1700-1800’s of Varina.

  2. I am very interested in this piece of ground and history. My G-G-Grandfather fought here with the 61st NC of Clingman’s Brigade. He fought at Drewry’s Bluff and the push of the Federals back across the entrenchments here. On 31 May 1864 he marched out of these lines to Cold Harbor and was in the heaviest part of that engagement, only to return to this line on 14 June. During the night of 15-16 June he was captured here, and spent time in Point Lookout and Elmira NY POW camps.

  3. Mr. Fickett,e
    I have read your name and seen some articles regarding your expertise on the Bermuda Hundred Campaign. Also with information on your encouragement to preserve Civil War sites in Chesterfield County. I wold like to know more about the sites of Ware Bottom Spring and Church,

  4. Mr. Fickett,
    I have read your name in connection with your knoeledge og the Bermuda hundred Campaign and your encuragement to presrve Civil War sites in Chesterfield County. I would like more information on the sites of Ware Bottom Spring and Chutch.

  5. My GGF fought and was captured here he was in the 3d NH Vol “A” Co.

  6. I know where the spring and church are located. just contact me for the information.

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