Arthur Ware (1828 – )

“WARE, Arthur, owner of one of the finest farms in Butler Grove Township, is one of the successful farmers of Montgomery County.  He a son of David S. and Lestina (Brigham) Ware, he born at Gilsum, N.H., and she at Alstead, N.H., he born October 25, 1828, and a son of David and Mary (Smith) Ware, natives of New Hampshire and Vermont, respectively.  The mother of Arthur Ware died February 22, 1872, having been born in1831, a daughter of Aaron and Susan (Proctor) Brigham.  The father of Arthur Ware died in 1904.  An educated man, he taught school and in 1855 moved to Montgomery County settling in what was later given the name of Ware’s Grove in honor of him, in Butler Grove Township.  After coming to this locality he engaged in farming and became the owner of a large tract of land, but spent his last years at Hillsboro, where he died.

Arthur attended the local schools and grew up on his father’s farm.  In 1881 he moved on his present fine property of 240 acres on Section 10, and has been engaged in general farming ever since, and has raised Holstein cattle and carried on dairying, and he is a breeder of hogs to a considerable extent.  His is one of  the finest farms in this part of the state, and his improvements are modern in every particular.

In 1881 Mr. Ware was married to Addie Aten, born in Butler Grove Township, a daughter of T.C. Aten who came to Montgomery County in 1860.  Mr. and Mrs. Ware became the parents of the following children: Frank who lives in Butler, Ill.; Roy who lives at Hillsboro, Ill.; and Mabel who was Mrs. Howard Turner, who died July 11, 1910, aged twnety-four years; and Wilma who is Mrs. William Turner of Butler Grove Township.

Mrs. Ware died November 20, 1908.  On June 24, 1908, Mr. Ware married to Addie DeSart who was born at Hillsboro, a daughter of Mason and Catherine (Smith) DeSart, he born in Edgar County, and she in Williamson County, Ill.

Mr. Ware is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of which he has been an elder and Sunday school superintendent for many years.  In 1880 he was census enumerator, and he served for fifteen years as a school director.  In April, he was elected supervisor of Butler Grove Township and is still holding that position.  Butler Camp, M.W.A., holds his membership and receives his support.”

Source:  Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Montgomery County, Vol. 2, by Alexander T. Strange, Munsell Publishing Co., Chicago, 1918, page 117

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