Horace Everett Ware (1845 – )

“WARE, Horace Everett, editor, pub.; born. Milton., Aug. 27, 1845; a. Dr. Jonathan and Mary Ann (Tileston) Ware; direct descendant of Robert Ware, Dedham, Mass. , 1642; A.B., Harvard, 1867.  Admitted to the bar, 1869; practiced in Boston for several yrs.; mem. since 1899, of William Ware & Co., pubs, of ‘The old Farmer’s Almanac’ (established 1793).  Mem. of Mass. Ho. of Rep., 1879, 1880.  Mem. Bar Assn. City of Boston., Soc. Colonial Wars, S.A.R.  Writer on hist, and astron., subjects.

Home: Milton, Mass.  Office: 110 Summer St., Boston.”
Source:  Who’s Who in New England, Vol. 3, by Albert Nelson Marquis, A.N. Marquis and Co. publisher, Chicago, 1916, page 1110

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