William Ware Howland (1817 – 1892)

“WILLIAM WARE HOWLAND, the son of Southworth and Polly (Ware) Howland, was born in West Brookfield, Mass., February 25, 1817, and was fitted for college at West Brookfield and Leicester Academies.  He studied theology at Union Seminary, graduating from there in 1845.  On the 14th of October of the same year he was ordained at South Hadley, and under appointment as a missionary of the American Board of Missions, he sailed soon after for Ceylon.  He was stationed first at Batticotta and afterwards at Tillipally in the Jaffna Mission.  In 1861, he made a visit to the United States on account of his health, and returned to his post the next year.  From the year 1876 he was in charge of the work at Oodooville and the Female Seminary at that station.  He died of chronic dysentery, in Jaffna, Ceylon, August 26, 1892.

Mr. Howland was married, October 14, 1845, to Susan, Daughter of Jonas Reed, of Heath, Mass., who died July 23, 1887.  Of eight children, six survive their father.  Five of his sons graduated at Amherst College: Rev. Dr. Samuel W. and Rev. William S. in 1870, Rev. John in 1876, Rev. Henry M. in 1862, and David B. in 1883.”

Source:  Obituary Record of Graduates of Amherst College, by Henry M. McCloud printer, 1874, pages 12-3


William Ware Howland (1817 – 1892) — 3 Comments

  1. Susan Reed Howling was a missionary in Ceylon in the 19th century. She was a teacher and later the principal of Uduvil Girls school, the alma matter of my great grandmother Thangamuttu. Susan amma as she was fondly called (meaning mother Susan) was a kind, gentle and generous person and according to my grandmother, her mother loved Susan amma more than she liked her own mother! She was her teacher and mentor. Susan amma and her family sacrificed a great deal as did the other missionaries, in order to spread Christianity and do good for the people of the island nation. Life could not have been easy in an alien country where they had nothing in common with the native people. Yet, they toiled hard without a murmur to do whatever good, wherever and whenever, as long as they could. Never requested anything in return from those who were recipients of their kindness. Such was their nobility of character! They exemplified Christianity and thus lured the natives to convert. Wish, there are more people of their caliber to make our world a better place in the 21st century.

    The American and British missionaries built great Christian, private boarding schools for girls and boys (separate schools) and they produced many professionals as well as the foundation for a highly educated citizenry. The literacy rate used to be 90%.
    Shanti Jeyanayagam

  2. Like to know more about Susan Reed Howland who taught at Uduvil Girls college. Apparently. She was s beloved teacher and my great grand mother loved her dearly. It is sad, we do not have many such noble people in the world today!

  3. Pingback: September 1892 | The Journal of Emma Tilton Richards

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