“Rev. Daniel Lee was born in Stanstead, Canada, July 1, 1806. He was converted in 1827. He joined the New Hampshire Conference in 1831. He came to the Pacific coast with Jason Lee in 1834. He was married at Fort Vancouver, in Oregon, June 11, 1840, to Miss Maria T. Ware, by Rev. Jason Lee. He had charge of the mission at the Dalles. He left Oregon in August, 1843, and took his place in the New Hampshire Conference, of which he remained as member until his death, which occurred at Oakgrove, Oklahoma, July 22, 1895. Miss Maria T. Ware was born in Gilsum, New Hampshire, October 7, 1812. She died in Caldwell, Kansas, July 4, 1892.”
Source: The Conquerors: Historical Sketches of the American Settlement of the Oregon Country, by Rev. A. Atwood, Published by Heritage Books, Baltimore, Maryland, 1994