Reuel Willard Ware (1826 – )

“REUEL WILLARD WARE, C.E., son of Reuel and Hannah (McIntosh) Ware, was born in Wellesly, Norfolk county, Mass., September 10th, 1826.  Prepared for the Institute at Grantville Academy, Mass., and Williston Seminary, East Hampton, Mass., and entered November 7th, 1849.  Spent one year after graduating in making village and land surveys in eastern Massachusetts.  Commenced railroad engineering October, 1851, in Connecticut; in charge of surveys and construction of a division of the Hartford, Providence & Fishkill railroad to February, 1856.  May, 1856, to February, 1865, in charge of surveys and construction of sundry lines of railway in Wisconsin, lines which have since been merged in and taken up by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad.  June, 1865 to 1867, was assistant engineer Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railroad; March, 1868, to May 1873, resident and division engineer on New York & Oswego Midland railroad, in charge of construction in New York; May, 1873, to January, 1875, resident engineer Erie railroad, in charge of construction of second track work, bridges and buildings, Delaware division.  January, 1875, to May, 1882, resident engineer Erie railway (now New York, Lake Erie and Western railroad), in charge of construction Delaware division, and maintenance of way department; since that time, principal assistant engineer New York, Lake Erie & Western railroad.  Before graduation, was one year on Boston Water Works, engaged in earth and rock excavations and embankments, rock tunnels, brick and stone conduits, culverts and bridges.  Is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers.

Married February 8th, 1856, Mary Ellen Downes, daughter of Anson Downes, of Waterbury, Conn; one daughter.

P.O. address, Port Jervis, Orange county, N.Y.”

Source:  Biographical Record of the Officers and Graduates of the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, by the Institute and Henry B. Nason, published by William H. Young, Troy, N.Y., 1887, page 282

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