Charles Edward Ware (1850 – )

“WARE, Charles Edward, manager railroad department Buxton & Skinner Printing Co.; born, St. Louis, Mar. 23, 1850; son of Joseph E. and Evelyne (Cray) Ware; educated in public schools; married, St. Louis Co., June 25, 1874, Eliza Bissell (deceased); four children: James Bissell, Edwin Stanley, Elosie, Charles E.

Engaged with father in sewing machine business, Jacksonport, Ark., 1861; taught detail of men to operate machines making uniforms for Confederate forces; was in charge father’s salt and saltpeter works when First Indiana Cavalry destroyed plant, 1862; was guide and mail-carrier for Confederate army, 1862-63; served on supply boat, Blue Wing, under Maj. C.C. Rainwater, for Confederates; when Confederates abandoned Arkansas, made way to Potosi, Mo., March, 1864; was pressed into service as guide to Shelby’s forces, to whom Potosi surrendered, October, 1864.  Served thirteen years as member Missouri State Militia, in Light Cavalry, 1877-91; was in service during three strikes, 1884-85, 2886 and 1887; appointed colonel Flambeau Battalion, 1886; member St. Louis Light Cavalry Association, United Confederate Veterans’ Association.  Began business career with newspaper conducted conducted by George B. Clark, Potosi, Mo., 1867; became member firm of Clark, Ware & McGrain, adding book store to printing business, 1868, and continued until 1870; then engaged with New Orleans Picayune to February, 1871.  Removed to St. Louis, 1871, since connected with printing business; acquired interest in job department Times Printing Co., 1871, and continued until 1885; engaged with Buxton & Skinner, 1885-86; with Woodward & Tiernan, 1886-1900, since department manager Buxton & Skinner Printing Co.  President Ozark Land and Fruit Growing Co.; was treasurer West Cabanne Improvement Co.  Formerly member Manufacturer’s Association of St. Louis, and Civic League; also Historical Society.  Democrat.  Methodist.  Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner; member B.P.O. Elks.  Clubs: formerly member of Mercantile, St. Louis Field, Aerial.

Office: 306 N. 4th St.  Residence: Usona Hotel.”

Source:  The Book of St. Louisans, by Albert Nelson Marquis, A.N. Marquis and Co., Chicago, 1912, page 621

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