Harriet N. Ware

“AN ACT to release Etta Ware Hardwicke and Jean Ware Redpath all the right, title and interest of the people of the state of New York, in and to the proceeds of certain real estate of Harriet N. Ware, late of the village of Niagara Falls, New York deceased.

Became a law May 14, 1904, with the approval of the Governor.  Passed by a two-thirds vote.

The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact s follows:

Section 1.  All the estate, right, title and interest of he people interest of the state of New York acquired by escheat forfeiture or otherwise of, in and to certain moneys on deposit with the treasurer of the county of Niagara, amounting to seven hundred and ninety-three dollars and ten cents, with interest thereupon from January first, nineteen hundred and four, being the remainder, with accumulated interest, of the proceeds of the sale of certain real estate belonging at the time of her death to Harriet N. Ware, late of the village of Niagara Falls, New York, deceased, made the year eighteen hundred and ninety by the administrator of her estate, in proceedings instituted in the surrogate’s court in the county of Niagara, New York, for the sale of said real estate for the purpose of paying the debts and funeral expenses of said decedent, is hereby released to and vested in Etta Ware Hardwicke and Jean Ware Redpath, residing in the city of Niagara Falls, Niagara county, New York, and to their heirs and assigns forever.

2.  Upon the filing with the surrogate of the county of Niagara, New York, of a duly verified petition in the proceeding in which said moneys were so deposited, by said Etta Ware Hardwicke and Jean Ware Redpath, said surrogate is hereby empowered to make an order directing the treasurer of Niagara county to pay over to the said Etta Ware Hardwicke and Jean Ware Redpath so much of said moneys as the people of the state of New York have become entitled by escheat of othrwise.

3.  Nothing herein contained shall be construed to impeach or affect the rights in said moneys so deposited with such county treasurer of any heir, devisee, purchaser or creditor by judgment, mortgage or otherwise in and to said moneys or any part thereof.

4. This act shall take effect immediately.”

Reference Data:

Laws of the State of New York, Vol. 2, by New York (State), 1904, pages 1895-6

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