
10,000 Years of Ware History — 6 Comments

  1. Hi youall,

    As I have tryed to help youall Wares.. Because Colonel ( Retired ) Joe Ware, Born a Virginian , Kin, and a Texan American now..

    IO never met a Ware I did not like..

    GOD Bless you all and Thank you Mrs. Vicki Cheeseman for all your doing , have done, and shll doo too. It is quite well Maam.

  2. I was so frustrated that I could not pause and carefully examine each frame! I guess I am saying that I would have preferred it as a slide show. There wasn’t enough time allotted to read all the text! Otherwise, really wonderful.

  3. The Ware family may have very well have came from there thru Anschill de Ware (saxon?) who was living in the area prior to the Norman invasion.
    Ware’s of Va. DNA does not connect to the De La Warre family.

  4. Wow! Interesting. And the background music, as it built to a dramatic ending, kept me on the edge of my seat throughout.


  5. Neat film but there doesn’t appear to be any connection to our family or am I missing something?

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