Annie Winsor Allen (1865 – )

“ALLEN, Annie Winsor (Mrs. Joseph Allen), Myrtle St., White Plains, N.Y.  Teacher, school director; b. Winchester, Mass., May 25, 1865; dau. Dr. Frederick and Ann Bent (Ware) Winsor; ed. Radcliffe Coll., 1883-85.  1886-89; m. Weston, Mass., June 4, 1900, Joseph Allen, children: Dorothea Teulon, Annie Winsor, Joseph Jr., David (died 1906).  Teacher in Brearley School, N.Y. City, 1889-1900; director of Roger Ascham School, Scarsdale, N.Y., since 1907.  Manager of State Training School for Girls, Hudson, N.Y.; mem. Standing Com. All Souls’ Church, White Plains, N.Y.; mem. and former pres. Mothers’ Council of Public Schools, White Plains.  Author: Home, School and Vacation, 1908: has written several magazine articles.  Mem. White Plains Nursing Ass’n, National Consumers’ League, Mothers’ Council, Radcliffe Club, N.Y. City.  Recreations; Walking, summer at Seal Harbor, Mt. Desert, Me.  Unitarian.  Democrat; votes only on school matters.”

Source:  Woman’s Who’s Who of America, Vol. 1, by John William Leonard, The American Commonwealth Co., New York, 1914, page 43

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