Albert Ware and Geneva Belle Ware Vicims, Fort Wayne, IN Area Tornado, Mar 1920 – Eighteen Dead

“Eighteen Is Indiana Toll

Five Members of One Family Are Killed When Wind Wrecks Home.

Indianapolis, Ind., March 29. – Eighteen are known dead in tornadoes which late yesterday swept northeastern Indians.

Particularly heavy toll was taken at Monroeville and Townley, in Allen County, West Liberty in Jay County and Geneva in Adams County.

At West Liberty the five members of the family of FRANK SMITH were killed when their home was wrecked by the wind.

Three are known dead at Monroeville, three are dead at Townley, and one death was reported from Orland, and another from Hoagland.

MRS. WILL SIMMONS and a son died at Monroeville, and a daughter is seriously injured.  A small child of HERSCHEL GRANT near Monroeville, is dead and two other members of the family are suffering severe injuries.  Three members of the NELSON VIETS family are reported mising.

AUGUSTUS FLUTTEROW  was blown out of his hom at Townley and killed.

MR. and MRS. WILLIAM MILLER  at Ossian were blown into an adjoining field when their house and barn were razed.  They are expected to die.  The damage at Ossian is estimated at $250,000.

A path a half mile wide was cleared by the tornado in Allen County.

The Evening State Journal and Lincoln Daily News 20 Mar 1920

Summary of the Storm’s Havoc in Northern Idiana

The toll of dead from the tornado which swept northern Indiana and northwestern Ohio late Saturday afternoon had reached twenty-four as fuller reports were received here today.  Scores were injured and property damage reaching several millions of dollars ws caused by the storm which at some points was followed by a disastrous fire.

West Liberty, eight miles north of Portland, Jay County, was the hardest hit of the Indiana towns.  Seven persons were killed there and practically the entire town was destroyed by fire which followed the storm.

Three persons were killed at Townley and Three persons near Monroeville.

Edgerton, eighteen miles east of Fort Wayne, was almost entirely wiped out, although no persons were killed.

The storm is said to have veered northeast from West Liberty into Adams County striking Geneva, where three persons were killed and a number of houses and other structures were blown down.

Six person are known to be dead and many injured at the village or Renolette, eight miles west of Defiance.

One person was killed at Hoagland.

The Fort Wayne News and Sentinel, Fort Wayne, IN 29 Mar 1920

List of Dead and Injured in Sunday Evening’s Tornado…


GENEVA BELLE WARE, two-year-old daughter of MR. and MRS. ALBERT WARE.”


Albert Ware and Geneva Belle Ware Vicims, Fort Wayne, IN Area Tornado, Mar 1920 – Eighteen Dead — 1 Comment

  1. This article hits home, as I grew up in Hendricks County, IN and later on as an adult, lived in Ft Wayne for nearly two years. This tradedy was a few years before my existance, but I can visualize the towns mentioned here.


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