August Newletter – The Dog Days of Summer

As we enter the dog days of summer, I am forever grateful for air-conditioning and watermelon; dips in the pool and mid-afternoon naps; slower growing grass and a good book; fresh raspberries over vanilla ice cream and memories.

Watching the caterpillars climb the tomato vines; wondering why I planted so many squash plants and what lucky neighbor will be the recipient of my crop-a-plenty; measuring the height of the sunflowers each morning and memories.

Hearing the kiddies on the street volley yells and screams and laughter back and forth, knowing the neighborhood will be at peace in a few straggling weeks, when we have to once again slow down in school zones; seeing the last rays of sunlight as it plays along the tops of the mountains and sometimes peek-a-boo in the darkening clouds; relishing the soft evening breeze which carries the tunes of crickets and frogs sung to each other and memories.

The novelty of sunnier and longer days has worn off  and we are complaisant knowing we can wring a few more bright days from the approaching Autumn.  Time to visit our memories, must be stored away like the old hammock which hung between the maples.  Life, with its never-ending to-do list, is at hand with the beginning of a new season.  But while a few of those ol’ dog days are still to be found lying around, escape for a little longer.


Ray and Judy have entertained us with their wit and wisdom.  John Stein contributed some very interesting information about the tragic end of many Wares.  Wayne shared some family history and Wendell, some genealogy research.  All these contributions help to make our site unique to what else is currently available on the web.  Please make a deposit in the Ware bank account.  Your children and grandchildren will be so much richer for it.


This month should welcome a new category, List and Directories.  Wayne will be contributing the account of his Family Reunion in Nebraska and a visit to a special historical home.  Hopefully we will be hearing from a descendant of Doc Holliday and her connection to the Ware family.  The gentleman who supplied me with all the research regarding the home of Elias Ware in Wrentham, Massachusetts plans to dig a bit deeper, providing more documentation.

I would like to see more photo submissions to put in the Family albums in the Gallery.  And of course, we’d love  you to share your stories and memories.  You may not carry the Ware surname forward, but being descended from a Ware makes you part of this family.

Stay safe and hope to hear from you soon.



August Newletter – The Dog Days of Summer — 2 Comments

  1. Great description Vicki. Dog days of summer brought baling hay time on the farm where I grew up. The hard work, the sweat of putting all those hay bales in the loft made a days end dip in a nearby grave pit excremely welcome. Thank you for posting all those wonderful articles and bringing back memories of our ancestors. No one does it better,

    Love you Sis,


  2. Vicki, my dear. You beautifully described these dog days of summer. My senses were on overload as I could smell the smells, see the pictures in my mind, taste those raspberries, hear that laughter, and feel those warm breezes. Of course, in Oklahoma – it’s more like “hot wind.” (ha) Thanks for the opportunity to enjoy your website and treasure the memories – ALL the memories!! They are the gift that keeps on giving and the treasure that no one can steal.
    Love ya,

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