Darius Ware


Under the provisions of Section 6, the first town meeting in Norfolk was held on Monday, March 7, 1870.  It was called to order by Saul B. Scott, the justice who had issued the warrant, and during the voting for moderator, Rev. Daniel Round checked the lists of voters that had been furnished by the selectmen of Wrentham, Franklin, Medway and Walpole.  Albert G. Hills was chosen moderator,after which the following town officers were elected: …Darius Ware, fence viewers; …Oren C. Ware, surveyors of lumber.  The meeting closed by a vote of thanks to Mr. Hills for his efficient and impartial services as moderator, and another to Silas E. Fales and William A. Jepson for the gift of a ballot-box.


When the Town of Norfolk was incorporated it came into possession of the old North Parish Church, which was erected in 1796, and which was used just as it was for several years as a town house.  In 1879 the building was thoroughly remodeled and a tower erected, in which is a clock presented to the town by Josiah Ware. The building stands upon an eminence and its tower commands a fine view if the surrounding country.”

Reference Data:

History of Norfolk Co., Massachusetts, 1622-1918, Vol. 1, by Louis Atwood Cook, 1918, page 223

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