John Ware (1801 – 1877)

Hon. John Ware, long prominent in the business history of Central Maine, was born in Carmel, Maine, in December, 1801, the son of Abel and Sybil Ware. He received his education in the common schools, and early in life engaged in business as a merchant and trader. The country store in those days was an important institution, and Mr. Ware made his place of business the largest and best equipped of any in the County.

After accumulating a large property he removed to Waterville and gave his attention to railroads and finance. He was president of the Androscoggin and Kennebec R. R., and president of the Peoples Bank and the founder and president of the Merchants’ Bank. Mr. Ware was united in marriage in January, 1841, to Miss Sarah M. Scott, daughter of Dr. Scott of Yarmouth. Their children are John, George H., Henry S., Frank, Sarah M., Ella M., and Edward. Mr. Ware was an attendant at the Unitarian church. He died in Waterville, October 8, 1877.

Madam Ware survived him for many years, respected and beloved for her kindly spirit and large generosity. The Ware Parlors are her monument, though she designed them not for a monument but for the good which they would do. Her activity in the Woman’s Association and her constant charity were the expression of a beautiful character.”

Source:  The Centennial History of Waterville, Kennebee County, Maine, by Edwin Carey Whitmore, Published by the Executive Committee of the Centennial Celebration, Waterville, 1902, page 540


John Ware (1801 – 1877) — 1 Comment

  1. I am Secretary of the Mt.Rest Cemetery Corporation in Athens Maine. We are looking for airs of John Ware. As in regards to the Ware family Tonb he built in 1876 .Before moving to Waterville Maine .When the family moved they took the dead with them and rebuired them in Waterville .Leaving the tomb to the cemetery.Without any paper work .

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