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Source: Who’s Who in America Methodism, by Carl Fowler Price, E. B. Treat and Co., New York, 1916, page 233
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Source: Who’s Who in America Methodism, by Carl Fowler Price, E. B. Treat and Co., New York, 1916, page 233
Hello, I am the husband of the Granddaughter of Clara Ware, who married Clarence Kriechbaum.
Antonius M deLange is my name and I am researching the Ware and Kriechbaum families for my granddaughter, a third year civil engineering student. My own family is well documented , thus Katherine (Katie) asked me to delve into her grandmothers ( my wife) lineage.
Clara’ s father was DR.William Reynold(s) Ware the Methodist minister from Western N Carolina.
I would like to know his parentage to help me continue my search. Also the number of sisters/brothers Clara had. Thank you,Anton