Samuel Miller Ware

“WARE, Samuel Miller, Omaha, Neb.— Born Richmond Ky.; Ill. Wsl. U., 1879, B.A. and M.A.; Omaha U., D.D., ’92; McC.T. S., Chicago, ’84; Ord. May 6, ’84, Pby. of St. Louis; P. Ferguson, Mo., ’84-’87; P. Clinton, Mo. ’87-’90; P. 2d Ch., Omaha, Neb., July 10, ’90–; Memb. Bd. of Trustees of U. of and its Ex. Com. and Sec. of both; Memb. Bd. of Trustees of Omaha T.S.”

Source:  The Presbyterian Ministerial Directory (Northern), Vol. 1, by Edgar Sutton Robinson,  The Ministerial Directory Co., Oxford, Ohio, 1898, page 526

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