Timothy Otis Paine (1824 – )

PAINE, TIMOTHY OTIS, son of Frederic and Abiel (Ware) Paine, was born in Winslow, Kennebec county, Maine, October 13, 1824.

Having availed himself of the common school training in his native town, he prepared for college in the Waterville Liberal Institute, 1840—’43. He entered Waterville College (now Colby University) in 1843, and was graduated in the class of 1847. From 1848 to ’52 he studied and worked as an artist, and then prepared for the ministry, which he entered in 1853, and in which he has continued up to the present time.

In 1866 he became professor of Hebrew in the theological school at Waltham, afterwards at Boston, and in 1889 at Cambridge ; and is now professor emeritus of the sacred languages. He has been pastor of the East Bridgewater society of the New Jerusalem church since 1856.

Mr. Paine was married in Medford, October 13, 1856, to Agnes, daughter of Adonis and Catherine (Holman) Howard. They have had eight children : Edith (Mrs. George Benedict), Howard, Miriam (deceased), Joseph (deceased), Isabel (Mrs. Henry Hastings Grant), Bertha, James (deceased), and Herbert Ware Paine.

Mr. Paine is a member and honorary member of several literary societies in England, Nova Scotia, and the United States. He received the degree of LL. D. from Colby in 1875. He is the author of ‘Solomon’s Temple’ (1861), and ‘The Holy Houses’ (1885, Houghton, Mifflin & Co.).”

Source:  One of a Thousand: A Series of Biographical Sketches of One Thousand Representative Men in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, by John C. Rand, First National Publishing Co., Boston, 1890, page 456

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