W.R. Ware


…On September 7, 1893, a joint meeting of the boards of trustees of the library and museum was held, at which the building committee of the two boards was authorized to advertise for plans. This advertisement was placed in the local papers and in the American Architect, and a pamphlet was issued containing the official notice to architects; the general instructions for the building; the specific requirements of the two institutions; and a plan of the site. Under the competition thus Inaugurated, 74 sets of plans were received by November 15, the date set for the close of the contest. The plans submitted were exhibited to public inspection for two weeks, and the matter attracted very general public interest. Final decision on the competing plans was placed by the board in the hands of Prof. W. R. Ware, of Columbia College. On December 8, Prof. Ware arrived in Milwaukee, and devoted three days to a careful study of the plans; this was supplemented by a more careful study of the better drawings, which were sent to New York for the purpose; and on January 4, 1894, his report was presented to the trustees. Of the plans, five were named by Prof. Ware as the best adapted for the purpose, and of these five those of Messrs. Ferry & Cías, of Milwaukee, were chosen by the board, by a vote of nine to six.”

Reference Data:

Library Journal, Vol. 20, by Bowker, Cutter and Library Association, 1895, page 87

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