”J. Frank Dutton. For sixteen consecutive years J. Frank Dutton has been adding to and building up the business of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company in the State of Kentucky. He sold his first insurance for that company and by successive promotions has become and for the past ten years has served as District Superintendent with headquarters at Frankfort.
Mr. Dutton was born in Lincoln County, Kentucky, April 13, 1883, and is of English ancestry. His greatgrandfather was a Virginian and a pioneer farmer in Pulaski County, Kentucky. His grandfather, John M. Dutton, was born in Kentucky in 1829 and spent most of his active life as a farmer near Somerset, where he died in 1861. Cyrus G. Dutton, father of J. Frank, was born August 25, 1859, in Pulaski County, where he was reared and married and where he carried on extensive farming operations, and subsequently after 1878 continued in Lincoln County. In 1900 he left the farm and has since lived in Lexington, and for twenty years has been employed as an expert in the city sewerage department. His Lexington address is 328 South Upper Street. He is a democrat and a very active member of the Baptist Church. His wife was Elizabeth Ware, who was born at Pulaski June 24, 1862. J. Frank is the oldest of their children. Minnie, who lives at 216 East Fourth Street, Lexington, is the widow of Gray Dunlap, a dentist; Ernest H. is a dairyman at Lexington; and Mary L. is the wife of M. Luther Hall, a farmer and merchant in Shelby County, Kentucky.
J. Frank Dutton received his early education chiefly in the rural schools of Lincoln County and attended high school at Junction City. He graduated in 1902 from Smith’s Business College, a branch of the Transylvania College, and after some experience as salesman in a Lexington store became a local agent at Lexington for the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company in 1904. His ability in this line brought him promotion to assistant district manager, a post he held until 1910, when this company transferred him to Frankfort as district superintendent, with supervision over twenty Metropolitan Life employes in Central Kentucky. His offices are on the third floor of the McClure Building. Mr. Dutton is one of the best known insurance men of the State.
He is a member of the Baptist Church at Frankfort and superintendent of the junior department of the Sunday School. He votes as a democrat and fraternally is affiliated with Hiram Lodge No. 4 A. F. and A. M., and Blackfoot Tribe No. 67 Improved Order of Red Men. His modern home is at 106. East Campbell Street. Like the majority of insurance men Mr. Dutton gave much of his time from business to the prosecution of various war causes, assisted at the various drives in Franklin County, and also in Saratoga County, New York, where he made many speeches.
In 1909 at Lexington he married Miss Corinne B. Bloom, daughter of Major and Margaret (Allen) Bloom. Her mother is still living in Lexington, where her father died. Her father served as a major in the Confederate Army and after the war was a business man for many years. Mrs. Dutton is a graduate of the Lexington High’School. They have one son, J. Frank, Jr., born May 27, 1916.”
Source: History of Kentucky, Vol. 4, by William Elsey Connelley and Ellis Merton Coulter, The American Historical Society, Chicago and New York, 1922, page 455