James A. Ware

”Mr. James A. Ware and Five-Flued Boilers.


A few days ago we saw at the landing of the Merchants’ and Planters’ Line three magnificent, boilers consigned to James A. Ware, Belle Grove plantation; three boilers, 56 inches diameter by 28 feet long with five fles in each, from the Joseph Mitchell Boiler Yard at Louisville. They were the outcome of a practical test made last year by Mr. Ware of three boilers, 52 inches diameter with five flues, which were built by the same establishment for his Evergreen plantation. After taking off the crop of 1888 Mr. Ware was so thoroughly satisfied with the superior qualities that these boilers possessed, they being rapid steam generators and economical with fuel, that he determined to put the same type of boiler on his Belle Grove plantation. On Mr. Walton’s late visit to the city Mr. Ware expressed his satisfaction with the boilers put in last year at Evergreen, and said he desired to have similar ones put in at Belle Grove.

Mr. Walton told him he had something better to offer now, and on showing him the design on these boilers, they being4 inches larger in diameter, and flues, so arranged as to cut up the body of water and distribute the heating surface so to make them rapid and economical generators of steam, Mr. Ware saw the point at once and immediately placed order with Mr. Walton for the boilers that went up the river last week. They were certainly beauties, and were built of the best quality Shoenberger celebrated steel. These boilers will rate above 90 horse power each, and are provided with all the late improvements, such as hangers, I beams, etc.; and we think Mr. Ware’s experience with this high type of boiler will be such as to revolutionize the ideas of many of our planters in the river parishes as to the most economical boiler for their use.

We shall watch with a good deal of interest for reports of the performance of these, as well as of a large number of other boilers of the same type, which the Joseph Mitchell Boiler Yard is sending to the sugar plantations this year. It looks very much as if the days of the old-fashioned two-fluedboilers were numbered, and that now we must come to a larger number of flues as Mr. Ware and Col. H. C. Minor have done, or adopt tubular boilers as Gov. Warmoth is doing. Mr. Walton has had such great success with these five flue boilers that he believes in them, but is also building some large tubular boilers for parties who prefer them. He will send plans, specifications and estimates at once on inquiry.”

Reference Data:

The Louisana Planter and Sugar Manufacturer, Vols. 2-3, by Louisiana Sugar Planters' Association, 1889, page 35

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