”F. M. Ware, superintendent of the ‘Big Four’ coal elevator, residing in Sekitan, Miami township, was born at Eaton, Preble Co., Ohio, April 2, 1848, and is the only surviving son of John M. and Susan (Graham) Ware. He was educated in the public schools of Preble county, and after leaving school resided with his uncle for some time. He then went into his father’s drugstore as a clerk, remaining until 1874, when he came to Cincinnati and entered the employ of the ‘Big Four” railroad, first as river foreman at the old elevator at North Bend, then as bookkeeper at the elevator at Addyston and was appointed to the position he now holds, superintendent, in 1891. Mr. Ware was married, in 1871, to Rhoda E., daughter of Stephan and Eliza (Parker) Merrill, and to this union was born one child, Wilbur D.. who died in August, 1878; Mrs. Ware died May 28, 1889. Mr. Ware married his second wife, Rebecca, daughter of Oliver Outcalt, in April, 1892; no family has been born to them. Our subject is a member of the Methodist Church of Sekitan and his wife is a member of the First Baptist Church of Cincinnati. Mr. Ware was the first clerk of Addyston, has been treasurer of Addyston special school district ever since its organization, and was elected mayor of Addyston in 1892, which position he fills creditably to himself and satisfactorily to the electors. Politically Mr. Ware is a Republican.”
Source: History of Cincinnati and Hamilton, by S.B. Nelson & Co., Publishers, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1894, pages 984-5