Agnes Ware (1886)


John Hancock Grange was formed July 2, 1874, by Hon. C. C. Shaw, of Milford, in response to a petition to the National Grange by thirty persons who became charter members.

The object of this organization is to help to develop a better manhood and womanhood among its members; to enhance the comfort and attractions of their homes, and strengthen their attachment to the pursuits of life in which they are engaged. It also seeks, by encouraging co-operation and a mutual exchanging of opinions on various subjects, to advance the interests of its members.

Its tendency is to break down all barriers between neighbors, and to perfect friendly and social relations. It advocates the cause of education among its members and their children. Especially does it advocate that, in our agricultural and industrial colleges, practical agriculture, domestic science, and the arts which adorn the home, have a prominent place in their curriculum. It inculcates a proper appreciation of the abilities and sphere of woman, as is indicated by admitting her to membership and a position in its government.

The first board of officers of this grange were: —

Z. W. Brooks, master. Orland Eaton, chaplain. Frances M. Ware, ceres.

Ebenezer Ware, overseer. Asa Simonds, treasurer. Jane P. Washburn, pomona.

L P. Eaton, lecturer. Edwin Ware, secretary. Ann L. Little, flora.

J. 8. Lakln, steward. Solon D. Hadey, gatekeeper. Agnes Ware, lady assistant steward.

P. B. Weston, ass’t steward.

The largest number of members at any one time was 83; number at the present time (Dec. 27, 1886), 64; total membership, 132; number of meetings held since the organization of the grange, 237.

The grange purchased in 1881 the building now known as the “Grange Building,” on which some improvements have been made since that time.

It held a fair in 1881, which was quite successful. In addition to the exhibition, which was creditable, the large number assembled listened to able addresses given by Hon. D. H. Goodell, of Antrim, and Hon. George A. Wason, of- New Boston, master of the New Hampshire state grange. This fair was a stepping stone to the town fair of 1886, and did much to awaken the farmers of the town and vicinity by showing what energy and enterprise can accomplish.

The following is a list of the masters of this grange: —

X. W. Brooks, 1874. A. B. Stone, 1877-1879. Geo. Goodhue, 1883-1884.

A. S. Wood, 1875. A. S. Wood, 1880-1881. Jacob G. Lakin, 1885-1836.

Joshua S. Lakin, 1876. A. B. Stone, 1882. Clarence H. Ware, 1887-1868.

Its present officers are:—

Jacob G. Lakin, master. Cbas. H. Dutton, chaplain. , pomona.

Clarence H. Ware, overseer. Milan E. Davis, treasurer. Nellie I. Stearns, flora.

Eugene M. Ware, lecturer. Geo. W. Goodhue, seoretary. Ella Goodhue, lady ass’t steward.

Henry A. Manning, steward. John H. Wood, gate-keeper.

Frank G.Davis,ass’t stew’d. Nellie Davis, ceres. A. S. Wood, chorister.”

Reference Data:

The History of Hancock, New Hampshire, 1764-1889, Vol. 1, by William Willis Hayward, 1889, pages 245-6

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